12.2 The 'content' property |
Content with the value of 'none' |
The 'content' property properly handles a value of 'none'. |
Content with the value of 'normal' |
The 'content' property properly handles a value of 'normal'. |
Content with a string as the value |
The 'content' property properly handles a string as a value. |
Content with a url() to an image as a value |
G |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'url()' function as a value. |
Content with a 'counter()' function as a value |
The 'content' property properly handles a 'counter()' function as a value. |
Content using a 'counter()' function with a list style set to 'disc' |
The 'content' property properly handles a 'counter()' function with a list-style. |
Content using a 'counter()' function with a list style set to 'circle' |
The 'content' property properly handles a 'counter()' function with a list-style. |
Content using a 'counter()' function with a list style set to 'square' |
The 'content' property properly handles a 'counter()' function with a list-style. |
Content using a 'counter()' function with a list style set to 'decimal' |
The 'content' property properly handles a 'counter()' function with a list-style. |
Content using a 'counter()' function with a list style set to 'decimal-leading-zero' |
The 'content' property properly handles a 'counter()' function with a list-style. |
Content using a 'counter()' function with a list style set to 'lower-roman' |
The 'content' property properly handles a 'counter()' function with a list-style. |
Content using a 'counter()' function with a list style set to 'upper-roman' |
The 'content' property properly handles a 'counter()' function with a list-style. |
Content using a 'counter()' function with a list style set to 'lower-greek' |
The 'content' property properly handles a 'counter()' function with a list-style. |
Content using a 'counter()' function with a list style set to 'lower-latin' |
The 'content' property properly handles a 'counter()' function with a list-style. |
Content using a 'counter()' function with a list style set to 'upper-latin' |
The 'content' property properly handles a 'counter()' function with a list-style. |
Content using a 'counter()' function with a list style set to 'armenian' |
The 'content' property properly handles a 'counter()' function with a list-style. |
Content using a 'counter()' function with a list style set to 'georgian' |
The 'content' property properly handles a 'counter()' function with a list-style. |
Content using a 'counter()' function with a list style set to 'lower-alpha' |
The 'content' property properly handles a 'counter()' function with a list-style. |
Content using a 'counter()' function with a list style set to 'upper-alpha' |
The 'content' property properly handles a 'counter()' function with a list-style. |
Content using a 'counter()' function with a list style set to 'none' |
The 'content' property properly handles a 'counter()' function with a list-style. |
Content using a 'counters()' function with a string value |
The 'content' property properly handles a 'counters()' function with a string value. |
Content using a 'counters()' function with a string and a list style set to 'disc' |
The 'content' property properly handles a 'counters()' function with a string and a list style. |
Content using a 'counters()' function with a string and a list style set to 'circle' |
The 'content' property properly handles a 'counters()' function with a string and a list style. |
Content using a 'counters()' function with a string and a list style set to 'square' |
The 'content' property properly handles a 'counters()' function with a string and a list style. |
Content using a 'counters()' function with a string and a list style set to 'decimal' |
The 'content' property properly handles a 'counters()' function with a string and a list style. |
Content using a 'counters()' function with a string and a list style set to 'decimal-leading-zero' |
The 'content' property properly handles a 'counters()' function with a string and a list style. |
Content using a 'counters()' function with a string and a list style set to 'lower-roman' |
The 'content' property properly handles a 'counters()' function with a string and a list style. |
Content using a 'counters()' function with a string and a list style set to 'upper-roman' |
The 'content' property properly handles a 'counters()' function with a string and a list style. |
Content using a 'counters()' function with a string and a list style set to 'lower-greek' |
The 'content' property properly handles a 'counters()' function with a string and a list style. |
Content using a 'counters()' function with a string and a list style set to 'lower-latin' |
The 'content' property properly handles a 'counters()' function with a string and a list style. |
Content using a 'counters()' function with a string and a list style set to 'upper-latin' |
The 'content' property properly handles a 'counters()' function with a string and a list style. |
Content using a 'counters()' function with a string and a list style set to 'armenian' |
The 'content' property properly handles a 'counters()' function with a string and a list style. |
Content using a 'counters()' function with a string and a list style set to 'georgian' |
The 'content' property properly handles a 'counters()' function with a string and a list style. |
Content using a 'counters()' function with a string and a list style set to 'lower-alpha' |
The 'content' property properly handles a 'counters()' function with a string and a list style. |
Content using a 'counters()' function with a string and a list style set to 'upper-alpha' |
The 'content' property properly handles a 'counters()' function with a string and a list style. |
Content using a 'counters()' function with a string and a list style set to 'none' |
The 'content' property properly handles a 'counters()' function with a string and a list style. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'abbr' |
The 'content' property correctly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'abbr'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'accept-charset' |
The 'content' property correctly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'accept-charset'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'accept' |
The 'content' property correctly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'accept'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'accesskey' |
The 'content' property correctly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'accesskey'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'action' |
The 'content' property correctly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'action'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'align' |
The 'content' property correctly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'align'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'alink' |
The 'content' property correctly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'alink'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'axis' |
The 'content' property correctly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'axis'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'background' |
The 'content' property correctly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'background'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'bgcolor' |
The 'content' property correctly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'bgcolor'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'border' |
The 'content' property correctly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'border'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'cellpadding' |
The 'content' property correctly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'cellpadding'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'cellspacing' |
The 'content' property correctly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'cellspacing'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'char' |
The 'content' property correctly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'char'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'charoff' |
The 'content' property correctly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'charoff'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'charset' |
The 'content' property correctly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'charset'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'cite' |
The 'content' property correctly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'cite'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'class' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'class'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'color' |
The 'content' property correctly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'color'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'colspan' |
The 'content' property correctly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'colspan'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'compact' |
The 'content' property correctly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'compact'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'coords' |
The 'content' property correctly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'coords'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'datetime' |
The 'content' property correctly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'datetime'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'dir' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'dir'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'enctype' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'enctype'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'face' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'face'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'for' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'for'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'frame' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'frame'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'headers' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'headers'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'height' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'height'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'href' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'href'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'hreflang' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'hreflang'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'id' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'id'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'lang' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'lang'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'link' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'link'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'method' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'method'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'name' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'name'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'nowrap' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'nowrap'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'onblur' |
O |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'onblur'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'onclick' |
O |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'onclick'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'ondblclick' |
O |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'ondblclick'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'onfocus' |
O |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'onfocus'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'onkeydown' |
O |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'onkeydown'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'onkeypress' |
O |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'onkeypress'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'onkeyup' |
O |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'onkeyup'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'onload' |
O |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'onload'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'onmousedown' |
O |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'onmousedown'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'onmousemove' |
O |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'onmousemove'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'onmouseout' |
O |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'onmouseout'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'onmouseover' |
O |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'onmouseover'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'onmouseup' |
O |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'onmouseup'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'onreset' |
O |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'onreset'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'onsubmit' |
O |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'onsubmit'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'onunload' |
O |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'onunload'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'profile' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'profile'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'rel' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'rel'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'rev' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'rev'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'rowspan' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'rowspan'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'rules' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'rules'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'scope' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'scope'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'shape' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'shape'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'size' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'size'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'start' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'start'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'style' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'style'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'summary' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'summary'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'tabindex' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'tabindex'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'target' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'target'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'text' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'text'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'title' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'title'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'type' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'type'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'valign' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'valign'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'value' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'value'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'version' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'version'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'vlink' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'vlink'. |
Content with a 'attr()' function as a value selecting 'width' |
The 'content' property properly handles the 'attr()' function when calling the attribute 'width'. |
Content with the value of 'open-quote' |
The 'content' property properly handles an 'open-quote' value. |
Content with the value of 'close-quote' |
The 'content' property properly handles a 'close-quote' value. |
Content with the value of 'no-open-quote' |
The 'content' property properly handles a 'no-open-quote' value. |
Content with the value of 'no-close-quote' |
The 'content' property properly handles a 'no-close-quote' value. |
Content with the value of 'inherit' |
The 'content' property correctly handles an 'inherit' value. |
Content property works only with :before and :after |
Content property only works in conjunction with the :before and :after pseudo-elements. |
Content property missing attr(x) |
If attribute (x) does not exist then an empty string is returned for the attr(x) value. |
Content property attr(x) case sensitivity |
The attr(x) function selects the attribute even when case does not match. |
Content property on out of scope counter |
If content refers to a counter that is not in scope, it is assumed that a counter-reset has occurred and the counter is reset to zero. |
Content property \A creates newline |
A '\A' creates a newline for strings in the content property. |
Content property with missing image |
G |
When the URI resource cannot be displayed the user agent needs to leave it out or display some indication that the resource cannot be displayed. |
Content property and white-space handling |
The property 'white-space' applies to generated string content. |
dynamic changes to 'counter-increment' |
O |
dynamic changes to 'counter-increment' |
O |
Counter-increment on out of scope counter |
If a counter-increment refers to counter that is not in scope it assumes that a counter-reset has occurred and resets back to zero. |
Counter-increment only on 'display: none' element |
An element that is set to 'display: none' does not increment or create a counter. |
Counter-increment on 'display: none' element |
An element that is set to 'display: none' does not increment counters. |
Counter-increment on pseudo-element and 'display: none' on element |
An element that is set to 'display: none' does not increment counters when increment is on the pseudo-element. |
Counter-increment on pseudo-element, 'display: none' on element and parent with counter-reset |
An element that is set to 'display: none' does not increment counters when increment is on the pseudo-element. |
Multiple counter-increment before counter use |
If multiple increments are specified on the same counter then all of them occur in the order specified. |
Counter-increment on pseudo-element that is not generated |
Pseudo-elements that are not generated do not increment counters. |
Counter-increment only on 'visibility: hidden' element |
An element that is set to 'visibility: hidden' does increment and can create a counter. |
Counter-increment on 'visibility: hidden' element |
An element that is set to 'visibility: hidden' does increment counters. |
Counter-increment on pseudo-element and 'visibility: hidden' on element |
An element that is set to 'visibility: hidden' does increment counters when increment is on the pseudo-element. |
Counter-increment on pseudo-element, 'visibility: hidden' on element and parent with counter-reset |
An element that is set to 'visibility: hidden' does increment counters when increment is on the pseudo-element. |
dynamic changes to 'counter-increment' |
O |
dynamic changes to 'counter-increment' |
O |
Counter-reset on 'display: none' element |
An element that is set to 'display: none' does not reset counters. |
Counter-reset before 'counter-increment' before 'counter' use |
When both reset and increment are present that the reset occurs first and the increment second. |
Multiple 'counter-reset' before 'counter' use |
If multiple resets are specified on the same 'counter' then all of them occur in the order specified. |
Counter-reset on pseudo-element that is not generated |
Pseudo-elements that are not generated do not reset counters. |
Counter-reset on visibility: hidden element |
Elements that are set to 'visibility: hidden' reset counters. |
Counter-increment before 'counter' use |
A counter is used after an increment. |
Content with multiple content values |
When 'content' property values produce no visual effect or are invalid in the current context the other 'content' property values still apply. |
Function 'attr()' referencing another elements attribute data |
The 'attr()' function can only retrieve data from the same element that is called from. |
Quotes with negative depth |
When a 'close-quote' makes the depth negative then depth stays at 0. Insertion of a quote does not occur but the remainder of the content string is inserted. |
Quotes not affected by page level quotes |
The page content quotes do not affect the depth of generated quotes. |
Quote depth exceeded |
If the depth of the 'quotes' is more than the defined pairs then repeat the last set of pair. |
Counter-reset before counter use |
Counter is used after a reset. |
content: with character forced bidi - rlo |
A right-to-left override should be applied when u+202E is inserted through the content property |
content: counter(c) |
content: counter(c, none) |
content: counter(c, disc) |
content: counter(c, circle) |
content: counter(c, square) |
content: counter(c, decimal) |
content: counter(c, decimal-leading-zero) |
content: counter(c, lower-roman) |
content: counter(c, upper-roman) |
content: counter(c, georgian) |
content: counter(c, armenian) |
content: counter(c, lower-latin) |
content: counter(c, lower-alpha) |
content: counter(c, upper-latin) |
content: counter(c, upper-alpha) |
content: counter(c, lower-greek) |
content: counter() error cases |
invalid |
content: counters(c, ".") |
content: counters(c, ".", none) |
content: counters(c, ".", disc) |
content: counters(c, ".", circle) |
content: counters(c, ".", square) |
content: counters(c, ".", decimal) |
content: counters(c, ".", decimal-leading-zero) |
content: counters(c, ".", lower-roman) |
content: counters(c, ".", upper-roman) |
content: counters(c, ".", georgian) |
content: counters(c, ".", armenian) |
content: counters(c, ".", lower-latin) |
content: counters(c, ".", lower-alpha) |
content: counters(c, ".", upper-latin) |
content: counters(c, ".", upper-alpha) |
content: counters(c, ".", lower-greek) |
content: counters() string argument |
content: counters() string argument |
content: counters() error cases |
invalid |
dynamic changes to 'counter-increment' |
O |
dynamic changes to 'counter-increment' |
O |
Counter properties on 'content: none' pseudo-elements |
Counter properties on 'display: none' elements |
Counter properties on 'visibility: hidden' elements |
Multiple resets for same counter |
Multiple increments and resets |
Order of 'counter-reset', 'counter-increment', and counter use, including pseudo-elements |
Order of counters in out-of-flow content |
counters on the root element |
Counter scope |
Counter scope and nesting on elements |
Counter scope and nesting on :before |
Counter scope and nesting on :after |
Counter scope and nesting |
Implied counter scopes with no 'counter-increment' or 'counter-reset' |
Implied counter scopes by counter use |
Implied counter scopes by 'counter-increment' |