CSS2.1 Conformance Test Suite

Chapter 13 - Paged media (31 tests)

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13 Paged media
13.1 Introduction to paged media
13.2 Page boxes: the @page rule
Paged content GP
The page area includes the boxes laid out on that page. The content of the document is flowed into the page area of one or more page sheets.
Paged media - percent on root P
A percentage width on the root element is relative to the page area width.
Paged Media Height (percent) P
For HTML documents in paged media, when the HTML and BODY elements have heights of 100%, a percentage height on a child of BODY is relative to the page area height.
13.2.1 Page margins
@page margins shorthand using fixed physical units P
A margin declaration within the @page context applies to the page box.
@page margins on top and right using percentages P
A percentage right margin in the @page context applies to the page box and is relative to the width of the page box. A percentage top margin in the @page context applies to the page box and is relative to the height of the page box.
@page margins on bottom and left using percentages P
A margin declaration within the @page context applies to the page box.
13.2.2 Page selectors: selecting left, right, and first pages
Page Selectors: first, right, and left pages P
In CSS 2.1, page selectors may designate the first page, all left pages, or all right pages.
13.2.3 Content outside the page box
13.3 Page breaks
13.3.1 Page break properties: 'page-break-before', 'page-break-after', 'page-break-inside'
page-break-after: auto P
The 'always' value of the 'page-break-after' property forces a page break after the box.
page-break-after (inline elements) P
The 'page-break-after' property applies to block-level elements only.
page-break-after (no inherit) P
The 'page-break-after' property is not inherited.
page-break-after: initial value P
The initial value of the 'page-break-after' property is 'auto'.
page-break-after applies to paged media
The 'page-break-after' property applies to paged media only
page-break-before: always P
The 'always' value of the 'page-break-before' property forces a page break before the box.
page-break-before :auto P
The 'auto' value of the 'page-break-before' property neither forces nor forbids a page break before the box.
page-break-before (no inherit) P
The 'page-break-before' property is not inherited.
page-break-before (invalid syntax) invalidP
The syntax of the 'page-break-before' property is auto | always | avoid | left | right.
page-break-before initial value P
The initial value of the 'page-break-before' property is 'auto', which neither forces nor forbids a page break before boxes.
page-break-before paged media P
The 'page-break-before' property applies to paged media only
Paged media - percent on root P
The 'page-break-before' property applies to floated block-level elements in normal flow.
page-break-inside:auto P
The 'auto' value of the 'page-break-inside' property neither forces nor forbids a page break inside the box.
page-break-inside: avoid (basic) P
The 'avoid' value of the 'page-break-inside' property causes the UA to avoid breaking inside the element.
@page page-break-inside invalid syntax invalidP
The syntax of the 'page-break-inside' property is auto | avoid.
@page page-break-inside:auto P
The initial value of the 'page-break-inside' property is 'auto'.
page-break-after: always P
The 'always' value of the 'page-break-after' property forces a page break after the box.
page-break-after (invalid syntax) invalidP
The syntax of the 'page-break-after' property is auto | always | avoid | left | right.
page-break-before inline elements P
The 'page-break-before' property applies to block-level elements only.
13.3.2 Breaks inside elements: 'orphans', 'widows'
breaks inside elements: orphans - block-level only P
The 'orphans' property is only applied to block-level elements.
breaks inside elements: orphans - inheritance P
The 'orphans' property is inherited.
breaks inside elements: widows - initial value P
The initial value of the 'widows' property is 2.
breaks inside elements: orphans - block-level only P
The 'widows' property is only applied to block-level elements.
breaks inside elements: widows - inheritance P
The 'widows' property is inherited.
13.3.3 Allowed page breaks
13.3.4 Forced page breaks
13.3.5 "Best" page breaks
13.4 Cascading in the page context