Work items
conformance levels
Jason, Marc, Mark, Cynthia, Andi, Dave
map HTML techniques to success criteria/checklist
scoping - create ways to include/exclude pieces of a site
UAAG conformance profile/baseline profile
I'm leaving on a jetplane...
UAAG conformance profile for Checkpoint 5.2/5.3
For "User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0,",
authors should choose a technology for which there is at least one UA which
satisfies the following conformance profile template:
Conformance level: A
Supported conformance profile labels must include all content type labels
for content types that you are using. Options include:
Speech [Issue: do we want to require this label?]
If technology supports events, then you must include the Event label.
[Issue: Selection label. Not sure how to handle/refer to.]
[Issue: do we need to specify that Input modality labels are not
required or leave it implicit?]
Applicability: [Issue: checkpoint applicability. UAAG checkpoints have
requirements that the UA can't satisfy because of the content (particularly,
#4, e.g., scripts). Should we put requirements on the content that alleviate
these issues for the UA? @@ask Ian and Matt.]
User agent baseline issues
How many different user agents must claim conformance? Just one? Just two?
Must they be independently implemented?
Do they need to be for different platform? What counts as a platform? Language
(if content is French, then need French technology)?
How long should that conformant UA have been available to users?
What if only one UA conforms to UAAG? Are we tying accessibility to that
one UA? Does that force users to use only that UA?
We assume that conformance claims exist for UAs for authors to sort through
and refer to AND that for some technology, there are some UAs that exist
that conform. If our assumptions are incorrect, then that means that no
one can satisfy WCAG.
Issues with 5.3/5.4
Should these be combined to refer to UAAG profiles? for example, if you
choose quicktime is there a plug-in that conforms to UAAG?
scripting stuff (i.e., "custom user interfaces" covered by 5.1)
Other issues
Issue: in the UAAG conformance section, at one point it says "This document
does not require content focus and user interface focus" while someplace
else it says "does."
How does this fit in? It addresses checkpoint 5.2, that says that technologies
must be available in at least two independently-developed implementations.
This defines what it means to be implemented, that is, a UAAG-compliant
user agent is available.
Do the new levels make that unnecessary? It is claimed that in the new
proposal, guideline 5 goes away.
Conformance Levels
Redefined them, then went through checkpoints and success criteria (through
4.2) to classify them in terms of the 3 categories and where necessary
splitting success criteria across levels.
This means that some checkpoints don't have minimum levels.
The only part of 5 that would still be needed is 5.1
Issue: is it ok for some checkpoints not to have anything at level 1?
Issue: we could attach levels to checkpoints rather than success criteria.
GV's reorg had levels within checkpoints (as exists now?)
It felt much easier to categorize with this approach.
Action: ASW to write up notes and send to list.
Action: CS and MU to write proposals for checkpoints
Upshot: we can do this without requiring a transforming server
Issue: we probably need a conformance profile mechanism.
Action: @@ proposal for conformance profile mechanism.
There was a request for elaboration on how to provide for accessiblity
at level 1 for people who don't use assistive technology.
Proposed way to handle - set up a conformance profile that would require
reasonable levels of accessibility based on current technologies.
It is not clear what people think when they see "1, 2, 3" vs "A, AA, AAA".
It is valuable to think of Level A, B, C - you might have to do some
of each . People think 1,2, 3 is linear, but we've redesigned it as nonlinear.
A good argument is that sometimes you need to do some of 2 and all
of 1. (is this a conformance profile?) if so, then we need to use better
It would be a good idea to get rid of the word "level"; it implies hierarchy.
Things are currently lseparated into categories but they don't have a hierarchy.
However, the original intent was that they were hierarchical. Should we
call them "type" instead of level? might fall into 2.
We found this morning that we needed 3 groups since there might be some
that are mutually exclusive. There are some things that only fit into group
3 because an optimization for one group might be a "de-optimization" for
another. Then these are not hierarchical. Someone could do a site that
satisfies groups 1 and 3. Is everything in group 1 in the minimum? The
use of A, AA, AAA hasn't been discussed.
AT compatibility would be based on today's comformance profile. In the
future, that would change as ATs change. Conformance profiles are separate,
normative documents, based on UAAG conformance profiles.
An idea: conformance profiles live outside standard, but the standard is
constrained by them. Conformance profiles could change over time.
Is the conformance profile something the author does for their site? is
it now a spec? The author makes a conformance claim. A conformance profile
is the requirements for a claim.
If every country in the world created a different profile, they would be
subsets, but what is the impact? there should be constraints on how to
create profiles.
We mapped techniques to 2.0 checkpoints.
We found several techniques that could easily map to existing guidelines,
We found some important techniques for which it was clear there was no
Some techniques are not likely to move forward to future versions,
We logged several issues, such as:
some techniques were more clearly UAAG techniques
some were usability issues rather than accessibility
customization and personalization is important and not well-represented
in current draft (of checkpoints/guidelines)
We need a way to describe how to use built-in accessibility hooks (e.g.,
labels for form controls)
We have dealt w/special case issues (e.g., multimedia) but never said "all
content needs to be exposed." e.g., many of the frames techniques do not
clearly map back to checkpoints. content in this case = titles, table headers,
etc. "hidden" content that needs to be exposed. Use those elements so that
the UA can expose them.
Action: MC and BC summarize notes and send to list.
Action: MC/WAC put this on the agenda for Wednesday techniques calls.
defn of content: @@notes from Katie. "anything that is rendered by a UA.
examples are..." followed by the UAAG defn.
defn of user agent: @@
documents/web services/web apps, etc. propose calling these things "web
defn of web resources: @@ points to UAAG defn.
defn of web site: @@
action: KHS to summarize proposal and send to the list.
Issues to discuss:
hear more about browser conformance.
Next Face to Face
end of June (Cynthia, Andi, Marc, Michael
early July (Cynthia, Andi, Ben, Marc, Michael, Katie
Alex - later in July the better
Jason not available in middle of July
look for events to piggyback off of.
agenda: techniques?
Dates to avoid:
HCI conference 23-27 (Crete),
resna: 19-23 of June (Atlanta),
v2: 17/18 June
week of June 9 is out for Gregg
WAI steering F2F? beginning of June or July?