How to Use the the HTML Slide Show

 previous contents change-style next

The buttons at the top right of each slide (except the contents slide) control the slide view as follows:

Slide View Controls
Action Button Title Access Key
Previous slide  previous (first) Back to [previous slide title] P
Next slide  next (last) Go to [next slide title] N
Contents List  contents (second) Table of Contents C
Toggle size and colors  change-style (third) change style S

Change style toggles through 6 options of size color:

  1. Smallest-sized black text on white background
  2. Middle-sized black text on white background
  3. Largest-sized black text on white background
  4. Smallest-sized light text on blue background
  5. Middle-sized light text on blue background
  6. Largest-sized light text on blue background