Education and Outreach Working Group Teleconference

09 Oct 2015


EOWG met to review status of existing projects and get oriented about what was coming up next. First Shawn introduced EO participants to Adina Halter who is joining to work specifically on the Showcase Examples with Video. After a round of introductions, chairs reminded EO about the two important surveys that have been posted since last week and which are due on Tuesday, Oct 13th - links are posted, as always from Work for this Week. Next the group considered promotional efforts for the Getting Started Tips which were published last week and for ATAG which is now a W3C Recommendation. EO participants are asked to review the wiki page for Tips Promotion for ideas and understanding of how to work collaboratively on the promotional effort. Review ATAG outreach wiki page to review previous ATAG outreach and spread the word on that as well. A suggestion was made to include a Twitter and FB link for ease of sharing and Shawn agreed to investigate if/how that might be done. Next was the question of how the PF WG addressed EO comments on Media Accessibility User requirements. Shawn and Sharron are staisfied with the response and asked EO to look at the response and determine if anyone had additional comments. No on does and the resolution was made as follows:

EO accepts the disposition of our comments on the Media Accessibility User requirements doc.

Next the group turned to consideration of the Planning and Managing Accessibility resources. Kevin reminded us that preliminary analysis of these documents was done a year ago and that we are ready to return to the update and revision of these. Participants are asked to read and become familiar with these docs (linked from Work for this Week) and be prepared next week to discuss an approach to the work on them. Thorough review is not expected at this time, but high level familiarity and thoughts about the best approach to the revision. Also in queue is the final polish of the Easy Checks. We are looking for focused, actionable comments to move the resource out of draft. Sharron told the group of the intent to hold a WAI info session at Accessing Higher Ground in Boulder in November and encouraged EO participants to attend if possible. The reaminder of the meeting time was spent brainstorming outreach ideas for promtion of the Getting Started Tips.



Sharron, Brent, Shawn, Kevin, James, David, Howard, EricE, Adina
George, Jon, Andrew, AnnaBelle, Vicki, Shadi, Lydia [No response:Melody, Emmanuelle, Wayne, Sylvie, MaryJo, Reinaldo]
Sharron, shawn, brent


[Intro round]

Shawn: New participant Adina from Comcast. She will work on the Task Force for the Showcase Videos and is from Comcast.


Shawn: Surveys are due Tuesday, these are important surveys, we expect it will take significant time, so they have been posted since last week and will remain open until Tuesday. Please make the time for these as soon as you can.

Getting Started Tips- status update

Shawn: Kevin spent a crazy amount time addressing last minute comments to get these published in time. He continues to address the remaining issues and public comments. We hope to have those in the next week or two for your review
... Now that the tips are out, we can promote them.

<shawn> https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/Promoting_Getting_Started_Tips

Promoting the GS Tips

Shawn: The link here is to a structure for a document to communicate who we want to do outreach to, provision of sample wording, document of where any of us have done outreach.
... planning and record keeping notes as well. First part is meant to give inspiration and momentum to anyone wanting to do promotion, second to document what we have done.

Brent: Since this is the first time I have seen this outreach effort, is there another example where it has been completed?

Shawn: Under item 3 on the agenda is a link to other promo pages
... some are more complete than others

<shawn> for example https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/Promoting_Make_Presentations_Accessible

Shawn: EO participants are encouraged to be proactive here. For example, George had a contact at Disability.gov and got them to post it. Others are encouraged to do similar.

Adina: What about a FB and Twitter button to make sharing easier?

<shawn> ACTION: SHAWN record idea of share buttons overall on resources [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2015/10/09-eo-minutes.html#action01]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-333 - Record idea of share buttons overall on resources [on Shawn Henry - due 2015-10-16].

<Howard> FYI - I just promoted EasyChecks under the resources of this blog: https://wcetblog.wordpress.com/2015/09/29/universal-design/

<davidberman> I am adding EasyChecks to our standard links and cheatsheets we add to all our webinars and courses we develop for others.

Shawn: Another development was the fact that ATAG was promoted out of candidate status and became a full W3C Recommendation
... we had a campaign a couple of years ago in support of ATAG awareness
... now that it is a Recommendation, it would be improtant for us to promote the new status and make more people aware of ATAG
... we will make a simple page to track this promotion.

Sharron: We might want to set time aside to brainstorm promotional ideas.

Shawn: Might have time today after we get through the other agenda items.
... we also have a general outreach page to document and keep track of who has contacts where. Anything else for now?

EO Comments to Media Accessibility User requirements doc

<shawn> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-eo/2015OctDec/0000.html

<shawn> eo's https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/wiki/MAUR_Comment_Processing_2#Comments_4_through_10_from_the_EOWG

Shawn: Many months ago we submitted comments to PF or whatever group it was that had developed this. They responded to our comments, Sharron and I have skimmed their message.
... so far their response and their disposition of our comments seem fine to us, and we wanted to confirm that no one else had additional feedback to that document.

<Brent> Read through them earlier. I accept.

Shawn: questions, concerns, objections?

RESOLUTION: EO accepts the disposition of our comments on the Media Accessibility User requirements doc

Planning and Managing Resources

<shawn> https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/Planning/Background

Shawn: This link is to background info and Kevin will take it from here.

Kevin: We researched and analyzed the existing documents on this about a year ago. One was broad high level, the other was more focused and the third was about policies.
... we have since moved on to the Planning Roadmap, which is meant to possibly replace these docs or subsume them. We have a framework and think there is an opportunity for expanding and improving the strategic docs.
... there was a proposed Tips doc for Managing. We are going to start looking at this landscape of docs to determine how they would all relate and develop an approach that works. The Planning Roadmap is likely to absorb the "strategic planning for web accessibility" document and cover the broad high level document as well. The Roadmap is more geared to a project management environment. "Improving accessibility of your website" remains for those needing to do immediate repair and the policy document will remain. A remaining question is what to do with the idea of including a Tips for Managing? So these are questions and tasks for the near future..welcome your comments.
... much more information in the planning background information about the history, research, and intent of this set of resources.

Shawn: Big picture is that we are ready to get back to these. We now wanted to make sure people are familiar with the three existing resources and understand the background for the Roadmap. Next week we will discuss the background and consider what approach to take and specifics for developing them.
... questions or comments?

James: Do you envision the group splitting into smaller groups to do in depth work on this many resources?

Shawn: We were focused heavily on the tips for a while and also had other things that were ready that we asked not to bring so much to the group at once. We try to work on only 1 or 2 resources at once. That allows the editors to have more time to integrate comments
... some work is broken off into TFs and the group will work separately and bring work back for final approval.
... generally IEs are expected to contribute to the full extent of ongoing, overall work.

Howard: We should review the documents on the Planning page, will they be listed on Work for this Week?

Shawn: Yep

Kevin: It is not a review in terms of commenting, simply a matter of becoming familiar. We are not doing formal review in the sense of inviting comment at this time.

Shawn: Yes, become familiar with the documents and be prepared to develop an approach next week.

Easy Checks

<shawn> Reminder: We only want to clean up remaining issues and get it out of Draft status. We don't have an editor's time to make any significant non-essential changes now, and can record those updates for later when we do (GitHub label "later version").

Shawn: I had some brainstorms about future revisions but focusing on what we need to do to get it out of draft status. We agreed to inlcude the Flashing Check submited by Gregg V. Sharron put it into the format, still need polishing.
... Work for this Week asked for input, still need that.

Shawn: when we are near to completion, we are asking everyone to fork and edit. Not broad brainstorming ideas but specific changes submitted as a fork and edit.

David: I was enthusiastic about using the suggested GitHub format but when it comes to discussion it doesn't seem to fit.

Sharron:Yes, not all comments will fit into the template. In general that would not be too much of an issue, the editor can interpret and suggest alternatives. But for this, because we do not have an editor to process general ideas, we are asking everyone to propose specific wording when they suggest a change, to specifically say what the change will be. We are asking everyone to fork and edit and submit a pull request when you have it in the shape you are happy with.

<shawn> https://github.com/w3c/EasyChecks/issues/1

Shawn: If you look at that issue if you look at the third comment, there is an example of using that format.
... it is easier if you do fork and edit with a rationale

Kevin: Pull requests are really really good for the editor. For quick changes to make and especially with a rationale, we love pull requests.

David: In my head, slhenry owns this. But you are saying there is an editor who supercedes anyone commenting?

Shawn: Yes, in this case it is me again but yes, there are options once it is submitted. Editor says, accept the change, discuss, or bring to group.

David: So I should feel I can make suggestions as much as I want?

Shawn: Consider the editor's time...we would ask you to comment judiciously especially since EasyChecks has no editor at this time. There are times where we are in discussion mode where the threshold is very low for asking for comments, even brainstorm mode. With EasyChecks we don't actually have resources to process comments, so in this case, we would ask for a higher threshold and make sure the comments are focused and actionable

Shawn: Kevin, please share your perspective on the granularity of pull requests

Kevin: Whatever is easiest for the commenter is fine for me. I can edit pull requests and take larger or smaller bits of it and comment on specific parts.

<shawn> For Easy Checks, I prefer in the middle. Mostly separate pull requests for each section.

Sharron:Is this starting to make sense to everyone? For me the difference with Easy Checks is the urgency to get the resources out of Draft status. There are some thing that I would want to change if we had resources, but I'm not commenting on it now because it is basically sound and I am more compelled by the need to publish it as a final document, not a draft. The timing ofr overarching, foundational, shaping comments will be for things like planning and managing resources next week.

<shawn> ... For that reason, I would prefer *NOT* to add pause, stop, hide right now -- although if three are specific wording sugestions then we might decide it would work.

Shawn: One option is to provide specific wording and another is to park it for later consideration. Have to find the balance between making the document as good as possible and getting it done and published. With Easy Checks, we are not looking for improvements. We are looking for big issues that would prevent publication.
... basically we need people to help with polishing the new Check and will add to the survey next week.

Remember the big surveys

Shawn: To big important surveys that will require significant time, make sure to do them.

Accessing Higher Ground (AHG)

Shawn: We will have an early evening session at AHG on Thursday Nov 19.

Howard: You can read more about the conference at http://accessinghigherground.org

<shawn> might anyone else come and can participate in the WAI session Thur 19 November at 5:00 pm?

Sharron: It is meant to fulfill the Outreach part of our mission...a post-session event that invites the community to share ideas. We strongly encourage everyone to come!

Howard: We will have more than 80 sessions and the focus is higher ed but there are great resources for media and web accessibility etc in general.

Adina: I will reach out to my manager to see if it is a possibility

James: Me too

Shawn: Let me know if you are going to be able to be there, we can craft the agenda to take advantage of your presence.

Howard: I could move the session to later in the day.

Shawn: You can work with Sharron about that.

Promoting the Tips

Shawn: First link, item 3 of the agenda

<shawn> https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/Promoting_Getting_Started_Tips

Sharron: I will be updating the wiki "Promoting Getting Started Tips" while we talk.
... Who are the audiences for these tips? Who do we want to know that these tips exist?

Sharron capturing participant brainstorming directly in the wiki page.

Sharron: In the next part "Blog & newsletter ideas..." What kind of ideas do we want to push for blogging and newsletters?
... also, in this section, if someone publishes a blog, they could write a blog post about another topic and add a reference to the tips. Then link to it in this section of content that others could use, post, publish elsewhere.
... What other ideas do people have for newsletters?

In the Blog & Newsletter ideas section, Sharron will draft a blurb that could be used in various newsletters.

Sharron continuing to add ideas to the wiki page: https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/Promoting_Getting_Started_Tips

Shawn: Important - W3C is a vendor neutral organization so we need to be very careful about not doing a webinar for one organization over another.
... please keep that in mind as we think about doing these types of communications and outreach. We have other W3C Members and disability non-profits that have asked us to do webinars so we must guard our neutrality and impartiality.

<shawn> [content mostly captured in <https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/Promoting_Getting_Started_Tips> ]

Sharron: Moving on to the Tweet ideas section of the wiki page.
... What #tag should we use? ideas?

<James> #WAI-quicktips

<davidberman> #waiQuickTip

<kevin> #WAIQuickTips

Sharron updating #tag ideas in the wiki page.

<James> #WAItips

<shawn> WAItips

Sharron: I like the idea of pushing out one tip a day for a while.
... Who would do it? Who is responsible for pushing these out.

Shawn: I would be doing them. Is one a day too much? Maybe one a week? I worry about not having too much noise from this.

David: I can appreciate that. If it is pushed out maybe once a week and then we all can create the chatter around it with our own tweets. That may be more effective.

Sharron: Would the tweet content be a resummarization of the tip?

David: The goal of the tip would be to get people into the Tips site. Pose it as a problem, do you have this problem too? Check out this tip.

Shawn: Will run this past the twitter savvy people at W3C and see what they recommend
... anything else for today?
... remember big survey, will add weekly survey soon.
... thanks all, bye see ya next week

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: SHAWN record idea of share buttons overall on resources [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2015/10/09-eo-minutes.html#action01]

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.140 (CVS log)
$Date: 2015/10/09 14:29:03 $