Singapore's quest for what's new
As I see it, Singapore is a country closely associated with what is new, and Singaporeans have a thirst for new-ness in almost everything. Perhaps they are just a nation that is ever seeking something new. Not that I read "new-ness" into the country's name, wildly inferring it from the Chinese word for "Singapore", but the new-ness is felt everywhere. (13/07/1999)
新加坡的强烈求“新”欲 在我眼中,新加坡是个与“新”分不开的国家,新加坡人也几乎事事求新。也许,“新加坡族”就是一个求新的“新族”吧。新加坡的“新”是显而易见的。倒不是望文生义,说新加坡是“新加的一个坡”。去历史博物馆看看,由于历史短,博物馆未免显得有些空落:一盒万金油也被当作文物,五百年前有石头就算了不起的“遗迹”了。比起中国那样有五千年文明史的国家,新加坡的确很“新”。(13/07/1999)
Differences between Asian and American values
Many countries became concerned with the US-led Nato's recent declaration that human rights are more important than national sovereignty. What are the differences between Eastern and Western societies in human rights and other values? On June 28, Prof Tommy Koh spoke on "Differences inAsian and American values". The following is the second part of his paper.(03/07/1999)
亚洲人与美国人价值观的差别 以美国为首的北约最近提出“人权高于主权”的主张。东西方社会在人权和其他价值观方面有何差别呢?许通美教授于本星期一在北京举行的一个会议上,以《亚洲与美国价值观之间的不同》为题,发表他的看法。以下是他讲演的要点。(03/07/1999)
Why does the West react so negatively to Asian values?
Professor Tommy Koh is the Executive Director of Asia-Europe Foundation. He presented a paperat the Second Informal ASEM Seminar on Human Rights held in Beijing yesterday. The following are excerpts from his paper entitled, "Differences in Asian and European values".(29/06/1999)
西方何以排斥亚洲价值观? 亚欧基金总干事许通美教授于昨日在北京举行的第二届亚欧基金非正式人权研讨会上,以《亚洲与欧洲价值观之间的不同》为题,发表专题论文。本文是论文第一部分的摘要。(29/06/1999)
What are our university students concerned about?
After the Nato bombing of the Chinese Embassy at Belgrade, university students in China, fuelled by fervent patriotism, demonstrated in front of the American Embassy. With increasing corruption in Indonesian politics and social instability, Indonesian university students took the lead inorganising protests which eventually led to President Suharto's downfall. Singapore has been an independent nation for 34 years but has yet to form a "Singapore Tribe". In a country such as ours, what are our university students concerned about?(22/06/1999)
新加坡大学生关心何事? 北约轰炸了中国驻南斯拉夫大使馆后,中国大学生带着强烈的爱国精神涌到美国使馆外抗议示威。印尼政权腐败,社会动乱,印尼大学生便带头举行游行集会,最终还导致总统苏哈多下台。那么,在新加坡这个独立了34年仍未形成一个团结一致“新加坡族”的国家, 我们的大学生究竟关心什么事?(22/06/1999)