Meeting re: selecting eval tools Nic: We agreed that we will integrate parts of the pull request that we agree and then get rid of the block called specific operation usages and add the material that is there under the assists by bullet, ensuring it is not too text heavy and unbalanced. Sharron: I am not sure what you mean "parts that we agree" Nic: some of the comments Shadi made were trivial and e had already agreed upon Nic: being face to face is helpful and I appreciate it. Shadi: Do we want to go through any of the other changes? Shadi: another one I changed was "accessibility information" I moved it up into the other feature section because it is something you can actually filter for. It looks a bit different but it is a filter. Nic: without a heading it did not look like its own category. Maybe we need to move it up but from the tools page perspective it needs a fix also, can we do that? Shadi: Yes we can file an issue for Eric to see ...there was another one you spotted where there is a discrepcency between how it is listed in the tools list, I filed a GitHub issue and he is addressing it. this case around the "accessibility info" thing we can ask Eric for a quick fix and then we can finish this. Nic: I will file a GitHUb issue to fix that and then the change to our document makes sense. Shadi: at the point where we bring to the main doc, we ask Eric to make sure the fixes to the tools list are made so we can bring to the full group. ...are there changes that we should discuss? Nic: I would like to restore the section about what you can filter for and what you cannot. That depends about whether you want this to stand alone or be a companion to the tools list. Shadi: I do not feel too strongly but it seems to complicate the doc. For example,what if you search for a tool that is a plugin to another authoring. the result are the actual authoring tools rather than the plugin. So in this case it is detail to an existing filter. So in this case it is not quite accurate. ...if you want to put them back in, let's think about what the headings are called. General discussion about whether authoring tool is a feature or how to communicate the detail of the plugin relationship. There are features and details of the features. Shadi was confused by the wording of the headings. Nic: will work on the wording Shadi: I added a sub-list under Online Service When you go to Type of Tool and choose Online Tool. ACTION: Nic will file issue on Tools List that there is mismatch between Online Tool and search result is called Online service, need to be align. Shadi: I thinkthose are the major issues, rest can be left to editor's discretion. Nic: Cool, Laura does that sound OK to you? Laura: Yes sounds good.