Class: p3pb:PolicyResource

rdfs:label: Policy Resource

rdfs:comment: A collection of, or a single Policy Reference


Sub Classes

Super Classes

Class: rdfs:Resource


Sub Classes

Class: p3pb:Image

rdfs:label: image

rdfs:comment: An image or logo


Super Classes

Class: rdfs:Literal

Class: p3pb:ExtMandatory

rdfs:label: mandatory

rdfs:comment: A P3P processor is required to understand the value of the rdf:valueof property of resources of this type.

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:ExtOptional

rdfs:label: optional

rdfs:comment: A P3P processor is not required to understand the value of the rdf:valueof property of resources of this type.

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Category

rdfs:label: category

rdfs:comment: category

Sub Classes

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Category-other

rdfs:label: other

rdfs:comment: Other types of data not captured by the above definitions

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Category-government

rdfs:label: government

rdfs:comment: Identifiers issued by a government for purposes of consistently identifying the individual

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Category-location

rdfs:label: location

rdfs:comment: Information that can be used to identify an individual's current physical location and track them as their location changes - such as GPS position data

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Category-preference

rdfs:label: preference

rdfs:comment: Data about an individual's likes and dislikes - such as favorite color or musical tastes

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Category-health

rdfs:label: health

rdfs:comment: information about an individual's physical or mental health, sexual orientation, use or inquiry into health care services or products, and purchase of health care services or products

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Category-political

rdfs:label: political

rdfs:comment: Membership in or affiliation with groups such as religious organizations, trade unions, professional associations, political parties, etc

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Category-state

rdfs:label: state

rdfs:comment: Mechanisms for maintaining a stateful session with a user or automatically recognizing users who have visited a particular site or accessed particular content previously - such as HTTP cookies

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Category-content

rdfs:label: content

rdfs:comment: The words and expressions contained in the body of a communication - such as the text of email, bulletin board postings, or chat room communications

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Category-demographic

rdfs:label: demographic

rdfs:comment: Data about an individual's characteristics - such as gender, age, and income

Sub Classes

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Category-physical

rdfs:label: physical

rdfs:comment: Information that allows an individual to be contacted or located in the physical world - such as telephone number or address.

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Category-interactive

rdfs:label: interactive

rdfs:comment: Data actively generated from or reflecting explicit interactions with a service provider through its site - such as queries to a search engine, or logs of account activity

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Category-navigation

rdfs:label: navigation

rdfs:comment: Data passively generated by browsing the Web site - such as which pages are visited, and how long users stay on each page

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Category-computer

rdfs:label: computer

rdfs:comment: Information about the computer system that the individual is using to access the network - such as the IP number, domain name, browser type or operating system.

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Category-financial

rdfs:label: financial

rdfs:comment: Information about an individual's finances including account status and activity information such as account balance, payment or overdraft history, and information about an individual's purchase or use of financial instruments including credit or debit card information

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Category-purchase

rdfs:label: purchase

rdfs:comment: Information actively generated by the purchase of a product or service, including information about the method of payment

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Category-uniqueid

rdfs:label: unique id

rdfs:comment: Non-financial identifiers, excluding government-issued identifiers, issued for purposes of consistently identifying or recognizing the individual

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Category-online

rdfs:label: online

rdfs:comment: Information that allows an individual to be contacted or located on the Internet - such as email

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:RetentionPolicy

rdfs:label: retention policy

rdfs:comment: A retention policy

Sub Classes

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Retention-indefinitely

rdfs:label: indefinitely

rdfs:comment: Information is retained for an indeterminate period of time

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Retention-business-practices

rdfs:label: business practices

rdfs:comment: Information is retained under a service provider's stated business practices

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Retention-legal-requirement

rdfs:label: legal requirement

rdfs:comment: As required by law or liability under applicable law: Information is retained to meet a stated purpose, but the retention period is longer because of a legal requirement or liability

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Retention-stated-purpose

rdfs:label: stated purpose

rdfs:comment: Information is retained to meet the stated purpose

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Retention-no-retention

rdfs:label: no retention

rdfs:comment: Information is not retained for more than a brief period of time necessary to make use of it during the course of a single online interaction

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Recipient

rdfs:label: recipient

rdfs:comment: A legal entity, or domain, beyond the service provider and its agents where data may be distributed


Sub Classes

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Recipient-public

rdfs:label: public

rdfs:comment: Public fora such as bulletin boards, public directories, or commercial CD-ROM directories

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Recipient-unrelated

rdfs:label: unrelated

rdfs:comment: Legal entities whose data usage practices are not known by the original service provider

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Recipient-other

rdfs:label: other recipient

rdfs:comment: Legal entities following different practices

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Recipient-same

rdfs:label: same

rdfs:comment: Legal entities following our practices

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Recipient-delivery

rdfs:label: delivery

rdfs:comment: Delivery services possibly following different practices

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Recipient-ours

rdfs:label: ours

rdfs:comment: Ourselves and/or our entities acting as our agents or entities for whom we are acting as an agent

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Purpose

rdfs:label: purpose

rdfs:comment: The purpose for which the data practise is employed

Sub Classes

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Purpose-historical

rdfs:label: historical preservation

rdfs:comment: Information may be archived or stored for the purpose of preserving social history as governed by an existing law or policy.

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Purpose-contact-somehow

rdfs:label: contact somehow

rdfs:comment: Information may be used to contact the individual

Sub Classes

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Purpose-other

rdfs:label: other

rdfs:comment: Information may be used in other ways.

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Purpose-telemarketing

rdfs:label: telemarketing

rdfs:comment: Information may be used to contact the individual via a voice telephone call for promotion of a product or service.

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Purpose-contact

rdfs:label: contact

rdfs:comment: Information may be used to contact the individual, through a communications channel other than voice telephone, for the promotion of a product or service. This includes notifying visitors about updates to the Web site.

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Purpose-individual-decision

rdfs:label: individual decision

rdfs:comment: Information may be used to determine the habits, interests, or other characteristics of individuals and combine it with identified data to make a decision that directly affects that individual

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Purpose-individual

rdfs:label: individual

rdfs:comment: Information may be used to create or build a record of an identified particular individual or computer.

Sub Classes

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Purpose-individual-analysis

rdfs:label: individual analysis

rdfs:comment: Information may be used to determine the habits, interests, or other characteristics of individuals and combine it with identified data for the purpose of research, analysis and reporting.

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Purpose-pseudo-decision

rdfs:label: psuedo decision

rdfs:comment: Information may be used to create or build a record of a particular individual or computer that is tied to a pseudonymous identifier, without tying identified data (such as name, address, phone number, or email address) to the record. This profile will be used to determine the habits, interests, or other characteristics of individuals to make a decision that directly affects that individual, but it will not be used to attempt to identify specific individuals.

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Purpose-pseudo

rdfs:label: psuedo

rdfs:comment: Information may be used to create or build a record of a particular individual or computer that is tied to a pseudonymous identifier, without tying identified data (such as name, address, phone number, or email address) to the record.

Sub Classes

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Purpose-pseudo-analysis

rdfs:label: psuedo analysis

rdfs:comment: Information may be used to create or build a record of a particular individual or computer that is tied to a pseudonymous identifier, without tying identified data (such as name, address, phone number, or email address) to the record. This profile will be used to determine the habits, interests, or other characteristics of individuals for purpose of research, analysis and reporting, but it will not be used to attempt to identify specific individuals.

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Purpose-tailoring

rdfs:label: tailoring

rdfs:comment: Information may be used to tailor or modify content or design of the site where the information is used only for a single visit to the site and not used for any kind of future customization.

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Purpose-develop

rdfs:label: research and development

rdfs:comment: Information may be used to enhance, evaluate, or otherwise review the site, service, product, or market. This does not include personal information used to tailor or modify the content to the specific individual nor information used to evaluate, target, profile or contact the individual.

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Purpose-admin

rdfs:label: administration

rdfs:comment: Information may be used for the technical support of the Web site and its computer system. This would include processing computer account information, information used in the course of securing and maintaining the site, and verification of Web site activity by the site or its agents.

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Purpose-current

rdfs:label: current activity

rdfs:comment: Information may be used by the service provider to complete the activity for which it was provided, whether a one-time activity such as returning the results from a Web search, forwarding an email message, or placing an order; or a recurring activity such as providing a subscription service, or allowing access to an online address book or electronic wallet.

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Statement

rdfs:label: statement

rdfs:comment: A data practice applied to particular types of data


Sub Classes

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:NonIdentifiable

rdfs:label: non identifiable

rdfs:comment: There is no data or no identifiable data collected.

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:DataElement

rdfs:label: data element

rdfs:comment: A specific item of data a service might collect


Sub Classes

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:DataSchemaComponent

Sub Classes

Class: p3pb:StructuredDataElement

rdfs:label: structured data element

rdfs:comment: A data element with component parts


Super Classes

Class: p3pb:UnstructuredDataElement

rdfs:label: unstructured data element

rdfs:comment: A data element with no component parts

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:CategoryClass

rdfs:label: category class

rdfs:comment: A classification of data, a subclass of Category.

Super Classes


Class: rdfs:Class

Sub Classes


Class: p3pb:DataElementComponent

rdfs:label: Data Element Component

rdfs:comment: Data Element Component

Super Classes


Class: rdf:Property

Sub Classes


Class: p3pb:extends

rdfs:label: extends

rdfs:comment: Extends another dataElementComponent

Other Properties:


Class: p3pb:relativeTo

rdfs:label: Relative To

rdfs:comment: Defines what context the class is relative to

Other Properties:


Class: p3pb:statement

rdfs:label: statement

rdfs:comment: Data practices that are applied to particular types of data

Other Properties:


Class: p3pb:remedy

rdfs:label: remedy

rdfs:comment: The possible remedies in case a policy breach occurs.

Other Properties:


Class: p3pb:verification

rdfs:label: verification

rdfs:comment: A resource which can be used for verification purposes.

Other Properties:


Class: p3pb:service

rdfs:label: service

rdfs:comment: The resolution services

Other Properties:


Class: p3pb:resolutionProcedure

rdfs:label: resolutionProcedures

rdfs:comment: A collection of dispute resolution procedures that may be followed for disputes about a service's privacy practices.

Other Properties:


Class: p3pb:access

rdfs:label: access

rdfs:comment: Indicates whether the site provides access to various kinds of information.

Other Properties:


Class: p3pb:entity

rdfs:label: entity

rdfs:comment: Identifies the legal entity making the representation of the privacy practices contained in the policy.

Other Properties:


Class: p3pb:optInstructions

rdfs:label: opt instructions

rdfs:comment: A link to instructions that users can follow to request or decline to have their data used for a particular purpose.

Other Properties:


Class: p3pb:disclosure

rdfs:label: disclosure

rdfs:comment: A natural language privacy statement

Other Properties:


Class: p3pb:method

rdfs:label: method

rdfs:comment: The name of a method to which the policy applies

Other Properties:


Class: p3pb:cookieName

rdfs:label: name

rdfs:comment: Matches the name part of the cookie.

Other Properties:


Class: p3pb:cookieValue

rdfs:label: value

rdfs:comment: Matches the value part of the cookie.

Other Properties:


Class: p3pb:cookiePath

rdfs:label: path

rdfs:comment: Matches the path part of the cookie.

Other Properties:


Class: p3pb:cookieDomain

rdfs:label: domain

rdfs:comment: Matches the domain name part of the cookie.

Other Properties:


Class: p3pb:excludeCookies

rdfs:label: exclude

rdfs:comment: Cookies not covered by the policy

Other Properties:


Class: p3pb:includeCookies

rdfs:label: include

rdfs:comment: Cookies covered by the policy.

Other Properties:


Class: p3pb:hintPath

rdfs:label: path

rdfs:comment: The location of the hinted policy reference files relative to the applicable host.

Other Properties:


Class: p3pb:hintDomain

rdfs:label: domain

rdfs:comment: The domain names to which the hint applies.

Other Properties:


Class: p3pb:hint

rdfs:label: hint

rdfs:comment: A hint where other relevant policy references can be found.

Other Properties:


Class: p3pb:exclude

rdfs:label: exclude

rdfs:comment: Defines areas of the site not covered by this policy.

Other Properties:


Class: p3pb:include

rdfs:label: include

rdfs:comment: Defines areas of the site to be covered by this policy.

Other Properties:


Class: p3pb:about

rdfs:label: about

rdfs:comment: The policy being referenced.

Other Properties:


Class: p3pb:start-time

rdfs:label: start time

rdfs:comment: The time in http date format that the policy was validated.

Other Properties:


Class: p3pb:max-age

rdfs:label: maximum age

rdfs:comment: The maximum time before expiry.

Other Properties:


Class: p3pb:abs-date

rdfs:label: absolute date

rdfs:comment: An absolute date in http format.

Other Properties:


Class: p3pb:UnstructuredDataElementClass

rdfs:label: unstructured data element class

rdfs:comment: A class of data elements with no component parts

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:StructuredDataElementClass

rdfs:label: structured data element class

rdfs:comment: A class of data elements with component parts

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:RelativeClass

rdfs:label: Relative Class

rdfs:comment: A Class whose extension is context dependent


Super Classes


Class: p3pb:RetentionPolicyClass

rdfs:label: retention policy class

rdfs:comment: A Class of retention policies

Super Classes


Class: p3pb:RecipientClass

rdfs:label: recipient class

rdfs:comment: A class of legal entities, or domains, beyond the service provider and its agents where data may be distributed

Super Classes


Class: rdfs:Class

Sub Classes

Class: p3pb:PurposeClass

rdfs:label: purpose class

rdfs:comment: The class of purpose classes

Super Classes


Class: p3pb:RemedyClass

rdfs:label: remedy class

rdfs:comment: A class of remedies.

Super Classes


Class: p3pb:Remedy-law

rdfs:label: law

rdfs:comment: Remedies for breaches of the policy statement will be determined based on the law referenced in the human readable description.

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Remedy

rdfs:label: remedy

rdfs:comment: A remedy in case a policy breach occurs.

Sub Classes

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Remedy-money

rdfs:label: money

rdfs:comment: If the service provider violates its privacy policy it wil pay the individual an amount specified in the human readable privacy policy or the amount of damages.

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Remedy-correct

rdfs:label: correct

rdfs:comment: Errors or wrongful actions arising in connection with the privacy policy will be remedied by the service.

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:ResolutionProcedure-applicable-law

rdfs:label: applicable law

rdfs:comment: Disputes arising in connection with the privacy statement will be resolved in accordance with the referenced law.

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:ResolutionProcedure

rdfs:label: resolution procedure

rdfs:comment: A dispute resolution procedure.


Sub Classes

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:ResolutionProcedure-court

rdfs:label: court

rdfs:comment: Individual may file a legal complaint against the web site.

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:ResolutionProcedure-independent-organization

rdfs:label: independent organization

rdfs:comment: Individual may complain to an independent organization for resolution of disputes regarding the use of collected data.

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:ResolutionProcedure-customer-service

rdfs:label: customer service

rdfs:comment: Individual may complain to the Web site's customer service respresentative for resolution of disputes regarding the use of collected data.

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Info

rdfs:label: info

rdfs:comment: The superclass of all classes of information defined by p3p.

Sub Classes

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:InfoClass-none

rdfs:label: none

rdfs:comment: No access to identified data is given.

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:InfoClass-all

rdfs:label: all

rdfs:comment: Access is given to all identifiable information.

Sub Classes

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:InfoClass-contact-and-other

rdfs:label: contact and other

rdfs:comment: Access is given to identified online and physical contact information as well as to certain other identified data.

Sub Classes

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:InfoClass-other-ident

rdfs:label: otherident

rdfs:comment: Access is given to certain other identified data.

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:InfoClass-ident-contact

rdfs:label: ident contact

rdfs:comment: Access is given to identified online and physical contact information.

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:InfoClass-nonident

rdfs:label: nonident

rdfs:comment: Identifiable data is not collected.

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:InfoClass

rdfs:label: info class

rdfs:comment: A class of information types defined by P3P.

Super Classes



Super Classes

Class: p3pb:LegalEntity

rdfs:label: legal entity

rdfs:comment: a legal entity

Sub Classes

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Test

rdfs:label: test

rdfs:comment: Used for testing purposes. If a policy is of type p3p:Test then the policy is just an example and as such it MUST be ignored.

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:OptInstructions

rdfs:label: opt instructions

rdfs:comment: Instructions that users can follow to request or decline to have their data used for a particular purpose.

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Disclosure

rdfs:label: privacy statement

rdfs:comment: A natural language privacy statement

Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Policy

rdfs:label: policy

rdfs:comment: A P3P Policy


Super Classes

Class: p3pb:CookieDescription

rdfs:label: cookie description

rdfs:comment: A description of a set of cookies


Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Hint

rdfs:label: hint

rdfs:comment: A hint where other relevant policy references can be found.


Super Classes

Class: p3pb:PolicyRef

rdfs:label: policy reference

rdfs:comment: A Policy Reference


Super Classes

Class: p3pb:Expiry

rdfs:label: expiry

rdfs:comment: States how long the policy reference file (or policies) remains valid.


Super Classes

Class: p3pb:PolicyRefs

rdfs:label: policy references

rdfs:comment: A collection of Policy References

Super Classes

Class: rdf:Seq

Sub Classes

Defined Names

p3pb:about Property
p3pb:abs-date Property
p3pb:access Property
p3pb:base Property
p3pb:Category Class
p3pb:category Property
p3pb:Category-computer Class
p3pb:Category-content Class
p3pb:Category-demographic Class
p3pb:Category-financial Class
p3pb:Category-government Class
p3pb:Category-health Class
p3pb:Category-interactive Class
p3pb:Category-location Class
p3pb:Category-navigation Class
p3pb:Category-online Class
p3pb:Category-other Class
p3pb:Category-physical Class
p3pb:Category-political Class
p3pb:Category-preference Class
p3pb:Category-purchase Class
p3pb:Category-state Class
p3pb:Category-uniqueid Class
p3pb:CategoryClass Class
p3pb:consequence Property
p3pb:CookieDescription Class
p3pb:cookieDomain Property
p3pb:cookieName Property
p3pb:cookiePath Property
p3pb:cookieValue Property
p3pb:data Property
p3pb:DataElement Class
p3pb:DataElementComponent Class
p3pb:dataElementComponent Resource
p3pb:DataSchemaComponent Resource No rdf:type property
p3pb:Disclosure Class
p3pb:disclosure Property
p3pb:entity Property
p3pb:exclude Property
p3pb:excludeCookies Property
p3pb:expiry Property
p3pb:Expiry Class
p3pb:extends Property
p3pb:extMandatory Property
p3pb:ExtMandatory Class
p3pb:ExtOptional Class
p3pb:extOptional Property
p3pb:hint Property
p3pb:Hint Class
p3pb:hintDomain Property
p3pb:hintPath Property
p3pb:image Property
p3pb:Image Class
p3pb:imageAltText Property
p3pb:imageHeight Property
p3pb:imageWidth Property
p3pb:include Property
p3pb:includeCookies Property
p3pb:Info Class
p3pb:InfoClass Class
p3pb:InfoClass-all Class
p3pb:InfoClass-contact-and-other Class
p3pb:InfoClass-ident-contact Class
p3pb:InfoClass-none Class
p3pb:InfoClass-nonident Class
p3pb:InfoClass-other-ident Class
p3pb:LegalEntity Class
p3pb:longDescription Property
p3pb:max-age Property
p3pb:method Property
p3pb:NonIdentifiable Class
p3pb:optInstructions Property
p3pb:OptInstructions Class
p3pb:optionalData Property
p3pb:Policy Class
p3pb:PolicyRef Class
p3pb:PolicyRefs Class
p3pb:PolicyResource Class
p3pb:Purpose Class
p3pb:purpose Property
p3pb:Purpose-admin Class
p3pb:Purpose-contact Class
p3pb:Purpose-contact-somehow Class
p3pb:Purpose-current Class
p3pb:Purpose-develop Class
p3pb:Purpose-historical Class
p3pb:Purpose-individual Class
p3pb:Purpose-individual-analysis Class
p3pb:Purpose-individual-decision Class
p3pb:Purpose-other Class
p3pb:Purpose-pseudo Class
p3pb:Purpose-pseudo-analysis Class
p3pb:Purpose-pseudo-decision Class
p3pb:Purpose-tailoring Class
p3pb:Purpose-telemarketing Class
p3pb:purposeAlways Property
p3pb:PurposeClass Class
p3pb:purposeOptIn Property
p3pb:purposeOptOut Property
p3pb:Recipient Class
p3pb:recipient Property
p3pb:Recipient-delivery Class
p3pb:recipient-description Property
p3pb:Recipient-other Class
p3pb:Recipient-ours Class
p3pb:Recipient-public Class
p3pb:Recipient-same Class
p3pb:Recipient-unrelated Class
p3pb:recipientAlways Property
p3pb:RecipientClass Class
p3pb:recipientOptIn Property
p3pb:recipientOptOut Property
p3pb:RelativeClass Class
p3pb:relativeTo Property
p3pb:Remedy Class
p3pb:remedy Property
p3pb:Remedy-correct Class
p3pb:Remedy-law Class
p3pb:Remedy-money Class
p3pb:RemedyClass Class
p3pb:ResolutionProcedure Class
p3pb:resolutionProcedure Property
p3pb:ResolutionProcedure-applicable-law Class
p3pb:ResolutionProcedure-court Class
p3pb:ResolutionProcedure-customer-service Class
p3pb:ResolutionProcedure-independent-organization Class
p3pb:retention Property
p3pb:Retention-business-practices Class
p3pb:Retention-indefinitely Class
p3pb:Retention-legal-requirement Class
p3pb:Retention-no-retention Class
p3pb:Retention-stated-purpose Class
p3pb:RetentionPolicy Class
p3pb:RetentionPolicyClass Class
p3pb:service Property
p3pb:shortDescription Property
p3pb:start-time Property
p3pb:statement Property
p3pb:Statement Class
p3pb:StructuredDataElement Class
p3pb:StructuredDataElementClass Class
p3pb:Test Class
p3pb:UnstructuredDataElement Class
p3pb:UnstructuredDataElementClass Class
p3pb:verification Property

produced by the Jena Schema Navigator