Brent: Quick summary and then time for questions from the work we did there. Since most people were there, we can just use this time for any additional questions or comments.
... I wanted to mention that we had some time discussing process, ways to implement the resource management, time boxing items within the meeting, maybe meeting every couple of weeks instead of each week. I got good feedback about how we work, we have listened to your feedback and will make plans for making those changes. At any time, please do bring comments to us about the process and we continually invite your ideas about process improvements. We want to hear your ideas and ways that this work can be done more effectively and productively. In addition, we decided to ask for an extension to the current charter to allow more time to define work for the next one. As well, we worked on the Tutorials, How People with Disabilities use the Web, the Policies work, and had extensive review and discussion of the IA and design considerations of the new web site. Minutes for the EOWG February 2017 meeting are found in the archive. Any questions or comments?
<shawn> Thank you to Pearson for hosting the F2F!!!
Brent: We did some good work at the face to face, will turn it over to Shadi to walk us through it.
Shadi: First I want to express my appreciation for the time everyone took to read and prepare for the discussion. We agreed that we would make no big changes, but because of travel, I have not been able to attend to the smaller changes that were suggested. We have a draft survey and will be asking for any word changes,updates, attention to terminology around disability and AT, I will list a few questions in the survey and hope to have it open on Monday as a separate survey - not part of the weekly one.
... so look for that survey on Monday and we will take a round of review and get this material out of draft status to publication and a WAI resource.
Brent: When we do a survey, please be sure to indicate whether the comment is high priority to be addressed or if it can be left to editor's discretion.
Shadi: Can use the flags within GitHub to do that.
Sharron: Those indicators have been added to the survey at this time. After reviewing the minutes from f2f, I put simple options: high priority, editor's descretion, or later version
<shadi> +1
Shadi: Good, we will duplicate those flags in GitHub.
Brent: It is really important to get in the habit of adding that indicator when you submit comments. It makes the editor's job so much easier in terms of prioritizing comments and response.
Brent:An issue is the font and feelings are that we can't move forward in the design development until that decision is made. Research indicates that there is no one ideal font and so we want to get more opinion from COGA, LVTF and others. Shawn will walk us through some of the comments.
Shawn: One clear font has bubbled to the top and wanted folks to be able to review and raise any issues if you have them. take a look at this font and indicate approval (+1) or raise issues.
<shawn> Page mock up using Noto Sans font with 1.5 line spacing
<Howard> +1 nice font
<Laura> +1
<krisannekinney> +1 really like this font
<rjolly> +1
<Howard> are we going with 1.5 line spacing overall?
<shawn> Caleb: +1 for font
<Brent> +1 to Noto Sans
<Howard> I lean toward the 1.5 but am open to consensus.
<Laura> I agree with Howard on line spacing
<shadi> [I abstain, as I'm a nerd with absolutely no understanding for aesthetics]
Sharron: It looks beautiful!
<Brent> I like the 1.5 spacing as well.
Brent: In the issues, can we add at the bottom a link to this section of the minutes?
Shawn: Yes will do
Brent: Any other questions about font? great thanks everyone.
Brent: Judy Brewer has joined us, we will do a quick round of introductions
Judy: Would like to provide introduction and context on materials that may end up in EOWG for review. The WCAG TA (technical assistance) represents support from the US Access Board for technical and educational work needed since the US adopts the WCAG standard formally.
... they send US govern agency staff to WAI
... and wanted to support educational and training materials. Since there is so much in queue for EO right now, we are asking mostly for review and not for editing time. Respond to requirements and drafts, etc.
<Brent> WCAG TA Wiki:
Judy: there are three types of tasks: 1. make it easier to find resources (smart search); 2. integration of resources - implement better cross wiring of related resources about a certain topic; 3. BAD update - consistently hear that it is a great resource but it is terribly outdated and that reduces the value.
... so I can provide back ground details but will stop here for a minute for questions.
Judy: We have done some requirements work and would like to ask for EO to look at that and incorporate discussions I have had recently. Will talk first about the Tutorials
... For this section, EO has an issue with the time taken for the Tutorials, in this case, we have editors who will be doing development on new tutorials in parallel with current work.
... the expected use of WCAG2 and ATAG for mobile is a source of confusion. Developers seem to want more a focused umbrella approach. "Show mw how to use these resources for mobile" This tutorial is meant to to do that.
... any questions?
Brent: Have you done the research to identify that this is in fact what people need and want? We have been asked as well to curate existing resources and point to them. Do we know that these are not done in the field?
Judy: I have heard that feedback as well but have also heard that pointing out external resources can be part of the approach but is also needed authoritatively from WAI. Approaches can be very different and so it could require a lot of vetting. Some people want the confidence that comes with a WAI resource.
... the consideration of not being redundant with strong external resources is a strong one.
... topics were chosen from the EO wish list. As EO reviews the requirements and something was identified as already being out there, it would have impact. There is deliberate overlap with some and are thinking that this one would be a gateway to that.
Robert: I like the approach of balancing the curation of existing resoruces with the new ones. Eric and I have discussed what is needed and I think this approach makes a lot of sense.
Judy: That is great to hear, staff here often hears from the community how much people like the tutorials.
... trying to look at the sweet spot for particular types of tutorials that meet the needs of the community.
Shadi: Channeling Eric, since HTML5 provides this it may be good to emphasize that in the tutorials. Development of a new, redundant one may not be needed. That coould be a point within the tutorial.
Judy: Brainstorming with Matt King and others at CSUN the idea was to leverage the work done in the ARIA authoring guide and use the tutorials as a conceptual introduction and then use the ARIA authoring guide materials on the slider as the instructional part.
... more of an overview that brings people into the authoring guide.
... questions, comments?
Shawn: Reminder of the existing WAI-ARIA overview
<shawn> Existing WAI-ARIA Overview
Judy: the distinction will be between narrative nature of the overview vs instructional nature for developers of the tutorial
... another possibility is to create a few usable, code ready examples so that the wheel does not have to be reinvented over and over. Could become gateway to the Components Library.
Shadi: We could follow a similar approach to the Carousel Tutorial, it gets built bit by bit and then a page with the full code and full working example.
Judy: I am interested in that because we are just beginning to explore the idea of how to make it a gateway to Components Library.
... The fourth one is an intro to captioning, we know it exists in many forms out there but want to creat one that points specifically to WAI reosurces.
... want to help support with a bit of why, what, and how.
... distinguish between two main approaches that people use now
... help people get started and consider quality. Could be tricky and don't want to try to be comprehensive.
Judy: Any quick responses or reactions to this.
Maybe try to minimize the cycles of creating resources. Any feedback?
Shadi: Group decided that tutorials would be more applied and less on the who and the why. There are links to other resources that address those context issues - i.e. who and why.
Judy: Anyone else with thoughts on this?
Brent: Any concerns or questions in how we are trying to mold these tutorials?
KrisAnne: Particularly with different people working on the tutorials there is the question of consistency.
Robert: I like that we're trying to maintain consistency. Github helps with this...Unified effort by multiple people.
KrisAnne: I know here at ETS we sometimes have trouble maintaining a consistant editorial voice. Would like to alert everyone to the importance of that. Now it is fine since Eric makes all the tutorials but as your team creates new ones and the writing is distributed, will have to be mindful of the consistency.
Judy:I had not thought of it in that way, it is useful to hear and will keep in mind. Another task is the BAD, a resource that people find extremely useful but that is now undermined by its antiquated look and feel, lack of ARIA techniques, and perception that it is not current. While there are hundreds of things that might be done and we had originally expected it to be a multi-year resource, possible budget constraints will have impact on that. Will need to watch the scope.
Brent:So am I hearing that the BAD project could go on for several years and EO will need to be aware of a multi-year commitment for review and watching the milestones?
Judy:No not that so much as what was originally envisionsed as a multi-year project has a risk for future funding gaps. Therefore we need to be sure to scope this one year that we do have certain funding to make the most significant updates and put other consideration into a parking lot or wish list.
Shawn:Could be similar to what we have done with Easy Checks and How People with Disabilities Use Web.
Judy:Any other questions or comments? Thanks for your time and I will stay in touch with updates as needed.
Shawn:We are planning to have a task force meeting in person in Austin later this month or maybe early next month. It is short notice but all are welcome to attend. Are there any objections to us holding such a meeting in that timeframe?
All: None
Brent:Wanted to close with the reminder to update availability for teleconferences, be sure to check with work for this week. You may also continue to work on RM assignments and please complete the weekly survey and the publication review for How People Use Web. Thanks!