RCS file: /w3ccvs/WWW/2002/12/cal/fromIcal.py,v Working file: fromIcal.py head: 2.31 branch: locks: strict access list: symbolic names: keyword substitution: kv total revisions: 32; selected revisions: 32 description: ---------------------------- revision 2.31 date: 2006/04/11 20:29:00; author: connolly; state: Exp; lines: +103 -72 finished factoring out icslex stuff: unbreak, parseLine findComponents is now more straightforwardly recursive ---------------------------- revision 2.30 date: 2006/04/09 06:02:39; author: connolly; state: Exp; lines: +41 -95 changeset: 7:5f8c551b2de38fb115789dfe7cbca0288a978f61 tag: tip user: Dan Connolly date: Sun Apr 9 01:01:32 2006 -0500 files: icslex.py description: add bymonthday to recurlex changeset: 6:32c567b22753c64f71c8de298adb87bad91ef567 user: Dan Connolly date: Sun Apr 9 00:54:59 2006 -0500 files: icsxml.py description: use utf-8 to read files; kludge a couple more fields that the template assumes changeset: 5:12370cd5ad97cd5cea04e7ed4d5f6b55c0ac39ff user: Dan Connolly date: Sun Apr 9 00:54:13 2006 -0500 files: icslex.py description: make interval explict; use utf-8 to read files changeset: 4:0f319182ea4d6ee8a8b7f2ef042683323b75658d user: Dan Connolly date: Sun Apr 9 00:37:07 2006 -0500 files: icsxml.py description: works in one case, with a couple kludges changeset: 3:3e542292c8040d0dab310748ef07ffbce0a15b4a user: Dan Connolly date: Sun Apr 9 00:36:43 2006 -0500 files: icslex.py description: date, recur lex details changeset: 2:c2881393d0156b9263d760e98953ece6ba7591a6 user: Dan Connolly date: Sun Apr 9 00:01:33 2006 -0500 files: icslex.py description: - parsing collections of properties as a dict/JSON object works - names are downcased by default - formatted docs per rst/epydoc changeset: 1:ecc1ad118fc61abb55e9634d15921483134f3328 user: Dan Connolly date: Sat Apr 8 22:06:28 2006 -0500 files: icslex.py description: unbreak works changeset: 0:ec6eb270779b1ae046b9dd04be92034375392722 user: Dan Connolly date: Sat Apr 8 21:50:45 2006 -0500 files: icslex.py description: parseLine tests pass ---------------------------- revision 2.29 date: 2005/11/09 23:10:48; author: connolly; state: Exp; lines: +30 -9 - changed the way duration values are modelled The iCalendar DURATION value type is actually more than just a XMLSchema.duration; it also has a RELATED parameter. So for TRIGGER;VALUE=DURATION;RELATED=START:-PT15M we'll write { ?E cal:trigger [ rdf:value "-PT15M"^^xsdt:duration; cal:related "START"] } - fixed test data to have rdf:datatype on integer values, to match the schema (which matches the RFC) - fixed schema to show DATE-TIME properties (dtstart, ...) as DatatypeProperties (there are little/no tests for PERIOD; beware) - scraped more details about property parameters (e.g. partstat, cn, cutype, ...) and rrule parts (freq, interval, ...) from the RFC so that they show up as links in the hypertext version and as RDF properties in the schema. likewise timezone components (standard, daylight) - side effect: added some whitespace in rfc2445.html - demoted x- properties - removed x- properties from .rdf versions of test data this allows the round-trip tests to pass - fromIcal.py doesn't output them unless you give the --x option - added Makefile support for consistency checking with pellet - demoted blank line diagnostic in fromIcal.py to a comment - silenced some left-over debug diagnostics in slurpIcalSpec.py - fixed test/test-created.rdf; added it to fromIcalTest.py list ---------------------------- revision 2.28 date: 2005/09/08 00:43:49; author: connolly; state: Exp; lines: +10 -2 avoid double hashes in ID ---------------------------- revision 2.27 date: 2005/04/22 14:16:56; author: connolly; state: Exp; lines: +15 -6 fix problems found when converting all the timezone files in evolution-data-server_1.0.4-1_i386.deb: - handle RDATE - handle multiple OlsonPfxs ---------------------------- revision 2.26 date: 2005/04/04 21:17:14; author: connolly; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 fix initialization of iCalendar namespace ---------------------------- revision 2.25 date: 2005/03/30 15:35:21; author: connolly; state: Exp; lines: +31 -2 new namespace for timezones-as-datatypes design: icaltzd ---------------------------- revision 2.24 date: 2005/02/26 03:20:47; author: connolly; state: Exp; lines: +63 -64 fromIcal.py - revert the uid: trick; back to uids as fragids - timezones as datatypes in dates, dateTimes - Valarm supported in Vtodo as well as Vevent (@@need test smaller than MozMulipleVcalendars.ics) - re-indented Vtodo decls while I was at it - case-fold END:xyz fromIcalTest.py - base in http space - new tag-bug case test/*.rdf - base in http space - timezones as datatypes test/cal-regression.n3 - moved tests that don't use X- first - got rid of initRDF test/cal-retest.py - replace ical2rdf.pl with fromIcal.py - base in http space test/cal-spec-examples.n3 new test/graphCompare.n3 oops; extra debug crud ---------------------------- revision 2.23 date: 2005/02/10 21:39:00; author: timbl; state: Exp; lines: +30 -7 COUNT, LANGUAGE, X-UID, QUOTED-PRINTABLE under DanC's supervision ---------------------------- revision 2.22 date: 2005/02/02 21:54:45; author: timbl; state: Exp; lines: +4 -2 added --noalarm option - kindofa hack - take 2 ---------------------------- revision 2.21 date: 2005/02/02 21:51:46; author: timbl; state: Exp; lines: +21 -15 added --noalarm option - kindofa hack ---------------------------- revision 2.20 date: 2005/02/02 21:39:20; author: timbl; state: Exp; lines: +20 -16 sync ---------------------------- revision 2.19 date: 2005/02/01 15:29:43; author: timbl; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 hack to CREATED to add default type DATE-TIME. ---------------------------- revision 2.18 date: 2005/02/01 15:26:53; author: timbl; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 pre hack to CREATED default type. ---------------------------- revision 2.17 date: 2005/01/28 04:07:49; author: timbl; state: Exp; lines: +35 -14 Event URIs now absolute. Added --noprotocol and --help options ---------------------------- revision 2.16 date: 2004/09/30 14:16:01; author: connolly; state: Exp; lines: +21 -9 parseLine was buggy in the case of ; in values ---------------------------- revision 2.15 date: 2004/04/14 21:31:26; author: connolly; state: Exp; lines: +21 -4 added --base support so we can test with fragids ---------------------------- revision 2.14 date: 2004/04/14 21:12:13; author: connolly; state: Exp; lines: +105 -29 - revamped doDateTime: use datatypes for dateTime values - added __getattr__ to Namespace class - make well-known tzids into URIs in 2002/12/cal space - make UID into fragid - make local tzid into fragid ---------------------------- revision 2.13 date: 2004/04/08 14:09:11; author: connolly; state: Exp; lines: +5 -2 priority on VEVENT fixed ---------------------------- revision 2.12 date: 2004/04/07 18:27:17; author: connolly; state: Exp; lines: +10 -3 use real datatypes for list of floats, i.e. geo ---------------------------- revision 2.11 date: 2004/04/07 18:10:22; author: connolly; state: Exp; lines: +41 -2 convert list of float, as in GEO ---------------------------- revision 2.10 date: 2004/03/25 04:00:59; author: connolly; state: Exp; lines: +9 -2 allow recurrenceId wherever rrule can go handle WKST in recur values ---------------------------- revision 2.9 date: 2004/03/25 03:45:09; author: connolly; state: Exp; lines: +3 -0 handle UNTIL in rrule added EXDATE to compDecls wherever RRULE occurs ---------------------------- revision 2.8 date: 2004/03/25 03:43:48; author: connolly; state: Exp; lines: +9 -1 handle exdate ala rrule ---------------------------- revision 2.7 date: 2004/03/23 14:59:28; author: connolly; state: Exp; lines: +10 -3 allow missing PRODID ---------------------------- revision 2.6 date: 2004/03/10 21:59:31; author: connolly; state: Exp; lines: +11 -2 calendar schema is now generated from the RFC ---------------------------- revision 2.5 date: 2004/02/29 14:52:11; author: connolly; state: Exp; lines: +49 -10 todo support in fromIcal; value type label in schema ---------------------------- revision 2.4 date: 2004/02/12 07:17:05; author: connolly; state: Exp; lines: +23 -6 - handle URI value type - a few more default value type declarations ---------------------------- revision 2.3 date: 2004/02/12 06:30:48; author: connolly; state: Exp; lines: +54 -11 - doText unescapes text values per rfc2445#sec4.3.11 - LAST-MODIFIED applies to VEVENT (fixed typo in RFC) - default type added for COMMENT - disabled UID->fragid conversion cuz it interferes with graph comparison - handle DIR parameter on CAL-ADDRESS value type ---------------------------- revision 2.2 date: 2004/02/11 22:04:10; author: connolly; state: Exp; lines: +49 -21 slightly nicer XML writer ---------------------------- revision 2.1 date: 2004/02/11 16:40:23; author: connolly; state: Exp; lines: +7 -4 finish renaming icalWebize.py to fromIcal.py ---------------------------- revision 2.0 date: 2004/02/11 16:37:48; author: connolly; state: Exp; copied from icalWebize.py =============================================================================