W3C logo  Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) logo - Main Policies Page

Australia: State Policies Relating to Web Accessibility

ACT | NSW | Northern Territory | Queensland | South Australia | Tasmania | Victoria | Western Australia

Last updated 15 April, 2003, by Andrew Arch [andrew.arch @ visionaustralia.org.au]


The policy links on this page are compiled as a resource by the World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG). This page is not a comprehensive or definitive resource for all applicable laws and policies regarding Web accessibility. The information contained on this page is not legal advice. If you have questions about the applicability of the referenced laws to specific situations, please consult legal authorities in the appropriate jurisdiction.

This page lists only policies in Australian States. For national policies, inlcuding those in different countries, go to main page of policy links.


This page is under continual development. Should you be aware of additional Australian legislation or policies beyond those listed here, corrections needed, or developments related to legislation listed here, please contact <wai-site-comments@w3.org>.


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