Integrate Quality Assurance into Working Group activities.
In the Charter, specify the level of commitment to QA. Plan to have at least a commitment to "QA level three".
In the Charter, plan at least for the "QA level five".
In the Charter, plan for the "QA level seven".
In the Charter, enumerate QA deliverables and expected milestones.
In the Charter, associate QA criteria with WG milestones.
Define resources for Working Group QA activities.
In the Charter, address where and how conformance test materials will be produced.
In the Charter, address QA staffing commitments.
In the Call for Participation, request allocation of QA resources to the Working Group.
Synchronize QA activities with the milestones for WG deliverables.
Synchronize the publication of QA deliverables and the specification's drafts.
Support specification versioning/errata in the QA deliverables.
Produce the QA Process document.
In the QA Process document, define means for QA-related communication.
In the QA Process document, specify the framework for test materials development.
Specify a policy for branding materials.
QA Process: Plan test materials development.
In the test framework, ensure test materials are documented and usable for the intended purpose.
In the QA Process document, define a contribution process.
In the QA Process document, define the licenses applicable to submitted test materials.
In QA Process document, define review procedures for submitted test materials.
QA Process: Plan test materials publication.
Ensure a secure, reliable, freely accessible repository location for test materials.
In the QA Process document, define the licenses applicable to published test materials.
Provide a disclaimer regarding the use of the test materials for compliance verification.
In the QA Process document, describe how the test results for the products can be published.
Plan the transfer of test materials to W3C if needed.
If transfer of the test materials to W3C is planned, perform an assessment of their quality.