Modelling Context using Named Graphs

Bizer & Carroll

Trust + TriX

Semantic Web Interest Group

1-2 March 2004


What is a context?

Minimalist answer:

The context of a statement is its surrounding graph


What is a Named Graph

A uriref or a blank node is interpreted as a graph.


 G1 (Monica ex:name  Monica Murphy . 
      Monica rdf:type ex:Person . 
      Monica ex:homepage  )
 _:G3 (G1 dc:author Chris. 
      _:G3 dc:author Chris )

Also TriX (Carroll-Stickler), N3

TriQL (extending RDQL)

SELECT ?x, ?y 
    ?a (?b rdf:type ex:Person . 
        ?b rdf:hasName ?x . 
        ?b ex:homepage ?y) 
    (?a dc:date ?c) 
AND ?c > "1/1/2003"

Data Syndication

Provenance Tracking

G1 (Monica ex:name  Monica Murphy . 
    Monica rdf:type ex:Person) 
G2 (G1 dc:author Chris. 
    G1 dc:date  2/10/2004 ) 
G3 (Monica ex:hasSkill ex:Programming) 
G4 (G3 dc:author Peter. 
    G3 dc:date  2/3/2004 )

SELECT ?x ?y ?z 
WHERE ?a (?x ?y ?z) 
     (?a dc:author Chris)

Signing RDF Graphs

G1 (Monica ex:hasStatus Admin. 
    Monica rdf:type ex:Person. 
    G1 ex:author Andy. 
    G1 dc:date  2/10/2004 ) 
G2 (G1 ex:hasSignature  xd2shfl22k4jdsre& . 
    G1 ex:Signer Andy) 
G3 (Andy ex:publicKeyURL http://bla.bla.bla)

SELECT ?a ?b ?c ?d 
WHERE ?d (Monica ex:hasStatus Admin) 
 (?d dc:signer ?a) 
 (?a ex:publicKeyURL ?b) 
 (?d ex:hasSignature ?c)

Scoping Assertions


 A consistsOf Metal . 
B consistsOf Water . 
{ Metal denserThan Water } log:implies { A sinksIn B } .

{ Mass a FixedValue } in NewtonianMechanics . 
{ Mass a Variable } in RelativityTheory . 
{ RelativityTheory approximates NewtonianMechanics } 
     when { RelativeVelocities lessThan halfC } .

Liar Paradox

{ <> 
     log:implies { 
       <> a owl:Nothing .
     } . 
} owl:sameAs <> .
<> a log:Truth ?

De Re or De Dicto

Against De Dicto

  1. SemWeb needs shared conceptualization
  2. Appropriate treatment of graph implicit in context of use.
  3. integrating info from multiple graphs requires de re; transformation from de dicto needs trust mechanisms concerning correct URI usage.

Workaround for de dicto "ex:thisURI"^^xsd:anyURI

Some Other Use Cases

Access Rights

G1 (Monica ex:hasStatus Admin. 
    Monica rdf:type ex:Person. 
    G1 requiresAccessRight Admin)


G1 (Monica ex:name  Monica Murphy . 
    Monica rdf:type ex:Person. 
    Monica ex:hasSkill ex:Programming. 
    G1 dc:author Chris) 
G2 (Monica ex:hasSkill ex:Programming) 
G3 (G2 ex:truthValue ex:false) 
G4 (G2 dc:author Peter. 
    G3 dc:author Peter)

Trust Evaluations

SW statements are claims not facts.

We evaluate claims pragmatically, based on who said them, in what context, etc.

Reputational info, and digital sigs helpful but neither necessary nor sufficient.

Example Trust Policies

"Distrust everything a vendor says about its competitor."

"Believe information which has been stated by at least 5 independent sources."

Issue List

Issues - Document, Graphset and Graph

Do not use document URL to identify either a graph or a graph set.

Use explicit names for graphs

Use RDF collections and containers for graphsets

More Issues

Need top level graph?

N3 - yes

TriX - no

Literals as subjects

Yes, but not blank predicates?

Blank Node Scope


Issue List