The three main issues big-three problems are:
IPR issues
staff resources
quality of the test
candidate materials
The IPR and staff issues are similar in concept to what the Working Group faces when building if builds build the test materials TM, but probably lesser in degree. A pre-transfer quality assessment might seem unique to the acquire option, but the actual steps will probably look similar to a test case contribution/review process in a build-your-own scenario (see QA Framework: Test Guidelines [QAF-TEST]).
Good Practice: Do a quality assessment of proposed candidate test materials before going any further.
Basic things that a good quality assessment might cover would for example include:
- clarity of scope,
- traceability,
- atomicity,
- user documentation
, etc.
A more comprehensive list of things that an assessment process could cover might include:
- correctness,
- traceability,
- atomicity,
- user documentation,
- maintainer documentation,
- declaration of scope,
- completeness (vis à
a' vis declared scope),
- harnesses or interfaces for application of the test materials
- reconfigurability,
- results assessment,
- results recording & reporting,
- automation features,
- versioning/errata support,
- declaration of publication licenses,
- integrated submission procedures
, etc.
QA Framework: Test Guidelines [QAF-TEST] deals with this topic in much more details detail, including (planned) templates and assessment aids.
Good Practice: Ensure there are sufficient (enough?) adequate staff resources to support the transferred test materials.
A Test Materials ( test materials TM) manager is still needed, but total staff resources ought to be considerably less than build-your-own scenarios. With luck, the original test materials TM manager of the external test materials TM source might become a WG member after the test materials are transferred.
Good Practice: Sort out IPR issues with the external party that produced the test materials.
How can I do it?
This is a virtualization of an actual transfer scenario that QA helped to moderate. It could serve as a checklist of steps to consider for Working Group's taking the acquire route.
Legend: EG the external group or entity; QAWG the QA Working Group; test materials TM the test materials; WG the Working Group acquiring the test materials.
Before the transfer, WG with the help of QAWG:
performs an assessment of the quality of candidate test materials
TM (by WG, QAWG)
identifies and commits to a set of test-related deliverables from the candidate test materials
TM. These could be: releases, appeal/challenge processes, maintenance plan, submission/review process, Web site, mail list, etc. (by WG)
identifies sufficient staffing, including at least a test materials
TM manager. Recommendation: recruit the test materials TM manager from the EG (if one exists) to become a WG member after the transfer. (by WG)
makes the decision to seek/accept the transfer. (by WG)
(potentially) initiates Charter amendment (by WG, QAWG may consult), if the test materials
TM acquisition doesn't fit within the current Charter.
During the transfer:
EG and W3C reach agreement to transfer the test materials
TM (by WG, QAWG, EG)
WG and EG perform the actual transfer of the test materials
TM, WG creates an initial repository (by WG, EG)
After transfer, initial test development/framework process setup:
WG appoints a test materials
TM manager.
The test materials
TM manager creates a QA Process Document for WG (by WG, test materials TM manager, QAWG may consult)
set up the test materials
TM home page, a test materials TM issues mailing list (by WG, test materials TM manager)
determine the appropriate W3C IPR license (by WG, QAWG)
First W3C public release of the new test materials
make any needed enhancements prior to the first public release: fix known/reported errors, produce documentation (by WG), W3C license labelling, etc.
announce the first public release of test materials
TM (by test materials TM moderator, Communications Group)
joint W3C/EG press release (by WG, QAWG, Communications Group, EG)
After the first public release, the test materials
TM enter the maintenance phase (see QA Framework: Test Guidelines [QAF-TEST].