Note: This document is a draft and should not be referenced or quoted under any circumstances.

14.1.         [need to update questions list with new wording]

1. Where should I start to learn more about WAI-ARIA?

The best place to start learning about WAI-ARIA and to get the latest information about it is the Accessible Rich Internet Applications Suite (WAI-ARIA) Overview. The Overview introduces how Web site developers can make advanced features in Ajax and related technologies accessible with WAI-ARIA, and describes the different documents in the provides a guide to the entire suite of WAI-ARIA suitedocuments with suggestions for how to approach them, depending on the focus of your interest in the topic.

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2. What is WAI-ARIA intended to do?

The WAI-ARIA increases the accessibility of initiative seeks to make accessibility possible for wWeb objects - often referred to as "widgets" - that are developed with Ajax, DHTML, and other current technologies. Web widgets are often achieved using portable pieces of executable code, in  from DHTML, or JavaSscript, and such. Several basic Javascript widgets are well-known, commonly used, and yet missing from HTML 4.[I don’t think widgets would ever be considered for HTML they are different things. (but I’m not sure  on that J) The ARIA intiative is working to incorporate accessibility into these newer presentation techniques in order to ensure that accessibility not be a barrier to innovation. [this is missing the other aspect of ARIA, as is provided in the Roles]

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3. What is the current status of WAI-ARIA development and support?

WAI-ARIA is being developed under the W3C Process, which is introduced in How WAI Develops Accessibility Guidelines through the W3C Processmore thoroughly discussed elsewhere. The public is invited to comment on ARIA work and to participate in the implementation and dissemination of ARIA techniques [@@ hesitant to use “techniques” here (and throughout) because might be confused with the Techniques documents available with WCAG, UAAG, & ATAG]. WAI-ARIA is already being implemented in A a number of browsers, assistive technologies, and open source JavaScript toolkits already implement ARIA techniques, and support by browsers and assistive technologies is increasing. WAI will be collecting and publishing a list of WAI-ARIA implementations in the coming months; some of this information is already available on other Web sites.A list of ARIA implementations is available - where ?-

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4. To what types of widgets does WAI- ARIA apply?

WAI-ARIA techniques apply to commonly used widgets including such as buttons, drop-down lists, calendar functions, tree controls (for example, expandable menus) and others. [most of the other WAI Resources use a comma before a conjunction; however, not all do and that’s not a har requirement, so feel free to do whichever you prefer.]

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5. What are common accessibility barriers with are presented by widgets?

[this question seems redundant with the Overview. perhaps delete here? or, related more closely with the info in the Overview so one is clearly related to the other?]

Barriers to understanding may occur as page content changes and new content is not communicated to everyone. On the web, interaction with a widget can change the actual content and visual presentation of a page. This can happen without the knowledge of a user who does not see the screen, thereby causing him or her to lose new content. Barriers to page function may occur when central activities depend on one mode of input. Currently, much widget functionality - such as the drag and drop convenience of many web calendar and search interfaces - is probably not available to a user who depends on a screenreader or who navigates with a keyboard rather than a mouse. ARIA techniques address these and other common barriers.

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6. What does WAI-ARIA offer to improve theWeb accessibility of widgets? [some below are not widget related]

To improve widget accessibility, WAI-ARIA provides web authors with the following:

*      roles to describe the type of widget presented, such as "menu", "treeitem", "slider" andor "progressmeter" -- elements which do not exist in current HTML 4.

*      roles to describe the structure of the web page, such as @@

*      properties to describe the state widgets are in, such as @@.

*      properties to define live regions of a page that are likely to get updates (such as stock quotes), as well as an interruption policy for those updates, that is [@@ explanation needed?].

*      properties for drag-an-drop that describeing drag sources and drop targets

*      a way to provide keyboard navigation for JavaScript widgets in HTML. [is naming JavaScript and HTML here too specific? should it be more broad?]

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7. What happens in current and older browsers when Web sites use WAI-ARIA is implemented?

[can you tighten up this answer? Some ideas below on cutting out extraneous info, but I think you can probably tighten even more. I think the answer is almost as simple as: “Nothing! :]
WAI-ARIA techniques have no impact on browser function other than how the page interacts with assistive technologies --— it does not affect how other users interact with the page.[hum… are you sure? will this always be the case? what if a browser wants to take advantage of WAI-ARIA stuff to enhance usability for all users, not just users of AT?] ARIA techniques have no affect on how the page renders on legacy[is there a reason to use “legacy” instead of “older”?] browsers. ARIA only improves accessibility for previously inaccessible widgets and web pages. Browsers that support ARIA techniques enable access to widget function for assistive technologies. On browsers that do not yet support ARIA, the widgets will simply continue to work as they currently do in those browsers. In such circumstances, the widgets will function for sighted mouse users, etc., but will not be accessible on those browsers. People using assistive technology will therefore use the browsers that support their needed tools. So there is basically no effect except the positive one for users with disabilities using modern software. There is no need to wait for full browser support therefore and ARIA can be used now.

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8. Does WAI-ARIA significantly increase the expense of development and the amount of widget code?

[perhaps this answer is for browsers and AT, not Web sites? if so, need to clarify (and probably more down since that is a smaller audience)] No, in fact ARIA-enabled widgets can be significantly easier and less costly [really?!?] to implement in a browser than other widgets. Here's why: ARIA techniques line up quite nicely with how most accessibility interfaces already work. ARIA simply adds a description of the role and properties - descriptions that provide information to assistive technologies. Also, ARIA requires only that code be added to the module that implements accessibility, not to the core browser. It is the accessibility module that then passes information about role, state, and changes in state through already supported interfaces. [I don’t see how this makes it easier and less costly. If make that statement, I think need to support it, since many people will be skeptical.]

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9. How complex is the development process using WAI-ARIA ?[it doesn’t change the process, does it? just some of the code?]  

Developing cross-browser, custom JavaScript widgets is a complex undertaking and not one for a beginning web developer. While including WAI-ARIA support does add a layer of complexity, the task of implementing ARIA is itself no more difficult than that of successful widget programming. A useful comparison in terms of time, effort, and skill [they are very different skills] might be the creation of customized style sheets. [I don’t get it. It takes the same effort to add ARIA as it does to develop a style sheet? hum – that’s seems too variable to me.]

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10. Are there JavaScript toolkits that provide built-in WAI-ARIA support?

Yes, there are some, and the number is growing. Several JavaScript toolkits such as Dojo, GWT, YUI and Scriptaculous, are quickly evolving powerful sets of widgets. [W3C wouldn’t say that because of vendor neutrality] Accessibility requirements will continue to influence which toolkit web authors will choose. JavaScript toolkits that integrate ARIA techniques will make the technology increasingly practical for individual authors. By using these popular toolkits, developers will be able to benefit from keyboard and assistive technology support that is already built-in.
[not really sure of your point above. c
ould you clarify, and maybe tighten]

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11. How can web developers implement WAI-ARIA?

1.Web developers can implement WAI-ARIA techniques in two ways: They can implement techniques described in the ARIA documents or they can u[suggest putting the easiest (and probably more common) one first :]
1. U
se existing toolkits that incorporate WAI-ARIA techniques. In this case, you don’t need to understand much about WAI-ARIA since it’s already built in. [confirm this is true (taken from deleted #2 below)]
2. Include WAI-ARIA techniques
in your custom widgets and …
 In either case, developers will find that ARIA provides useful mechanisms for describing the activities of JavaScript widgets that will help them meet current development requirements. The approach will vary according to the skills and interests of the development situation. Scenarios might include these:
A web developer or team has developed one or more JavaScript widgets, and accessibility is a project requirement. The team will use the When developing custom widgets, add ARIA properties to provide basic type, state and change information. for their JavaScript widgets and will use available dDocumentation and examples will be available in 2008. on the web. They will You should test the results using screen readers, other assistive technologies, and free testing tools, some of which are available free. If you the team needs help, you its members can sign up for the wai-xtech mailing list and ask questions there.

2.1. A web developer is looking for a specific widget or function within existing JavaScript toolkits, and needs the web application to be accessible. If the toolkit has ARIA support built in, the author will choose it and simply use the accessible JavaScript toolkit without the need to understand ARIA techniques.

[this still only covers part of ARIA, yes? missing the roles part again, I think]

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12. As a Web developer, what should I do with WAI-ARIA now?

[wonder if this one should be moved up?] Watch for new documents in early 2008. The WAI-ARIA Best Practices Guide is being developed to provide guidance for Web content developers and authoring tool developers on implementing ARIA in Web sites, applications, and tools. A Public Working Draft of the WAI-ARIA Best Practices Guide may be available in early 2008. Some techniques for using ARIA technologies are already available in the ARIA Techniques section of Techniques for WCAG 2.0.

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13. Where can I learn more about WAI-ARIA? [this seems redundant with the first question. can you just delete it?]

Several documents are currently available and more are in being developedment. These are outlined within the WAI-ARIA Suite section of the ARIA Overview page.

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14. Where can I ask more questions about WAI-ARIA?

The WAI-XTech e-mail list is where available for anyone interested in ARIA may to discuss technical issues on WAI-ARIA.

To subscribe to the WAI-XTech list, please follow the instructions in Participation in the Protocols and Formats Working Group.

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