The weekly meeting started with an update from the chairs about the need to re-prioritize our work flow. EOWG has specific deliverables called out in its charter and we are responsible for completing those according to a timeline of milestones. While everyone has been working on their own resources as Resource Managers, some of those have gotten behind schedule. Going forward, we will prioritize charter deliverables and expect RM work to be secondary. Chairs will alert EO participants about weekly priorities as they merge. Next was a round of introduction to Kris Anne Kinney, recently appointed from ETS. Next up, Shadi reported progress on the draft version of the Web Accessibility First Aid document he has been editing. He has made extensive revisions based on group input and would appreciate another look from the group. A separate survey will come out this week with an extended timeline to ensure thorough review. Next Brent announced a change to the reporting format for the RM reporting. Rather than maintaining the reports on a two week cycle, RMs will bring the work to the group on their own timeline as needed. If the resource requires extensive discussion in the meeting, RMs are asked to meet with the planning group on the day before the scheduled meeting. Otherwise we will report as needed in a "standup" fashion to let the group know where you are, what barriers (if any) you have encountered, and what support you need. Reports were just given on the following:
Brent: Last week we began the discussion on this and are asking participants to be more mindful of surveys. When people ask for support on their resources, please give that your full consideration and attention. Need full fledged reveiw of resources - specific changes, grammar, spelling, and your thoughtful response.
... people are now tending to say "no problem" or some other superficial response. Need your input, makes the resources much better. Thorough review is requested and really needed.
... also need to think about milestones and charter deliverables. Still trying to make this transition to WG participants to edit documents and take responsibility. Since so many resources are outdated and may need to be refreshed and gotten out of draft. These two priorities are both important but the charter deliverables are looked out from outside and we are accountable for those to the chartering authorities. For example, scroll down to Milestones table
<Brent> Milestones & Monthly plans:
<shawn> Charter Deliverables:
Brent: Tutorials are a high priority. If you have volunteered to support Eric, please make this a priority since it is charter related. You can put RM work on hold while focused on the Tutorial support.
... in summary, we want charter related resources to be of highest priority while RM work continues as possible and as time permits. Any questions or comments?
Shawn: Not just getting them done by the end of charter time, but how well we are meeting our milestones - things done by certain dates and those are looked at, and will be more soon, we wanted to meet milestones (already missed some)
Brent: Chairs will look at completed projects and drive priorities to keep them current.
Howard: You mentioned that on the charter deliverables page there are listed items for things that are not in the charter but are being worked on - where is that?
Shawn: Not on charter itself but on Current Projects page.
Brent: At the very bottom...
<Andrew> s/
Howard: When people need feedback, will it be in the survey?
<shawn> When ready for feedback, input, discussion, etc, e-mail:
Brent: Yes - the RM will meet with the planning team and put it into the survey, either the weekly survey or a separate survey for people to understand it will be in Work for this Week
... any other questions?
... we really appreciate your patience with this process. With your help, we will do the updates to the general resources that are so badly needed and still meet our charter deliverables.
... on Current Projects page,if you are working on one of the chartered projects, such as MaryJo with the Policies. Please add high level milestones to the wiki, maybe just take some of the items from the project plan. If everyone who leads a project can do that, updating their own table so we can follow what is going on each month and be able to allocate resources to support your efforts.
<Andrew> and milestones table should link to plan pages where they exist
Brent: Assessment side of school products at Pearson, been with EO for 2 years, co-chair for one.
Shawn: Formally based at MIT in Boston for 15 years, on staff, live in Madison, welcome
Andrew: Work for Australian govt based in Canberra, with WAI for just over 16 years, it's the middle of the night for me.
Caleb: In Austin work for VISA, UX implementation guidance for product teams related to accessibility.
Chris: UX researcher for Pearson, bring voice of PWD into product testing, teach and raise awareness among developers.
Denis: Montreal Canada, with EO since 2008, work for Deque...assessment, training, strategy
Howard: Boulder, CO run AHG conference and work for UC, teaching and special projects.
Laura: Libray of Congress in DC, team lead for UX/UI development, focused on accessibility
MaryJo: Accessiiblity standards manager at IBM, based in Austin, developing teaching practices for new designers at IBM
Shadi: Work on staff at WAI, edit several resources, based in Vienna Austria.
Sharron: Welcome! Happy to have you. Based in Austin, TX. small non-profit Knowbility. Been w/ EO since 2006. co-chaired for almost 3 years now.
Susan: Based in Austin, accessibility consultant with Deque, welcome
KrisAnne Kinney: I tried to send my intro email before the meeting, I am at ETS in New Jersey. New to web accessibility standards. Looking at ways to translate standards to plain language to reach out to developers. Think it is really important to do that outreach to people who are new to it.
Brent: Have a link to the current version as well as the new draft.
<Brent> Current Working Draft of "First Aid":
Shadi: Has not been on the agenda for a while since we changed the title and not previously looked at the content much. The goal of the document is to help someone who has an exisiting site or in the middle of a development project and have to make urgent repairs.
... thanks to all who made comments, have made a complete rewrite as a result.
<shawn> +1 to overall reorg of the doc!
Shadi: Some situations may need more background, need to understand what the Guidelines are and where to find them. But rather than emphasize that for all, have tried to position it and tersify, channeling William.
... since the revisions have been so extensive, would appreciate another look from the group...please watch for next survey that will go through the 25th, you will have more than a week to review.
... if there are any concerns with using GitHub you can put comments into the survey itself. The important thing is to get comments in whatever way you are comfortable.
Brent: Survey will prompt you to put issues to GitHub but feel free to use the survey instead.
... remember that Shadi is asking for a thorough review, here is a link to what that means.
Brent: as we said, we have a number of ongoing projects. We have been putting people on a two week cycle but since that is not really been productive, we will do more of a "stand-up"
... what have you done, do you need any support, is anything blocking your progress? Kind of like the agile stand ups that happen with project development. So when you are ready to update or ask for help, speak up at meeting and/or come to the planning meeting to request a more formal spot on the agenda.
<Brent> Current Policies Page:
<Brent> Policies Update Plan:
MaryJo: Progress has been made on Policies...Eric made a small prototype table. I think he was not completely onboard with a table. Rather than put EU countries as sub categories under EU, we kept them on level. There is a link to that experimental rough draft. It is not entirely organized nor does it have all of your comments incorporated, but I am diving back in this week. I anticipate having something more substantial within the next week or so.
Shawn: There was a decision to make the coountries at a high level, can you document that fact and how the decision was made. Point to the minutes or GitHub wherever that decision was made.
... also is there anyone interested in putting the table itself into GitHub?
Susan: MaryJo, if you contact me off line, I can help you.
<shawn> +1 to Susan being helpful!!!
MaryJo: Need to come up with a template for how people can submit new or updated content.
Brent: Since this is a charter priority resources, chairs will check with you for when it should come back to the group and what other help you need.
Andrew: A few of us have said we will help, so for that subgroup, please let us know what will be most helpful to you MaryJo.
Brent: Maybe we need to link to the RM Tool so we know what the subgroups are for support.
Brent: There were several people who volunteered to help with this but since focus was drawn away, Eric has not gotten much support and he really does need that. So those of you who are in that support group need to jump in.
Shawn: This is a top priority within the charter and so today is a clarification of that fact and you will be hearing more about it from Eric. So anyone who has time and interest in the Tutorials and especially those who are part of the support group, please look at the GitHub issues.
... this will be a priority for all of us.
Denis: I am trying to understand how I can help. Have a lot of time next week
Sharron: make comments in whatever format you want and send to wai-editors
Shawn: I know there were some higher level questions with one or two of the Tutorials. Open issues and pull requests are in GitHub for review. Some questions about Menus amd Page Structure tutorials and the flow of information.
... look at existing GitHub issues and then if you can look at menus and page structure tutorials and how those are organized and outlined for what is included and/or left out.
KrisAnne: I see a link in the agenda to background information. Can someone send me the link to those?
... to the GitHub issues?
Shawn: The priority is to look at the Tutorials that are still in draft.
<shawn> Issues #1
Caleb: I have updated the Current projects with my activities for October. Four of the 5 require no input from the group. I will make several pull requests for those. The one that does require group input is the Blinking and Flashing. We are nearly there, but a few more comments have been added. If EO can review those from James and Shawn, I think they are both good and the comments from Shawn simplified the language in a good way. Please weigh in on those and I will make the final copy from your input. once they are resolved, we can do final review and publish.
<shawn> attention deficit or visual processing disorders. ( not "and")
<Susan> +1 to Shawn
<dboudreau> +1 to OR
<Laura> +1 to Shawn
<Brent> +1 to or
<chris_langston> +1 or
+1 to 'or'
<Andrew> +1 to 'or'
<Brent> Current Mobile Accessibility Resource:
Susan: I met with planning group yesterday I let them know that I was kind of stuck. Creating content for its own sake and Shawn suggested I approach from a user perspective and I found that to be helpful. People would look for how do I know what standards apply, how do I test, etc.
Susan: in future we may want to expand the section but probably not yet. The Mobile TF is working so now my plan is to revise the top level page to address structure, tone, voice and get group approval. Then as you dig down there are things that may have had a purpose when they were published but that content needs to be culled. I would like support for that and to go through the other resources like the Planning and Implementing Guide for places where mobile should be inserted. Overall I want to refine the focus to short term - clean up the landing page, long term is to look through the entire site from the user task perspective to where we need to drive people.
Chris: I have had comments from designers, consistently they ask how WCAG relates to general design principles for mobile.
<Andrew> concerned that some might read it that distraction and/or reading difficulty is only when the three conditions are met - suggestion was supposed to suggest a separate para
Susan: Yes, how to address native apps and they accept that they have to do accessibility but still a bit squishy and our site lacks support for that.
Chris: Indication that they have a relationship, maybe a crosswalk or csome mapping that lets people know how to find those.
Brent: If anyone else has anything to report or if assitance is needed.
Sharron: Redesign Task Force is without a Visual Design lead. If anyone knows someone who has experience in visual design that is a big need right now. Not someone to do the design but someone to lead on making decisions, setting direction, getting graphic design resources lined up, etc. In other words, not someone ho has to do all the graphics work but can lead on that aspect of the redesign. Thanks!
Brent: any other reports or updates?
... as you have updates, comments, process contact planning group, get on agenda
Brent: Survey coming both for the Shadi resource (First Aid) and for the weekly survey.
... gives you opportunity to bring something to planning meeting as well. Thanks everyone, see you next week!