European Union

Last Updated on 03/18/99
Export Advantage

European Union
International Copyright, U.S. Department of Commerce and U.S. Department of State, 1997-1998. All rights reserved outside of the United States.

Marketing and Distribution
Local Market
Distribution/Business Practices
Trade Shows and Centers
Market Entry Requirements
Import Tariffs
Import Documentation
Import Financing, Payments and Exchange Controls
Non-Tariff Levies and Surcharges
Standards and Labeling
Other Regulations and Requirements
Import Quotas, Licenses and Bans
Shipment and Entry Information
Shipping and Transportation
Special Shipments and Entry Provisions
Entry and Warehousing
Free Trade Zones (FTZs)
Trade Policies
Current Issues
Trade Agreements
Intellectual Property Protection
Government Procurement
Additional Information and Contacts
U.S. Government
Government of European Union
Business and Trade Associations
Trade Statistics
Other Information Sources
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  • Let us know what you think about this database.
  • Ask questions regarding exporting U.S. textile and apparel products
  • Tell us about any problems that you may have exporting your product.

    [Contact OTEXA now via the Internet]

    You may also forward your questions or comments to :

    Linda Shelton
    Office of Textiles and Apparel
    U. S. Department of Commerce
    Room 3100, 1401 Constitution Ave., N.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20230
    Phone- (202)482-3400, Fax- (202) 482-0858
    e-mail: shelton _exports

    Local Market
    Distribution/Business Practices
    Trade Shows and Centers
    Import Tariffs
    Non-Tariff Levies and Surcharges
    Import Quotas, Licenses and Bans
    Import Documentation
    Standards and Labeling
    Import Financing, Payments and Exchange Controls
    Other Regulations and Requirements
    Shipping and Transportation
    Special Shipments and Entry Provisions
    Entry and Warehousing
    Free Trade Zones (FTZs)
    Current Issues
    Trade Agreements
    Intellectual Property Protection
    Government Procurement
    U.S. Government
    Government of European Union
    Business and Trade Associations
    Trade Statistics

    Other Information Sources


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