End to End Analysis of Guideline 3.2
(completed by Becky Gibson 7/8/04)




HTML Techniques







Guideline 3.2

Organize content consistently from "page to page" and make interactive components behave in predictable ways. 

3.2.1 Consistent behavior


Ensure that layout and behavior of content is consistent or predictable, but not identical.

A consistent style of presentation on each page allows users to locate navigation mechanisms more easily but also to skip navigation mechanisms more easily to find important content. This helps people with learning and reading disabilities but also makes navigation easier for all users. Predictability will increase the likelihood that people will find information at your site, or avoid it when they so desire.

Examples of structures that may appear at the same place between pages:

1.      navigation bars

2.      the primary content of a page

3.      advertising

A navigation mechanism creates a set of paths a user may take through your site. Providing navigation bars, site maps, and search features all increase the likelihood that a user will reach the information they seek at your site. If your site is highly visual in nature, the structure might be harder to navigate if the user can't form a mental map of where they are going or where they have been. To help them, content developers should describe any navigation mechanisms. It is crucial that the descriptions and site guides be accessible since people who are lost at your site will rely heavily on them.

When providing search functionality, content developers should offer search mechanisms that satisfy varying skill levels and preferences. Most search facilities require the user to enter keywords for search terms. Users with spelling disabilities and users unfamiliar with the language of your site will have a difficult time finding what they need if the search requires perfect spelling. Search engines might include a spell checker, offer "best guess" alternatives, query-by-example searches, similarity searches, etc.

Editorial Note: This section seems to be discussing benefits more than techniques.




 Level 1 Success Criteria

  1.  Any extreme change of context is implemented in a manner that can be programmatically identified. [I]



 9.13 Opening new windows


Use the target attribute to open new windows, not scripts.



Level 2 Success Criteria

  1. Components that are repeated on multiple "pages" within a resource or a section of a resource occur in the same sequence each time they are repeated, for at least one presentation format. [V]



8.1 Layout tables (deprecated)


Avoid layout tables (this is really an anti-technique so not sure it really belongs in this list)


1.12 Formatting and positioning of text


Use CSS2 properties to control the formatting and position of text

Editorial Note: There is an "and" relationship between this and using structural elements (e.g., in HTML, use the header element and then style with css)

3.1 Creating layout, positioning, layering, and alignment


Use style sheets to create layout, positioning, layering, and alignment.



  1.  All user interface components should be able to receive focus without causing activation. [I]



9.9 Automatic activation of keyboard shortcuts


Do not use the accesskey attribute if browsers will automatically activate when the key is pressed.

Editorial Note: We do not like the necessity of providing this technique, since it essentially defines a workaround for browsers that actually are conformant to spec, but the HTML specification is in conflict with the WCAG in this instance.




  1. Changing the setting of any input field should not automatically cause an extreme change in context such as leaving the "page." [V]



 15.4 Auto submit combo boxes


Avoid auto submit combo boxes





    Interactive elements that appear on multiple "pages," including graphical elements, are associated with the same functionality wherever they appear. [I]







  1. Explicit notice is given in advance of any extreme change of context. [V]



9.11 Anchors and targets


Do not cause pop-ups or other windows to appear and do not change the current window without informing the user.

Editorial Note: include info about using target attribute on A to generate new windows. test that an unknown target causes a new window to open.

9.12 Using FRAME targets (deprecated)


Do not cause pop-ups or other windows to appear and do not change the current window without informing the user.

Editorial Note: This should be relaxed to fit current WCAG 2.0 thinking. i.e., "extreme changes in context are identified before they occur so the user can determine if they wish to proceed or so they can be prepared for the change" Thus, pop-ups are allowed as long as the user is notified before the pop-up appears. Also, more and more user agents may be configured to not display pop-ups or display them in the background, thus no change in context effects the user.



Level 3 Success Criteria

  1. The target of each link is clearly identified. [V]


9.1 Supplement link text with the title attribute.


Where appropriate, use the title attribute of the a element to clarify links.

Editorial Note: We're not sure how the title attribute should relate to the link text


9.2 Text for images used as links


Use text equivalents for images which are used as links.


9.3 Image and text links side by side


Combine adjacent image and text links that point to the same resource.

Editorial Note: This is about icons and text used as links side by side. If they point to the same resource, things can be repetitive or confusing. Such links should be combined into one.


11.1 Use Client Side Image Map


Provide client-side image maps instead of server-side image maps except where the regions cannot be defined with an available geometric shape


11.2 Provide text links for server side image maps.


Provide redundant text links for each active region of a server-side image map.


11.3 Provide redundant text links for client side image map (deprecated).


Provide redundant text links for each active region of a client-side image map.

Editorial Note: In WCAG 1 this is an "until user agents" requirement. Wat should we do with it?


11.4 Provide alt for area.


Provide alternative text for the area element.




  1. Graphical components that appear on multiple pages, including graphical links, are associated with the same text equivalents wherever they appear. [V]





  1. Components that appear visually on multiple pages, such as navigation bars, search forms, and sections within the main content, are displayed in the same location relative to other content on every page or screen where they appear. [V]



1.12 Formatting and positioning of text


Use CSS2 properties to control the formatting and position of text

Editorial Note: There is an "and" relationship between this and using structural elements (e.g., in HTML, use the header element and then style with css)

3.1 Creating layout, positioning, layering, and alignment


Use style sheets to create layout, positioning, layering, and alignment.



  1. When components such as navigation menus and search forms appear on multiple pages, users can choose to have those elements presented in a different visual position or reading-order. [V]





  1. There are no extreme changes of context. [V]



1.3 Meta redirect


Avoid using meta http-equiv of "refresh; url=... "to automatically redirect users.

(technically this would not be considered an extreme change of content so perhaps this technique doesn’t belong here?)



Guideline 3.2 (consistent-behavior) Issues

Who Benefits from Guideline 3.2 (Informative)

·         Providing consistent and predictable responses to user actions is important feedback for users. This lets them know that your site is working properly and encourages them to continue interacting with the content. When users receive an unexpected response, they might conclude that something is wrong or broken. Some people might become so confused they will not be able to use your site.

·         Individuals who are unable to detect extreme changes in context or may not realize that the context has changed are less likely to become disoriented while navigating a site. This applies to people in the following ways:

o        Individuals who are blind or have low vision may have difficulty knowing when a visual context change, such as a new window popping up, has occurred. In this case, warning users of context changes in advance minimizes confusion when the user discovers that the back button no longer behaves as expected.

o        Using captions to note changes in speaker is beneficial for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing and who may be unable to discern changes in speaker for audio-only presentations.

·         Some individuals with low vision, with dyslexia and who have difficulty interpreting visual cues may benefit from additional cues in order to detect extreme changes in context.

Examples of Guideline 3.2 (Informative)