QAWG/IG face-to-face meeting, Mandelieu, France, 1-2 March 2004

The QA Working Group (and chairs of the Interesting Group) meet in person every 3 or 4 months in a "face-to-face meeting". This time the meeting is held in conjunction with the 2004 W3C Technical Plenary and WG Meeting Week, in Mandelieu, France, week of 1-5 March 2004.

See the list of registrants for the meeting, and the QA Calendar for links to minutes of other QAWG/IG face-to-face meetings.

Venue and logistics

Meeting Dates
March 1-2, 2004
Location & Accomodation
The location and accommodation are as for 2004 W3C Technical Plenary and WG Meeting Week, Mandelieu, France.

Agenda (draft/outline)

(Note. Detail and references will added to this agenda right up until the f2f meeting. Latest revision: 20040301)

(** Note. Because of the shortness of the meeting, it is unlikely that there will be time for much detailed TestGL issues work.)


[1] All are inline above for now.

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Created Date: 2004-02-02 by Lofton Henderson
Last modified $Date: 2004/03/02 08:43:13 $ by $Author lhender $

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