Carroll & Stickler
Semantic Web Interest Group
1-2 March 2004
New XML serialization for RDF.
DTD and XML Schema
<graphset xmlns=""> <graph> <triple> <uri></uri> <uri></uri> <uri></uri> </triple> <triple> <uri></uri> <uri></uri> <plainLiteral>Bob</plainLiteral> </triple> <triple> <uri></uri> <uri></uri> <typedLiteral datatype="">32</typedLiteral> </triple> <triple> <id>x</id> <uri></uri> <typedLiteral datatype="">46</typedLiteral> </triple> </graph> </graphset>
<graph> <id>binfo</id> <triple> <uri></uri> <uri></uri> <typedLiteral datatype=""><ex:title>A Good Book</ex:title></typedLiteral> </triple> <triple> <id>binfo</id> <uri></uri> <uri></uri> </triple> </graph>
QNames not allowed in TriX
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xml" href= "" ?> <graphset> <graph> <triple> <qname> eg:Bob </qname> <qname> eg:wife </qname> <qname> eg:Mary </qname> </triple> <triple> <qname> eg:Bob </qname> <qname> eg:name </qname> <plainLiteral>Bob</plainLiteral> </triple> <triple> <qname> eg:Mary </qname> <qname> eg:age </qname> <integer> 32 </integer> </triple> </graph> <graphset>
We should have TriX or similar for XML compatibility. May or may not be RDF/XML replacement.
Key features: