[DRAFT] Unit 5: Applying and Managing Accessibility


The objectives of this unit areis to introduce:

*   different strategies on how to plan, apply, and manage accessibility

* . It also introduces several roles and responsibilities related to implementing accessibility.

Tip:IP The Planning and Managing Web Accessibility resource contains many different strategies. Select those which better adjust to thethat best apply to the learnerss business contextsituations.

Learning Outcomes

Learners should be able to:



[Basic] Basic understanding of computers and the Wweb.


[Medium] Good understanding of how to introduce and integrate accessibility strategies throughout organizationsal processes.

Topics to Teach

The following topics help achieve the learning outcomes. You might choose to aAdapt the sequence of these topics, the activities you docarry out, and the homework you provide assign according for yourto the particular audience learners and context.

Topic: Planning and Managing Web Accessibility

[Select strategies from Refer to the Planning and Managing Web Accessibility resource to select those strategies that best apply to the learners’ situations. suit the particular business context of learners. Emphasize that it is crucial [slh3] to have management support and backing to succeed in implementing accessibility.

Learning Outcomes

Learners should be able to:

  • Explain that accessibility implementation needs involvement from a wide range of rolesall team members
  • Recognize the need of technical and financial resources for accessibility
  • Distinguish some important roles to ensure a consistent implementation of accessibility, such as those from Quality Assurance or Executive Management Teams
  • Describe how to involve people with disabilities throughout projects
  • Describe some accessibility case studies from companies and organizations

Teaching Ideas

Homework Ideas

  • Provide students with a multiple choice quiz in which they want to select all of the accessibility planning and managing strategies they consider important for their organization or workflow. Encourage them to elaborate on how they would integrate new accessibility strategies they might not have know about before.
  • Ask students to list various roles in charge of accessibility among the team and which would be their main responsibilities.
  • Ask students to pick up a product or service of their choice and to develop strategies to efficiently plan and manage accessibility. Encourage them to think about key roles and responsibilities as well as key actions that need to be taken to grant ensure that accessibility is maintained throughout time.

Topic: Developing Policies and Statements

Introduce students to accessibility policies for organizations and accessibility statements for websites. See  by referring to the Developing Organizational Policies on Web Accessibility and the Developing an Accessibility Statement resources. Emphasize that policies tend are mostlyto be internal within organizations, whereas statements are public commitments on accessibility implementation.

Learning Outcomes

Learners should be able to:

Teaching Ideas

  • If possible, bring in some examples of accessibility policies you are aware of or may have access to. Explain that they serve to document organizational commitments, to encourage implementation, and to define monitor and review processes. If you cannot bringdon't have  such a documents, refer to the Accessibility Policies resource, and walk students through the different elements that are needed for an effective consistent accessibility policy.
  • Ask students to explore publicly- available accessibility statements and encourage them to reflect on some of the aspects they include.

Homework Ideas

  • Ask students to draft an accessibility policy based on a particular organization of their choice. Ask them to define the scope of the policy, to reference current standards, and to set compliance levels. Use the Accessibility Policies resource as a reference.
  • Ask students to draft an accessibility statement considering for a particular product of their choice. Show the Developing an Accessibility Statement resource as a reference for this exercise.

Topic: Roles and Responsibilities

Introduce several roles and responsibilities in charge of thefor accessibility. See -related tasks by referring to the Accessibility Roles and Responsibilities resource.

Learning Outcomes

Learners should be able to:

  • Explain how accessibility responsibilities are shared among different roles within the team
  • Describe some accessibility features and map them to specific roles and functions

Teaching Ideas

Homework Ideas

  • Based on the Role-Based Decision Tree resource, ask students to pick up specific features of products they may be working on. Encourage them to assign their corresponding roles and responsibilities. For instance, if an alternative text is required for an image, who would provide that text? Who would implement it?

Topic: Accessibility in an Existing Project

Introduce some strategies to apply address accessibility characteristics in an existing project. Use the Web Accessibility First Aid: Approaches for Interim Repairs resource as a reference.

Learning Outcomes

Learners should be able to:

  • Explain how to identify potential accessibility issues in projects
  • Describe some of the strategies to efficiently address accessibility issues

Teaching Ideas

  • Introduce some of the methods to gain an understanding of the current accessibility status in the project, e.g., performing a first review or carrying out a detailed accessibility evaluation. Refer to the Web Accessibility First Aid resource.
  • Introduce some of the strategies that can be used to prioritize issues.
  • Explain how interim repairs can act as a starting point for future accessibility implementation strategies.
  • Engage students in a conversation based on a set ofto discuss accessibility issues from of a given digital product. Encourage them to reflect on which of the issues they would prioritize and how these issues could be solved according to what they have already learned.

Homework Ideas

  • Point students to a particular accessibility website or application and ask them to identify its main accessibility issues. Encourage them to share their findings. Compare the results with your own to test student’s accuracy when performing first checks.
  • Ask students to identify the most relevant issues in a particular digital product. Encourage them to establish the priorities and elaborate on how the issues could be solved.

Ideas for Assessment

Teaching Resources


 [slh1]I don't think our resources provide much support for  this. (I don't think "maturity" is mentioned anywhere.)

 [slh2]See https://github.com/w3c/wai-curricula/issues/24

 [slh3]Is it really "crucial"? (I'm OK if others think that is the appropriate word.:-)

 [slh4]This resource is directly referenced 4 times in this short page. Sees overkill. Maybe delete either the Tip at the beginning or the repeat of it at the beginning of "Topic: Planning and Managing Web Accessibility".

 [slh5]The case studies in our business case are very limited, and focus on promoting accessibility, rather than how organizations implemented accessibility – I think. Does EOWG think they right / sufficient for this learning objective?

 [slh6]Jargon-  need to link to explanation of it

 [slh7]Wouldn't this exercise only work well if they are in the same organization?

 [slh8]Maybe this is infrequent for most teams.

 [slh9]Is this suppose to come from our Business Case or other? If our business case, previous comment applies. ;-)

 [slh10]I'm not sure what this is supposed to be communicating.

 [slh11]Do any of the resources we point to address this? I don't think that they use the term "maturity".