Terry Mason's Family History Site

25,034 names. Major lines: Allen, Beck, Borden, Buck, Burden, Carpenter, Carper, Cobb, Cook, Cornell, Cowan, Daffron, Davis, Downing, Faubion, Fauntleroy, Fenter, Fishback, Foulks, Gray, Harris, Heimbach, Henn, Holland, Holtzclaw, Jackson, Jameson, Johnson, Jones, King, Lewis, Mason, Massengill, McAnnally, Moore, Morgan, Overstreet, Price, Peck, Rice, Richardson, Rogers, Samuel, Smith, Taylor, Thomas, Wade, Warren, Weeks, Webb, Wodell, Yeiser.

Table of Contents

These records are copyright data and not to be used for sale or profit.
Sources must be given credit.
To see the source documentation click on the superscript (raised) numbers by a person's name.

Note: Other than a name, the data, sources, and notes for "living" individuals have been omitted.
IF you find any of your relatives on my site, write and tell me.
I freely share my notes and documentation with family.
This generation has the tools.
Our Legacy - Documented Records that will stand the "Test of Time".

Click on the following to read about
Documentation and How To Do Family History Research.

Please, read in "Documentation" about poorly done records and how "Family History" is different from "Genealogy".
The purpose of my displaying my records is to work with others in coordinating research.
Do NOT accept these records as fact quoting me as "Source". Some records are only theories.
I hope that you have some documentation that you would share. I am freely sharing what I have with you.

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