Welcome to the microsoft.com Profile Center " + "" + "" + "
"; // Intialize global variables ToolbarBGColor = "white"; // toolbar background color MSFont = "xx-small Verdana"; ICPFont = "bold xx-small Verdana"; aDefMSColor[0] = aCurMSColor[0] = "black"; // bgcolor; aDefMSColor[1] = aCurMSColor[1] = "white"; // text font color aDefMSColor[2] = aCurMSColor[2] = "red"; // mouseover font color aDefICPColor[0] = aCurICPColor[0] = "#6699CC"; // bgcolor; aDefICPColor[1] = aCurICPColor[1] = "white"; // text font color aDefICPColor[2] = aCurICPColor[2] = "red"; // mouseover font color } // The hard-coded numbers in functions - drawToolbar() & resizeToolbar() // correspond to the dimension of the four gif files: // ICP_BANNER: 60h x 250w // ADS_BANNER: 40h x 200w // MSC_BANNER: 40h x 112w // Curve: 20h x 18w function drawToolbar() { HTMLStr += "
"; document.write(HTMLStr); ToolbarLoaded = true; MSMenuWidth = Math.max(idMSMenuPane.offsetWidth, (200+112)); ToolbarMinWidth = (250+18) + MSMenuWidth; idToolbar.style.backgroundColor = ToolbarBGColor; idMSMenuPane.style.backgroundColor = aDefMSColor[0]; idICPMenuPane.style.backgroundColor = aDefICPColor[0]; idMSMenuPane.style.color = aDefMSColor[1]; idICPMenuPane.style.color = aDefICPColor[1]; resizeToolbar(); for (i = 0; i < TotalMenu; i++) { thisMenu = document.all(arrMenuInfo[i].IDStr); if (thisMenu != null) { if (arrMenuInfo[i].IDStr == LastMSMenu && arrMenuInfo[i].type == "R") { //Last MSMenu has to be absolute width arrMenuInfo[i].type = "A"; arrMenuInfo[i].unit = 200; } if (arrMenuInfo[i].type == "A") thisMenu.style.width = arrMenuInfo[i].unit; else thisMenu.style.width = Math.round(arrMenuInfo[i].width * arrMenuInfo[i].unit) + 'em'; } } } function resizeToolbar() { if (ToolBar_Supported == false) return; w = Math.max(ToolbarMinWidth, document.body.clientWidth) - ToolbarMinWidth; idMSMenuCurve.style.left = (250+w); idMSMenuPane.style.left = (250+w+18); idMSMenuPane.style.width = MSMenuWidth; idADSBanner.style.left = (w+18); idMSCBanner.style.left = (w+18+200); idMSCBanner.style.width = (MSMenuWidth - 200); idICPMenuPane.style.width = ToolbarMinWidth + w; } function setToolbarBGColor(color) { ToolbarBGColor = color; if (ToolbarLoaded == true) idToolbar.style.backgroundColor = ToolbarBGColor; } function setMSMenuFont(sFont) { MSFont = sFont; } function setICPMenuFont(sFont) { ICPFont = sFont; } function setDefaultMSMenuColor(bgColor, fontColor, mouseoverColor) { if (bgColor != "") aDefMSColor[0] = bgColor; if (fontColor != "") aDefMSColor[1] = fontColor; if (mouseoverColor != "") aDefMSColor[2] = mouseoverColor; } function setDefaultICPMenuColor(bgColor, fontColor, mouseoverColor) { if (bgColor != "") aDefICPColor[0] = bgColor; if (fontColor != "") aDefICPColor[1] = fontColor; if (mouseoverColor != "") aDefICPColor[2] = mouseoverColor; } function setICPMenuColor(MenuIDStr, bgColor, fontColor, mouseoverColor) { if (ToolbarLoaded == false) return; // Reset previous ICP Menu color if any if (CurICPMenu != "") { PrevID = CurICPMenu.substring(4); CurICPMenu = ""; setICPMenuColor(PrevID, aDefICPColor[0], aDefICPColor[1], aDefICPColor[2]); } var id = "AM_" + "ICP_" + MenuIDStr; var thisMenu = document.all(id); if (thisMenu != null) { CurICPMenu = "ICP_" + MenuIDStr; aCurICPColor[0] = bgColor; aCurICPColor[1] = fontColor; aCurICPColor[2] = mouseoverColor; // Change menu color if (bgColor != "") thisMenu.style.backgroundColor = bgColor; if (fontColor != "") thisMenu.children(0).style.color = fontColor; // Change subMenu color id = "ICP_" + MenuIDStr; thisMenu = document.all(id); if (thisMenu != null) { if (bgColor != "") thisMenu.style.backgroundColor = bgColor; if (fontColor != "") { i = 0; id = "AS_" + "ICP_" + MenuIDStr; thisMenu = document.all.item(id,i); while (thisMenu != null) { thisMenu.style.color = fontColor; i += 1; thisMenu = document.all.item(id,i); } } } } } function setAds(Gif,Url,AltStr) { setBanner(Gif,Url,AltStr,"",""); } function setICPBanner(Gif,Url,AltStr) { setBanner(Gif,Url,AltStr,"",""); } function setMSBanner(Gif,Url,AltStr) { tempGif = "/library/toolbar/images/" + Gif; setBanner(tempGif,Url,AltStr,"",""); } function setBanner(BanGif, BanUrl, BanAltStr, BanBegTag, BanEndTag) { begPos = HTMLStr.indexOf(BanBegTag); endPos = HTMLStr.indexOf(BanEndTag) + BanEndTag.length; SubStr = HTMLStr.substring(begPos, endPos); SrcStr = ""; if (BanUrl != "") SrcStr += ""; SrcStr += " "; if (BanUrl != "") SrcStr += ""; SrcStr = BanBegTag + SrcStr + BanEndTag; HTMLStr = HTMLStr.replace(SubStr, SrcStr); } function setICPSubMenuWidth(MenuIDStr, WidthType, WidthUnit) { tempID = "ICP_" + MenuIDStr; setSubMenuWidth(tempID, WidthType, WidthUnit); } function setMSSubMenuWidth(MenuIDStr, WidthType, WidthUnit) { tempID = "MS_" + MenuIDStr; setSubMenuWidth(tempID, WidthType, WidthUnit); } function setSubMenuWidth(MenuIDStr, WidthType, WidthUnit) { var fFound = false; if (TotalMenu == MaxMenu) { alert("Unable to process menu. Maximum of " + MaxMenu + " reached."); return; } for (i = 0; i < TotalMenu; i++) if (arrMenuInfo[i].IDStr == MenuIDStr) { fFound = true; break; } if (!fFound) { arrMenuInfo[i] = new menuInfo(MenuIDStr); TotalMenu += 1; } if (!fFound && WidthType.toUpperCase().indexOf("DEFAULT") != -1) { arrMenuInfo[i].type = "A"; arrMenuInfo[i].unit = 160; } else { arrMenuInfo[i].type = (WidthType.toUpperCase().indexOf("ABSOLUTE") != -1)? "A" : "R"; arrMenuInfo[i].unit = WidthUnit; } } // This function creates a menuInfo object instance. function menuInfo(MenuIDStr) { this.IDStr = MenuIDStr; this.type = ""; this.unit = 0; this.width = 0; this.count = 0; } function updateSubMenuWidth(MenuIDStr) { for (i = 0; i < TotalMenu; i++) if (arrMenuInfo[i].IDStr == MenuIDStr) { if (arrMenuInfo[i].width < MenuIDStr.length) arrMenuInfo[i].width = MenuIDStr.length; arrMenuInfo[i].count = arrMenuInfo[i].count + 1; break; } } function addICPMenu(MenuIDStr, MenuDisplayStr, MenuHelpStr, MenuURLStr) { if (LastICPMenu == "") HTMLStr = HTMLStr.replace("", TBLStr); if (addICPMenu.arguments.length > 4) TargetStr = addICPMenu.arguments[4]; else TargetStr = "_top"; tempID = "ICP_" + MenuIDStr; addMenu(tempID, MenuDisplayStr, MenuHelpStr, MenuURLStr, TargetStr, true); LastICPMenu = tempID; } function addMSMenu(MenuIDStr, MenuDisplayStr, MenuHelpStr, MenuURLStr) { TargetStr = "_top"; tempID = "MS_" + MenuIDStr; addMenu(tempID, MenuDisplayStr, MenuHelpStr, MenuURLStr, TargetStr, false); LastMSMenu = tempID; } function addMenu(MenuIDStr, MenuDisplayStr, MenuHelpStr, MenuURLStr, TargetStr, bICPMenu) { cFont = bICPMenu? ICPFont : MSFont; cColor0 = bICPMenu? aDefICPColor[0] : aDefMSColor[0]; cColor1 = bICPMenu? aDefICPColor[1] : aDefMSColor[1]; cColor2 = bICPMenu? aDefICPColor[2] : aDefMSColor[2]; cStyle = "font:" + cFont + ";background-color:" + cColor0 + ";color:" + cColor1 + ";"; tagStr = bICPMenu? "" : ""; if (MenuHelpStr == "") MenuHelpStr = MenuDisplayStr; MenuStr = newLineChar; if (bICPMenu) MenuStr += ""; else { MenuStr += ""; if (LastMSMenu != "") MenuStr += "|"; MenuStr += " "; } MenuStr += "" + " " + MenuDisplayStr + " "; if (bICPMenu) MenuStr += " |"; else MenuStr += ""; MenuStr += tagStr; HTMLStr = HTMLStr.replace(tagStr, MenuStr); setSubMenuWidth(MenuIDStr,"default",0); } function addICPSubMenu(MenuIDStr, SubMenuStr, SubMenuURLStr) { if (addICPSubMenu.arguments.length > 3) TargetStr = addICPSubMenu.arguments[3]; else TargetStr = "_top"; tempID = "ICP_" + MenuIDStr; addSubMenu(tempID,SubMenuStr,SubMenuURLStr,TargetStr,true); } function addMSSubMenu(MenuIDStr, SubMenuStr, SubMenuURLStr) { TargetStr = "_top"; tempID = "MS_" + MenuIDStr; addSubMenu(tempID,SubMenuStr,SubMenuURLStr,TargetStr,false); } function addSubMenu(MenuIDStr, SubMenuStr, SubMenuURLStr, TargetStr, bICPMenu) { cFont = bICPMenu? ICPFont : MSFont; cColor0 = bICPMenu? aDefICPColor[0] : aDefMSColor[0]; cColor1 = bICPMenu? aDefICPColor[1] : aDefMSColor[1]; cColor2 = bICPMenu? aDefICPColor[2] : aDefMSColor[2]; var MenuPos = MenuIDStr.toUpperCase().indexOf("MENU"); if (MenuPos == -1) { MenuPos = MenuIDStr.length; } InstrumentStr = MenuIDStr.substring(0 , MenuPos) + "|" + SubMenuStr;; URLStr = formatURL(SubMenuURLStr, InstrumentStr); var LookUpTag = ""; var sPos = HTMLStr.indexOf(LookUpTag); if (sPos <= 0) { HTMLStr += newLineChar + newLineChar + ""; else HTMLStr = HTMLStr.replace(LookUpTag, TempStr); updateSubMenuWidth(MenuIDStr); } function addICPSubMenuLine(MenuIDStr) { tempID = "ICP_" + MenuIDStr; addSubMenuLine(tempID,true); } function addMSSubMenuLine(MenuIDStr) { tempID = "MS_" + MenuIDStr; addSubMenuLine(tempID,false); } function addSubMenuLine(MenuIDStr, bICPMenu) { var LookUpTag = ""; var sPos = HTMLStr.indexOf(LookUpTag); if (sPos > 0) { cColor = bICPMenu? aDefICPColor[1] : aDefMSColor[1]; TempStr = newLineChar + "
" + LookUpTag; HTMLStr = HTMLStr.replace(LookUpTag, TempStr); } } function mouseMenu(id, MenuIDStr) { IsMSMenu = (MenuIDStr.toUpperCase().indexOf("MS_") != -1); IsMouseout = (id.toUpperCase().indexOf("OUT") != -1); if (IsMouseout) { color = IsMSMenu? aDefMSColor[1] : aDefICPColor[1]; if (MenuIDStr == CurICPMenu && aCurICPColor[1] != "") color = aCurICPColor[1]; } else { color = IsMSMenu? aDefMSColor[2] : aDefICPColor[2]; if (MenuIDStr == CurICPMenu && aCurICPColor[2] != "") color = aCurICPColor[2]; } window.event.srcElement.style.color = color; } function doMenu(MenuIDStr) { var thisMenu = document.all(MenuIDStr); if (ToolbarMenu == null || thisMenu == null || thisMenu == ToolbarMenu) { window.event.cancelBubble = true; return false; } // Reset dropdown menu window.event.cancelBubble = true; ToolbarMenu.style.display = "none"; showElement("SELECT"); showElement("OBJECT"); showElement("IFRAME"); ToolbarMenu = thisMenu; IsMSMenu = (MenuIDStr.toUpperCase().indexOf("MS_") != -1); // Set dropdown menu display position x = window.event.srcElement.offsetLeft + window.event.srcElement.offsetParent.offsetLeft; if (MenuIDStr == LastMSMenu) x += (window.event.srcElement.offsetWidth - thisMenu.style.posWidth); y = (IsMSMenu)? (idRow1.offsetHeight) : (idRow1.offsetHeight + idRow2.offsetHeight + idRow3.offsetHeight); // Get main menu width x2 = x + (MenuIDStr == LastMSMenu? thisMenu.style.posWidth : window.event.srcElement.offsetWidth); // Get dropdown menu width x3 = x + 160; for (i = 0; i < TotalMenu; i++) if (arrMenuInfo[i].IDStr == MenuIDStr) { x3 = x+ arrMenuInfo[i].unit; break; } thisMenu.style.top = y; thisMenu.style.left = x; thisMenu.style.clip = "rect(0 0 0 0)"; thisMenu.style.display = "block"; // delay 2 millsecond to allow the value of ToolbarMenu.offsetHeight be set window.setTimeout("showMenu()", 2); return true; } function showMenu() { if (ToolbarMenu != null) { IsMenuDropDown = (Frame_Supported && IsMSMenu == false)? false : true; if (IsMenuDropDown == false) { y = (y - ToolbarMenu.offsetHeight - idRow3.offsetHeight); if (y < 0) y = 0; ToolbarMenu.style.top = y; } // Get dropdown menu height y2 = y + ToolbarMenu.offsetHeight; ToolbarMenu.style.clip = "rect(auto auto auto auto)"; hideElement("SELECT"); hideElement("OBJECT"); hideElement("IFRAME"); } } function hideMenu() { if (ToolbarMenu != null && ToolbarMenu != StartMenu) { var cX = event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft; var cY = event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop; var bHideMenu = true; if (IsMenuDropDown == true) { if (cY >= (y - idRow3.offsetHeight+10) && cY < y) { if (cX >= (x+5) && cX <= x2) bHideMenu = false; } else if (cY >= y && cY <= y2) { if (cX > (x+5) && cX <= x3) bHideMenu = false; } } else { if (cY >= y2 && cY < (y2 + idRow3.offsetHeight)) { if (cX >= (x+5) && cX <= x2) bHideMenu = false; } else if (cY >= y && cY <= y2) { if (cX > (x+5) && cX <= x3) bHideMenu = false; } } if (! bHideMenu) { window.event.cancelBubble = true; return; } ToolbarMenu.style.display = "none"; ToolbarMenu = StartMenu; window.event.cancelBubble = true; showElement("SELECT"); showElement("OBJECT"); showElement("IFRAME"); } } function hideElement(elmID) { for (i = 0; i < document.all.tags(elmID).length; i++) { obj = document.all.tags(elmID)[i]; if (! obj || ! obj.offsetParent) continue; // Find the element's offsetTop and offsetLeft relative to the BODY tag. objLeft = obj.offsetLeft; objTop = obj.offsetTop; objParent = obj.offsetParent; while (objParent.tagName.toUpperCase() != "BODY") { objLeft += objParent.offsetLeft; objTop += objParent.offsetTop; objParent = objParent.offsetParent; } // Adjust the element's offsetTop relative to the dropdown menu objTop = objTop - y; if (x > (objLeft + obj.offsetWidth) || objLeft > (x + ToolbarMenu.offsetWidth)) ; else if (objTop > ToolbarMenu.offsetHeight) ; else if (IsMSMenu && (y + ToolbarMenu.offsetHeight) <= 80) ; else obj.style.visibility = "hidden"; } } function showElement(elmID) { for (i = 0; i < document.all.tags(elmID).length; i++) { obj = document.all.tags(elmID)[i]; if (! obj || ! obj.offsetParent) continue; obj.style.visibility = ""; } } function formatURL(URLStr, InstrumentStr) { var tempStr = URLStr; if (DoInstrumentation && URLStr != "" ) { var ParamPos1 = URLStr.indexOf("?"); var ParamPos2 = URLStr.lastIndexOf("?"); var ParamPos3 = URLStr.toLowerCase().indexOf("target="); var ParamPos4 = URLStr.indexOf("#"); var Bookmark = ""; var URL = URLStr; if (ParamPos4 >= 0) { URL = URLStr.substr(0, ParamPos4); Bookmark = URLStr.substr(ParamPos4); } if (ParamPos1 == -1) tempStr = "?MSCOMTB="; else if (ParamPos1 == ParamPos2 && ParamPos3 == -1) tempStr = "&MSCOMTB="; else if (ParamPos1 == ParamPos2 && ParamPos3 != -1) tempStr = "?MSCOMTB="; else if (ParamPos1 < ParamPos2) tempStr = "&MSCOMTB="; tempStr = URL + tempStr + InstrumentStr.replace(" ","%20") + Bookmark; } return tempStr; } // -->
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