- Minutes -

Education and Outreach Working Group Teleconference

18 Nov 2016

Meeting Agenda and Summary


Sharron, EricE, Andrew, Brent, Laura, shadi, Shawn, KrisAnne, Caleb, Denis, James, Mary Jo
Kazuhito, Sylvie, Chris, Susan, Adina, Howard
Sharron, Brent


Participation is up, thanks!

Brent: wanted to recognize that survey participation and meeting attendence is up so we really appreciate your response. Thanks to everyone for your help driving the projects forward. Please keep up the good work and continue this level of participation.

EOWG face to face meeting

<Sharron> https://www.w3.org/2016/11/14-eo-minutes.html

<Sharron> https://www.w3.org/2016/11/15-eo-minutes.html

Sharron: Started the day on Monday working on Tutorials. Eric will give an update later in the meeting around this work.
... Made a few resolutions on the tutorials. Those are in the minutes.
... Was really nice to work on them with everyone in the same room and I think the group will be pleased with the progress.
... Then we moved on to the Redesign work. We all looked over Alicia's mock-up and had positive response to it.
... James gave a lot of good feedback on the design.
... Then we moved on to the IA card sort activity. The categories that we came up with were Understand, Advocate, Implement, Participate.

<shawn> visual deasign mockup:

<shawn> card sort results:

Sharron: Then we sorted the web page cards into these four main groups.
... Want to acknowledge the leadership of James and Chris in doing and leading those activities. Helped us get a lot of work finished.
... Then we helped Susan with the mobile accessibility work. Gave some direction and looked over the requirements document.

<inserted> [For archival purposes, the design mockup, EO access: https://www.w3.org/2016/11/15/wai-design-draft.pdf]

Sharron: The Self Evaluation, we started a conversation around this. Not many people left in the meeting so we didn't actually complete and evaluation of our processes but had some fruitful discussions about it. Essentially we want to look at the working process of the group and seeing where we can imporve some of the processes to make the work more specific and focused.
... Looking at the process and decide how much is helpful and how much is too much process.

<shawn> [ Susan said working with "planning group" really helped a lot ]

Sharron: We had an EOWG reception on Tuesday night during the end of the pre-conference day. Showcased a little information about the redesign and received good feedback from those that visited with us.

<shadi> [sounds like a great f2f - congrats!]

Shawn: Thanks for sponsoring the evening session. When asked how many people were aware of WAI-IG mailing list, few were. Thanks to the AHG conference and Howard for providing the space.

Eric: great discussion on the Tutorials Monday morning and had a good look at how to organize them, split it into two new tutorials and are considering how to organize content.
... thanks to Shadi and all who particapted in person or by phone.

<yatil> https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/EOWG_F2F_November_2016/Tutorial_Discussion#Meeting_Outcomes

Brent: Thanks to Howard for providing the space and to Knowbility for hosting the reception.
... good job, good work.
... any questions about the face to face activities.

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to mention

Shawn: I linked to card sort results and will link to the visual design draft.

2017 face to face - first one at CSUN

Brent: Pearson is going to be able to sponsor the face to face at CSUN. Please use the survey link to indicate your preference about when to meet. Depending on the choice, it will conflict with one day of regular programming or both days of the pre-conference.

Shawn: Even if you are not going to the conference you can come to the face to face and please note the date preference.

Accessibility, Usability, and Inclusion

Shadi: Now that the Planning and Managing Guide is done, we are looking at this.

<shadi> https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/Accessibility_and_Inclusive_Design/Requirements_Analysis

Shadi: Linked to requirements analysis, and spent the days after the face to face considering the resource history and changes. It has created some confusion since it is more like a glossary. What happens in research and sometimes in general conversation there is the point made that the boundaries between them are not clear.
... isn't it enough to say "design for all?" People say barriers to use occur because of language or so...but is the same as the discrimination against people with disability?
... the distinctions are sometimes unclear. Developers are encouraged to understand that it is sometimes important to be aware of the need for particular expertise to understand the broad requirements of disability accessibility specifically.
... was called Accessibility and Usability working together. Have seen in the last several years the increased use of "Inclusion," and Inclusive design. So wanted to also address that concept as well.
... an observation of past iterations has been lack of clarity and focus. Shawn has done a great deal of work.
... The document is now sharper and more focused, welcome feedback. Also need to consider the subtitle. That is the final open issue. So the assignment will be to look at requirements, read the document to see how it fulfills requirements, and consider the subtitle.

<Andrew> Requirements look excellent - love the new breadth :)

<shadi> [thanks Andrew]

Shadi: please put observations of content in the GitHub and considerations of subtitle in the survey.
... any questions?

<shadi> http://w3c.github.io/wai-inclusion/

Weekly work reports

Brent: Looking at the RMs to report, first one is policies.

MaryJo: Policies has not made tremendous progress due to personal circumstance.
... Now have reviewed comments, beginning to implement them, thanks for that. Did we not say the Eric's prototype would be moved into GitHub so we can work on it there? if that can happen, it will be awesome.

<yatil> -> Code for the prototype on GitHub: https://w3c.github.com/wai-policies-prototype

<yatil> -> Code for the prototype on GitHub: https://github.com/w3c/wai-policies-prototype/

MaryJo: the prototype does not yet contain the table and I think Susan said she could create a sortable table within the prototype. I don't have emails for those who said they would help - Susan and Andrew

<shawn> fyi, good place to fine EOWG folks e-mails: search the eo list archive: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-eo/ :)

MaryJo: next step is to finish up putting the comments and resolutions into GitHub and then to have the protype undated with the table and put in GitHub to continue the work. I am also in the background working on the form inputs.
... not sure how much I will get done, will be off work for the holiday, resume the following week.

Eric: Thanks Mary Jo, good feedback for the prototype, the link to the GitHub version is here and I will help in any way needed.

MaryJo: we can do reviews of parts of it, it is OK and can reveiw once again after the table has been put in place.
... it is a complex table that needs to be sortable. I need someone to build it.

Brent: Yes, we will be sure to get you that help and appreciate your progress with this.

Subtopic: Tutorials

Eric: Will make sure that everything is reorganized into the structure we have agreed upon and identify gaps. Once that is done can relatively quickly complete Carousels and go into more detailed considerationof the others.
... will preparethat over the next few weeks.

Subtopic: Easy Checks

Caleb: Now going through images list. We have approval for content and have a few images that need polishing and my goal is to get that done and my goal is that it will be done by the next time we meet.

Eric: I looked at the EasyChecks illustrations and saw how they were a bit funky. Think I have found the solution and will put it into a GitHub pull request.

Caleb: You are awesome Eric, so it may be sooner than I thought, thank you!

Subtopic: Mobile

Brent: Since Susan is not here, I can update a bit. Took a look at requirments document and aligned it with the Overview page and looked at the two sub-pages, which were determined to be fairly obsolete at this time. Will take any relevant content and move up to Overview.

Shawn: Some people may still be finding them useful, but for most will likely to be confusing. Once we take a pass at pulling the relevant content into Overview will pass by the WAI-IG and see if anyone is using them and ten determine to archive/obsolete them.

Brent: So she will be making progress on that soon.

<shawn> +1 to Sharron for introducing Susan and Kathy on mobile!!!

Brent: other reports?

Work for this Week

Brent: Survey will inlcude normal stuff, and questions for Inclusion, Tutorials, and such. Also will ask about process.
... no meeting next week for the US Thanksgiving holiday, thanks everyone!

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.148 (CVS log)
$Date: 2016/11/18 14:35:06 $