www-ql@w3.org Mail Archives

This is the public mailing list on query languages, including (but not limited to) discussion on the XML-Query project. This list originated from the QL'98 w3c-ql@w3.org mailing list, and has now become a public forum. Only subscribed users can post to this list.
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period re-sorted messages
July to September 2017by threadby authorby subject1
April to June 2015by threadby authorby subject4
July to September 2014by threadby authorby subject5
July to September 2013by threadby authorby subject1
January to March 2013by threadby authorby subject1
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April to June 2010by threadby authorby subject1
January to March 2010by threadby authorby subject8
October to December 2009by threadby authorby subject3
July to September 2009by threadby authorby subject2
April to June 2009by threadby authorby subject1
January to March 2009by threadby authorby subject1
October to December 2008by threadby authorby subject1
October to December 2007by threadby authorby subject4
July to September 2007by threadby authorby subject13
April to June 2007by threadby authorby subject7
January to March 2007by threadby authorby subject4
October to December 2006by threadby authorby subject4
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April to June 2006by threadby authorby subject8
January to March 2006by threadby authorby subject53
October to December 2005by threadby authorby subject25
July to September 2005by threadby authorby subject30
April to June 2005by threadby authorby subject69
January to March 2005by threadby authorby subject24
October to December 2004by threadby authorby subject25
July to September 2004by threadby authorby subject52
April to June 2004by threadby authorby subject85
January to March 2004by threadby authorby subject77
October to December 2003by threadby authorby subject113
July to September 2003by threadby authorby subject80
April to June 2003by threadby authorby subject37
January to March 2003by threadby authorby subject58
October to December 2002by threadby authorby subject21
July to September 2002by threadby authorby subject30
April to June 2002by threadby authorby subject44
January to March 2002by threadby authorby subject103
October to December 2001by threadby authorby subject42
July to September 2001by threadby authorby subject35
April to June 2001by threadby authorby subject57
January to March 2001by threadby authorby subject67
October to December 2000by threadby authorby subject4
July to September 2000by threadby authorby subject14
April to June 2000by threadby authorby subject2
January to March 2000by threadby authorby subject1
July to September 1999by threadby authorby subject2
April to June 1999by threadby authorby subject1