Here are the W3C HTML Validation Service results for the document at URI:
Below are the results of attempting to parse this document with an SGML parser.
Version of HTML selected: HTML 4.0 Transitional.
Error at line 4: <p>document type does not allow element "P" here
Error at line 14: <p>document type does not allow element "P" here; missing one of "APPLET", "OBJECT", "MAP", "IFRAME", "BUTTON" start-tag
Error at line 24: <p>document type does not allow element "P" here; missing one of "APPLET", "OBJECT", "MAP", "IFRAME", "BUTTON" start-tag
Error at line 34: </HTML>end tag for "HTML" which is not finished (explanation...)
Sorry, this document does not validate as HTML 4.0 Transitional.