Requirements for All Videos

For all videos:


Evaluation Introduction


Introduce the core concepts of web accessibility evaluation, and introduce different audiences to the most relevant WAI resources for them.


Primary Audience[edit]


Mostly presenter (eg.e.g., someone in a studio, office, or such) with simple effects (eg.e.g., illustrations, showing the resource or website, and such).


Outline (~8-12 minutes total)[edit]

Video 1: Evaluation Overview (~1-2 minutes)[edit]

Video 2: Preliminary Evaluation (~3-5 minutes[per below, maybe much longer])[edit]

Video 3: Evaluation Tools (~1-3 minutes)

Video 43: Comprehensive Evaluation (~3-5 minutes[possibly shorter?])[edit]

·Welcome, overview onof this video (as part of the other twoevaluation videos), with *brief* mention of  ("see other videos for"):

·Reminder that comprehensive evaluation requires more expertise

·Reminder on the importance of evaluating early and throughout

·       Reminder on the importance of involving people with disabilities

·       evaluation tools

Contacting Organizations


Introduce the WAI resource Contacting Organizations about Inaccessible Websites in a succinct way.


Primary Audience[edit]

Note: Many of these audiences will likely be from user organizations, rather than end-users directly.


Mostly presenter (eg.e.g., someone in a studio, office, or such) with simple effects (eg.e.g., illustrations, showing the resource or website, and such).

Outline (~3-5 minutes)[edit]

Business Case


Provide a catchy and succinct alternative for the WAI resource Business Case for Digital Accessibility.


Primary Audience[edit]


Mostly presenter (eg.e.g., someone in a studio, office, or such) with catchy illustrations, effects (eg.e.g., picture angles, cuts, sounds, etc.), and phrases (eg.e.g., "accessibility is good business", "enhance your brand", etc.).

Outline (~1-2 minutes)[edit]


Planning and Managing


Introduce the WAI resource Planning and Managing Web Accessibility in a succinct way.


Primary Audience[edit]


Mostly presenter (eg.e.g., someone in a studio, office, or such) with simple effects (eg.e.g., illustrations, showing the resource or website, and such).

Outline (~3-5 minutes)[edit]