[![W3C][1]][2] # WebApps WG f2f Meeting ## 01 May 2012 [Agenda][3] See also: [IRC log][4] ## Attendees Present Art_Barstow, Charles_McCathieNevile, Josh_Soref, Dimitri_Glazkov, Arnaud_Braud, Adam_Klein, Soonbo_Han, MikeSmith, Paul_Kinlan, Philippe_Le_Hegaret, Travis_Leithead, Anne_VanKesteren, Odin_HortheOmdal, Russell_Berkoff(Samsung), Rafael_Weinstein, Tony_Ross, Kris_Krueger_(krisk), Eric_Uhrhane, Vincent_Scheib, Bryan_Sullivan, Glenn_Adams_(glenn), Dan_Druta, Magnus_Olsson, Jonas_Sicking, Doug_Schepers, Tantek_Celik, Ted_OConnor, Greg_Billock, Adrian_Bateman, Wonsuk_Lee, Paul_Cotton, Alex_Komoroske, Ojan_Vafai, Yosuke_Funahashi, Ryosuke_Niwa Regrets Chair ArtB, chaals Scribe Josh_Soref ## Contents * [Topics][5] 1. [Welcome and Agenda][6] 2. [Agenda][7] 3. [Charter/Pub Status][8] 4. [Web Components][9] 5. [Web Intents][10] 6. [Web Intents Demo][11] 7. [Push SMS][12] 8. [File API][13] 9. [IME][14] 10. [URL][15] 11. [Agenda Bashing][16] * [Summary of Action Items][17] * * * Scribe: Josh_Soref ScribeNick: timeless ### Welcome and Agenda ArtB: When you do introductions, please indicate if you are not a WG member plh: as the charter has been reupped, most people are not WG members chaals: if you were a WG member and haven't reupped, please nag your AC rep ArtB: Josh_Soref is a fantastic scribe, he works for RIM ... RIM is not a member [WG participation status][18] ArtB: when you speak for the first time, please introduce yourself chaals: when Josh_Soref says stop, you have to stop, because you'll be lost otherwise ... I'm chaals, Opera, I'm a chair ArtB: I'm ArtB, from Nokia, I'm a chair Paul_Kinlan: I'm PaulKinlan from Google, registered as observer, now member ericu: I'm ericu from Google, I'm a member glenn: glenn, Cox, member DanD: Dan Druta, AT&T, member Arnaud: Arnaud Braud, France Telecom, member bryan: Bryan Sullivan, AT&T, member Russell_Berkoff: Russell Berkoff, Samsung, Observer aklein: Adam Klein, Google, Observer rafaelw: Rafael Weinstein, Google, Observer tross: Tony Ross, Microsoft, Member rniwa: Ryosuke Niwa, Google, Member MikeSmith: Mike Smith, W3C Team, Member ... the first one to rejoin PaulC: Paul Cotton, Microsoft, Chair of HTML WG, your host anne: Anne, Opera, Member odinho: Odin Horthe Omdal, Opera, Member Travis: Travis Leithead, Microsoft, Member shan: Soonbo Han, LG Electronics, just joined [and was dropped by recharter] ArtB: there's an Action for someone to bug ACs for rejoins **ACTION:** chaals to bug AC reps of ex-members to re-join after new charter [recorded in [http://www.w3.org/2012/05/01-webapps- minutes.html#action01][19]] Created ACTION-643 - Bug AC reps of ex-members to re-join after new charter [on Charles McCathieNevile - due 2012-05-08]. magnus: Magnus Olsson, Ericsson, Member (need to rejoin) krisk: Kris K, Microsoft, Member plh: Philipe Le Hegaret, W3C Team, Member scheib: Vincent Scheib, Google, Member dglazkov: Dimitri Glazkov, Google, Member trackbot, start meeting Meeting: Web Applications Working Group Teleconference Date: 01 May 2012 present Magnus_Olsson (magnus) ### Agenda ArtB: We always preallocate an item or two ... and then figure out the rest as we meet ... we have a couple of topics ... we had penciled Intents for 1-2pm ... James_Hawkins was going to manage that PaulC: The preallocated name badges were to help the secretary ... just register at the desk ... if you have problems, let me know ArtB: Here is the list of potential topics ... most of them I added ... (in alphabetical order) ... and then dglazkov added components ... and bryan added server sent events [http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/wiki/May2012F2FMeeting][3] ^^ meeting agenda agenda: [http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/wiki/May2012F2FMeeting][3] ArtB: WebAppSec has CORS on its agenda for tomorrow morning ... they had allocated half an hour for LC CORS Jonas Sicking has entered the fray ArtB: 9:45-10:15 chaals: How many people are interested in CORS? [ Quite a few hands rise ] chaals: does anyone object to bringing them in here? [ No objections ] ACTION ArtB to talk to WebAppSec about a joint slot Created ACTION-644 - Talk to WebAppSec about a joint slot for CORS LC [on Arthur Barstow - due 2012-05-08]. chaals: Welcome sicking sicking: Jonas_Sicking, I'm the late Jonas Sicking, Mozilla. Not The Late Jonas Sicking, just late chaals: Any other topics not in the wiki? scheib: I spoke briefly with ArtB ... I'm the editor of the Pointer Lock specification ... I'm new to editing ... it's just been added to the charter ArtB: I think it would be useful for new specs that have been added ... that people are starting to implement chaals: I might put looking at the Charter/Schedule/New Specs ... either at the beginning. or at the end ... any preference? anne: it might be good to put them at the beginning bryan: I have a conflict for 11-1 chaals: we won't put push there ... going around the room list of specs is at [http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/wiki/PubStatus#API_Specifications][20] chaals: we've got less gaps here (today), than there (tomorrow) dglazkov: Shadow DOM, HTML Templates chaals: I'll put bryan (Push/SMS) to 2:30-3 (today) ... and Web Components for 11:15-12:30 (today) dglazkov: my items is procedural ... gauging temperature chaals: IndexedDB ericu: we have a request from someone from Google who can't be here today ... can it be tomorrow? chaals: Yes we can ArtB: I'd like a slot for Hixie 's 4 CRs ... where we are, can we get someone to fill in the gaps ... how do we manage future work ... v. getting to rec chaals: "Hixie's hand-me-downs" 11:30-12:30 (tomorrow) Travis: 10 minutes for DOM3 events/DOM4 from that slot? chaals: is that going to be short? anne: we had the longer one last time Travis: it should be short anne: we need 15 minutes for Full Screen ... ArtB mentioned that chaals: the Late Douglass Schepers ... people who have not introduced yourselves ... please introduced yourselves shepazu: Doug Schepers, W3C Team Contact, Member tantek: Tantek Celik, Mozilla, Observer hober: Ted O'Connor, Apple, Member anne: Is the Stream API that's an extension to XHR going anywhere? ... is the editor here? gbillock: Greg Billock, Google, Observer MikeSmith: please put the IME API chaals: I'll try to leave space for breaks ... how many people have read the new charter? [ ~5 hands ] chaals: 4 of us were lying shepazu: I don't think chaals read it, and he wrote it bryan: the link on the webapps page is to the old charter charter: [http://www.w3.org/2012/webapps/charter/][21] Josh_Soref: the main webapps page is unusable bryan: the w3c pages don't work well on iPads shepazu: Action bryan to buy me an iPad chaals: Action bryan to buy everyone an iPad bryan: the style sheet is generally bad chaals: who's driving the screen? ArtB: I am [ ArtB projects PubStatus ] ### Charter/Pub Status [new WebApps charter][21] ArtB: we have over 700 people subscribed to our list ... of those, only 30-40 people are really active ... I like to keep pub status accurate glenn: I have a comment to shepazu [Agenda for today][22] glenn: it might be helpful to say XHR subsumes .... shepazu: can we make emendations? plh: nope chaals: CORS ... we'll look at this tomorrow anne: I don't see how it's a plan [ the label for CORS says "LC Period ends 1-May-2012" ] anne: but the statement is accurate ... there have been no comments raised ... there was one "we should design this differently" ... there was a comment about making it more performant on mobiles ... that was related to caching chaals: do you expect a second version anne: if we tinker with caching, then we'd need a second version ... there's also From-Origin (the opposite of CORS) ... there are long term plans re: merging CORS + fetching shepazu: you should talk about that in the slot chaals: If you're speaking, you need to speak loud and to the center of the room anne: we can't fix all the bugs ArtB: so move to CR? anne: there have been no LC comments chaals: we expect to move to CR in two weeks? ... Clipboard APIs and Events ... Halvord Stein is not here ... is anyone following that closely enough? [ no ] ArtB: do we know implementation status? One request for the new WebApps charter (starting July 1 2012 presumably) - please switch to using the W3C wiki (instead of webapps WG-only wiki) : [http://www.w3.org/wiki/Webapps/][23] anne: there's implementations ... but they have differences rniwa: depending on platforms, there are variations ... there are issues involving determining Same-Origin ... affecting what can/should be stripped ... it might be needed chaals: so that's work in progress anne: there's an attribute for secure usage? chaals: CORS - testing ... and test facilitator, and test suite? odinho: me chaals: what's the status of the test suite? odinho: for the test suite ... I've been reading through the tests that are there ... I've incorporated the things that are missing into Opera's Test Suite ... but I haven't gotten entirely through the WebKit tests chaals: and that hasn't been sent back to the group krisk: tests that are submitted are a wide range ... we should go through them sicking: we have a couple of tests that are pretty big ... but they won't run anywhere else (they use "yield") ... would you like us to submit those ... a lot of the tests are expressed as data ... you could write a new wrapper around it odinho: I've looked at it chaals: I'm trying to get a bird's eye view ... summary: odinho is looking at it others are working on it ... is there a test coordinator for Clipboard APIs rniwa: I don't think so ... how would we test it? I think it would be good for Mozilla to submit what they have, and we figure out in the longer run how to modify them rniwa: it can't be from the web page ... so it has to be manual shepazu: so you define manual tests anne: there's a WATIR framework [Watir][24] chaals: don't sign up to do something if you don't have the bandwidth for it ... DOM4 anne: the Plan statement (for DOM4) isn't quite correct ... at some point we'll add new features ... better event registration ... extending ClassList ... varadic? arguments chaals: do we push DOM4 through and start DOM5 ... what's the rush to get DOM4 finished anne: you could push DOM4 through and work on DOM5 MikeSmith, you wanted to ask if somebody wants to give update about plans for Quota API spec anne: but we don't have a way to manage forks (maintaining DOM4 and working on DOM5) plh: we can't link to an unstable thing from a spec chaals: that discussion is about w3c process ... that's out of scope for this WG anne: I know there are people that want it ... but I have limited bandwidth ... we could publish dom4 now ... it's way better than dom3 chaals: Adrian Bateman, Microsoft, Member Travis: only the WebPerf WG has requested to link to DOM4 plh: a bunch of specs want to rniwa: there's demand to deprecate DOM Mutation events (DOM3) ... I think Mozilla is planning to unprefix the replacement chaals: it sounds like it would be good for the chairs to find someone with the bandwidth to branch of DOM4 and stabilize it ... is that someone standing up to volunteer? ... thank you very much Tantek ACTION ArtB to find someone to branch DOM4 and publish Created ACTION-645 - Find someone to branch DOM4 and publish [on Arthur Barstow - due 2012-05-08]. anne: if you make the CR requirements loose, we can do it fairly quickly ArtB: is anyone interested in helping with that task? [ Silence ] chaals: don't worry anne, we'll come back and ask you again ... until you come up with the right answer, which is yes Travis: ArtB, please show PubStatus wiki page [ ArtB captures need to fork DOM4 for stable+publishing ] [WebApps Pub Status (on screen)][25] Travis: bugzilla database is the prime spot for tracking (DOM3 Events) ... I think we should issue another LCWD chaals: DOM Parsing + Serialization anne: the HTML WG might or might not work on it chaals: it's in our charter PaulC: the CfC for HTMLWG:ISSUE-198 closes today anne: in particular, if it closes, it will be forked from the html ... and someone from microsoft will publish it chaals: despite the fact that it's in our charter, we don't know if it will happen in our group ... is that right paulc? ... my sense was that we would do it in our group anne: no, they wanted it in the html WG PaulC: I'd have to do the research ... I don't think HTMLWG:issue-198 speaks to where it would be done ACTION chaals to talk to paulc about where Parsing+Serialization work is done Created ACTION-646 - Talk to paulc about where Parsing+Serialization work is done [on Charles McCathieNevile - due 2012-05-08]. chaals: Element Traversal is DONE ... File API sicking: the pub status for File API looks right ... we can possibly do it in Q2 chaals: do we expect Q3 ... let's say we expect it in Q3 ... directories and systems ericu: that's all correct chaals: From-Origin Header anne: I don't think there's been much uptake ... drop it, I guess ... I've addressed all the comments ... there haven't been other comments ... I don't think anyone implemented it ... the idea was to prevent people from using CORS in places for which it wasn't quite intended ... but they started doing that anyway chaals: so that has no one to take it forward ... does anyone want it? ... it's up for grabs anne: I'm happy to continue editing it ... but if no one is going to implement it, then there's not much point chaals: let's start a CfC to publish it as a note ... if that doesn't shake anyone out, then park it as a note **ACTION:** Art start a CfC to stop work on From-Origin spec [recorded in [http://www.w3.org/2012/05/01-webapps-minutes.html#action02][26]] Created ACTION-647 - Start a CfC to stop work on From-Origin spec [on Arthur Barstow - due 2012-05-08]. ACTION ArtB to start CfC to publish From-Origin as a note Created ACTION-648 - Start CfC to publish From-Origin as a note [on Arthur Barstow - due 2012-05-08]. bryan: I understand technically what it was intended to do ... and I understand it was a good idea ... but I'd like to understand how CORS stands if we don't have From-Origin chaals: Full Screen ... do we have a test coordinator? anne: no chaals: ok, so we need one WonSuk: WonSuk Lee, Samsung, Member plh: From-Origin is in the WebAppSec Charter ... so we should talk to them ArtB: I didn't think it was a joint item plh: we can talk to them tomorrow adrianba: Fullscreen... ... is it two specs? ... there's a CSS bit tantek: it will be managed together ArtB: how close is it to somewhere? **ACTION:** Art start a CfC to publish a FPWD of Fullscreen spec; coordinate with CSS WG [recorded in [http://www.w3.org/2012/05/01-webapps- minutes.html#action03][27]] Created ACTION-649 - Start a CfC to publish a FPWD of Fullscreen spec; coordinate with CSS WG [on Arthur Barstow - due 2012-05-08]. chaals: we expect a FPWD this Q ... Gamepad scheib: The Gamepad editor is Scott Graham, from Google ... the draft has been stable for the last little while ... chrome is behind a flag ... I believe Firefox is soon to ship without a flag ... I don't see anything blocking plh: publish as LC? shepazu: FPLC? ... it's kind of funny chaals: you can do that ... full screen might do the same **ACTION:** Art start CfC for FPWD + LCWD of Gamepad spec [recorded in [http://www.w3.org/2012/05/01-webapps-minutes.html#action04][28]] Created ACTION-650 - Start CfC for FPWD + LCWD of Gamepad spec [on Arthur Barstow - due 2012-05-08]. shepazu: why don't we have a session to do them chaals: Indexed DB ... we have a test suite ... it's on the agenda ... anything to say? fwiw, Gamepad is not ready for LC at least [https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/gamepad/raw- file/default/gamepad.html][29] is not sicking: I don't think there's much to do chaals: IME? ... MikeSmith ? e.g. GamepadEvent does not inherit from Event at the moment and does not define a constructor MikeSmith: do you need a Test Facilitator? chaals: yes, thanks MikeSmith: I'm happy to do it chaals: we need a FPWD **ACTION:** Art start CfC to publish FPWD of IME spec [recorded in [http://www.w3.org/2012/05/01-webapps-minutes.html#action05][30]] Created ACTION-651 - Start CfC to publish FPWD of IME spec [on Arthur Barstow - due 2012-05-08]. chaals: anyone following Java bindings for WebIDL? Travis: I don't know anyone doing it chaals: I used to ... pointer lock? scheib: I'm the editor chaals: do you have a test facilitator? scheib: I don't know chaals: it's someone who commits to getting tests **ACTION:** Art start CfC for Pointer spec [recorded in [http://www.w3.org/2012/05/01-webapps-minutes.html#action06][31]] Created ACTION-652 - Start CfC for Pointer spec [on Arthur Barstow - due 2012-05-08]. chaals: you can do it yourself scheib: I'll probably do it myself ... I'm not sure of the timeline chaals: Progress Events ... waiting on implementations anne: there's a test suite ... Ms2ger wrote tests that end up testing WebIDL ... which people get wrong ... the test suite doesn't test dispatch ... just the interface chaals: status? anne: when is Opera going to pass the test suite? chaals: Quota MikeSmith: I thought Kinuko Yasuda was working on it chaals: and that doesn't have a test facilitator ... looks like we need a lot of test facilitators ArtB: yeah, a lot of holes chaals: selectors ... it's waiting on me ... it's waiting on WebIDL ... as WebIDL is going to CR ... I think Selectors can go to PR ... the test facilitator should be me plh: we should have a link to the interop report chaals: expect an advancement to PR to Q2 ... then it blocks again until WebIDL moves forward ... Server Sent Events ArtB: we published a LC last week ... we have 3 weeks ... I think there was a comment last week glenn: there was a comment about infinite reconnects chaals: we have comments ... I think everyone's had the same issue ArtB: the only tests I know of are Opera's ... can you submit them? odinho: yeah, we can chaals: Shadow DOM dglazkov: been working on spec ... we have a test suite ... dominic has been doing them ... the spec is fairly stable ... I was going to ask about moving it to WD chaals: the procedure for moving to FPWD ... or LC ... is: as an editor, you write to the chairs and say "i think we're ready" **ACTION:** Art start a CfC to publish a FPWD of Shadow DOM [recorded in [http://www.w3.org/2012/05/01-webapps-minutes.html#action07][32]] Created ACTION-653 - Start a CfC to publish a FPWD of Shadow DOM [on Arthur Barstow - due 2012-05-08]. chaals: we write to the group asking for CfC ArtB: the thing about FPWD is that it starts a call for IP exclusions ... it's good for the feature set to be defined at a high level ... so the IPR guys can look at that dglazkov: we're well past it chaals: in that case, we should [already] have a FPWD ... and we'll do that with you dglazkov: it's well pas that point chaals: URL MikeSmith: looking at anne anne: I'm working on encodings ... abarth was editing, then mike ArtB: there's a warning from abarth MikeSmith: we need to look through the tests ... next month we can look at it ... we could publish a FPWD now ... I can put it together **ACTION:** Art start a CfC for FPWD of URL spec (Mike to not be lead Editor but will help to drive it) [recorded in [http://www.w3.org/2012/05/01 -webapps-minutes.html#action08][33]] Created ACTION-654 - Start a CfC for FPWD of URL spec (Mike to not be lead Editor but will help to drive it) [on Arthur Barstow - due 2012-05-08]. chaals: FPWD needs to lay out what the thing does, which we're at ... Screen Orientation ... aka Screen Lock ... view orientation ArtB: Mounir is working on it [ plh, the Frenchman, properly pronounces his name, and asks how there could be a problem pronouncing it ] sicking: I don't know ACTION ArtB to follow up with mounir about status of Screen Orientation Created ACTION-655 - Follow up with mounir about status of Screen Orientation [on Arthur Barstow - due 2012-05-08]. chaals: WebIDL ... Travis, look good? Travis: I am the test facilitator, but I haven't facilitated chaals: Web Intents gbillock: we probably need a test facilitator ... I'll sign up for that Travis: we need a FPWD gbillock: we'll talk about that this afternoon chaals: Web Messaging ArtB: in CR chaals: as of this morning ... that's PostMessage ArtB: according to caniuse.com, it has the most deployment chaals: but no tests shepazu: I don't think this is the right room to draw them from **ACTION:** barstow find a Test Facilitator for Web Messaging CR [recorded in [http://www.w3.org/2012/05/01-webapps-minutes.html#action09][34]] Created ACTION-656 - Find a Test Facilitator for Web Messaging CR [on Arthur Barstow - due 2012-05-08]. chaals: Web Sockets ... we need to finish CR/Test suite krisk: MikeSmith helped get a server up ... I think MikeSmith 's going to update one module ... but it seems to be going along pretty well ... tests are pretty complete ArtB: so MikeSmith will update the module chaals: run the Test Suite, ask for PR ArtB: are you aware of implementations that pass everything? krisk: we're pretty close anne: there's a problem in Web Sockets relating to Isolated Surrogates ... the spec requires throwing ... but preference is to replace ... I don't think it's tested by the test suite glenn: there was discussion on isolated surrogates in public-script-coord anne: it's related, but it's not the same ... and it won't change ... spec requires throwing ... most want not throwing adrianba: I thought we threw anne: for consistency with XHR which doesn't throw Josh_Soref: and web authors won't expect it to throw krisk: I think we should talk about this in our Hixie specs slot chaals: Web Storage ArtB: I think there's a late DOM4 change ... which blocks Web Storage ... does anyone implement that? krisk: I don't think anyone does yet ... it's definitely blocked on that ArtB: Yikes, krisk: we should talk about that in the Hixie specs slot chaals: Web Workers ArtB: CR today Travis: someone doing that should work on Web Messaging, since they're intertwined anne: Web Workers has feedback that may require going back to LC chaals: that's right ... into that slot too ... XBL2 ... anyone love that enough to follow up? ArtB: wait for sicking chaals: my impression is that it's going to be parked anne: I think smaug is the only person who cares chaals: XHR anne: 2 doesn't exist ... I wrote a test suite once ... but no one cared ... I tried to find someone, and odinho ... odinho: I had an intern chaals: making an intern isn't a good idea ... since they disappear ... we got a request from Mozilla when we rechartered ... to look at web app packaging ... sort of a JSON version of Widget Packaging ... and we have a potential draft starting point ... do you, tantek, have any further idea on its status? tantek: is this Manifests? chaals: yes shepazu: yes ... and do you know who that is? tantek: I think that was Michael Hanson ... what's the input you are requesting chaals: it's in our charter ... Mozilla has a spec and someone supposedly into it ... do they have someone to do the work ... and you can say I don't know tantek: I don't know chaals: the answer is "we don't know" ACTION shepazu to contact dbaron (Mozilla AC), cc tantek Created ACTION-657 - Contact dbaron (Mozilla AC), cc tantek [on Doug Schepers - due 2012-05-08]. [ Break for 15 minutes ] ### Web Components chaals: sicking wasn't here ... XBL2 should be parked as a WG Note sicking: if things go south, can we bring it back? chaals: yes, it's in the charter plh: is there a lot of work? shepazu: do we do a CfC? chaals: I volunteer to update the status of the document **ACTION:** Barstow start CfC to create a WG Note for XBL2 (and Chaals will do the work) [recorded in [http://www.w3.org/2012/05/01-webapps- minutes.html#action10][35]] Created ACTION-658 - Start CfC to create a WG Note for XBL2 (and Chaals will do the work) [on Arthur Barstow - due 2012-05-08]. chaals: where are we? dglazkov: lots of work has been done since last TPAC ... the main feedback at TPAC ... was we brought a lot of stuff ... but it was a bag of goods ... rather than a coherent whole ... we needed a declarative form ... where is the spec ... confinement/isolation ... lightweight/functional ... with the help of ArtB and shepazu, we got things we needed ... it takes more work to get a component in WebKit Bugzilla [Web Components Explained][36] [Shadow DOM ED][37] dglazkov: we talked to a lot of people ... I tried to come up with as solid of a spec as I could ... simultaneously we developed this in WebKit ... behind a flag, and only available in Developer builds ... I don't want a repeat of WebSQL ... this helped inform ourselves about things ... it helped flush out things ... the basis of the spec was the XBL2 part ... there has been a lot of things added ... a lot of that is precision of Shadow DOM ... htmly things ... guided by our implementation ... today the spec is in pretty good shape ... we have a small bug list [Shadow DOM Bug Tree][38] dglazkov: some are small things, "not MUSTy enough" ... there's one (largish) addition we're contemplating ... bug 15818 s|s/does'nt existr/doesn't exist/|| s|2 does'nt existr|2 doesn't exist| [ XXX scribe suspects that the scribe script has reached its breaking point ] dglazkov: I also worked on the HTML Templates Spec ... an idea ... we have the templates element (see the Explainer doc) ... what makes it "interesting" is that it requires HTML Parser modifications ... I wrote the spec and WebKit modifications ... to see how it was received ... several people voiced Cautious Concern ... Hsivonen and Abarth ... the two parser people whose brain's we picked ... they James Graham from Opera wasn't very happy either ... there's still a need for an extra mode (?) ... the