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WAI: Strategies, guidelines, resources to make the Web accessible to people with disabilities

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Example Outlines for Web Accessibility Presentations
[Draft for review - updated 21 September 2010]


This page provides example outlines of four web accessibility presentations. It shows how you can use the Accessibility Topics as building blocks for different types of presentations.

Presentation outlines on this page:

  1. Introducing web accessibility (20 minutes, for any audience)
  2. Web accessibility business case (10 minutes, for senior management)
  3. Using an accessible web (1 hour, for people with accessibility needs)
  4. Accessible web design (2 hour lecture, for web design students)

Note: See also How to Make Your Presentations Accessible to All for guidance on making your presentations and training accessible to people with disabilities and others in your audience.

1. Introducing web accessibility (20 minutes, for any audience)

Example scenario: general overview of web accessibility, as one of several short presentations from a panel of speakers.


The audience will:

Sample outline:

presentations list

2. Web accessibility business case (10 minutes, for senior management)

Example scenario: short presentation during a senior management meeting to introduce the business case for web accessibility.


The audience will:

Sample outline:

presentations list

3. Using an accessible web (1 hour, for people with accessibility needs)

Example scenario: presentation for non-technical people (such as users, trainers, or accessibility advocates) about web accessibility and accessibility features of computers, browsers, and websites.


The audience will:

Sample outline:

presentations list

4. Accessible web design (2 hour lecture, for web design students)

Example scenario: lecture/presentation on web accessibility as part of a full semester's introductory course on general web design.


Learning objectives:

After the lecture and exercise, students should be able to:

Sample outline:

Suggested preparatory reading for students:

Homework assignment suggestion:

presentations list

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Status: This document is a complete draft published for public review.
Please send comments to wai-eo-editors@w3.org (a publicly archived list) by 21 October 2010.