W3C Web Accessibility Initiative

Best Practices Training Exchange

July 17, 2003


Charmane K. Corcoran corcora1@msu.edu

Information & Project Principal

Michigan State University


Vincent J. Corcoran Vincent_J_Corcoran@cornerstone.edu

Graphics Designer

Michigan State University and Cornerstone University


Justin Z. Thorp thorpjus@msu.edu

Web Coder/Developer

Michigan State University and Rochester Institute of Technology



Infusion of Web Accessibility into

the Organization's Computing Environment



   I.       Gaining Organizational Compliance and Creating an Environment for Accessible Design

  II.       Implementing Accessible Web Design in an Organization

 III.      Assumptions Form the Foundation for and Facilitate Measuring Success

A. Related to Core Values of the Organization

1. Maximizing Use by the Broadest Possible Audience

2. Testing Cross-Browser and Cross Platform

B. Form follows Function: A Thorough Start Here will Drive the Outcomes

 IV.      Buy In: How does the institution infuse accessibility principles into the fabric of the institution without alienating the organization itself?

 V.       Developing the Relationship between the Organization, the Graphic Designer, Web Coder, and the Functional Analyst (the Client/User)

VI.       Summary

Changing an organization's computing environment in order to support institutional priorities for accessible web development requires:

*           Identifying organizational assumptions with regard to Accessibility

*           Acknowledging that organizational assumptions form the basis of institutional decisions in this area and must be related to the core values of the organization. 

*           Clarity and commitment at the beginning facilitate obtaining the desired outcomes.       

*           Organizational change requires more than rules and guidelines.  It requires communication, understanding, and cooperative effort on the part of major players.

            -           top level executive/administrative support

            -           project manager

            -           the graphic designer

            -           the web coder

-           the functional analyst (client/user)


VII. Discussion/ Q & A


Contact Information:

URLs: http://www.msu.edu/~corcora1/ and http://www.msu.edu/webaccess/


Michigan State University

Client Advocacy Office

316A Computer Center

East Lansing MI 48824

PH: 517/353-4856