Worksheet comparing UAAG 1.0 to ISO16071-TS-2004 (and Section 508)

Note 1: For ISO: "OS-only" requirements removed
Note 2: "Core" requirements in bold, "Primary" requirements in plain text, "Secondary" requirements shown in italics

UAAG Checkpoints
Possible UAAG subset for use in ATAG
ISO-TS-1071(compiled by JR)

Section 508 (compiled by MM)

1.1 Full keyboard access (P1)
INCLUDE (forms the basis of "From_UAAG.1 - Ensure full keyboard access ")
  • relates to 7.2.1, 7.2.2, 7.4.1, 7.4.2, 7.4.10, 7.14.2, 7.13.1
  • matches 1194.21(a)
1.2 Activate event handlers (P1)
no - implicit in From_UAAG.1
  • relates to 7.2.1, 7.4.1, 7.4.2,
1.3 Provide text messages (P1)
INCLUDE (forms basis for "FROM_UAAG.2 - Ensure that equivalent alternatives are available")
  • 7.3.2, 7.3.5, relates to 7.2.5
  • matches 1194.21(d) and 1194.21(f)
  • similar to 1194.21(e)
2.1 Render content according to specification (P1)
  • missing - specific to browsers
2.2 Provide text view (P1)
  • covered by 7.2.1
2.3 Render conditional content (P1)
  • missing - specific to browsers
2.4 Allow time-independent interaction (P1)
INCLUDE - "FROM_UAAG.3 Allow time-independent interaction."
  • 7.2.4
  • 7.2.12
  • 7.2.9
2.5 Make captions, transcripts, audio descriptions available (P1)
INCLUDE (added to "FROM_UAAG.2 Ensure that equivalent alternatives are available")
  • 7.9.5 (captions)
2.6 Respect synchronization cues (P1)
  • missing - specific to browsers
2.7 Repair missing content (P2)
  • missing - specific to browsers
2.8 No repair text (P3)
  • missing - specific to browsers
2.9 Render conditional content automatically (P3)
  • missing - specific to browsers
2.10 Don't render text in unsupported writing systems (P3)
  • missing - specific to browsers
3.1 Toggle background images (P1)
INCLUDE (FROM_UAAG.4 Ensure that potential distractions can be turned off.)
  • probably covered by 7.12.2.
3.2 Toggle audio, video, animated images (P1)
INCLUDE (FROM_UAAG.4 Ensure that potential distractions can be turned off.)
  • probably covered by 7.12.2.
3.3 Toggle animated or blinking text (P1)
INCLUDE (FROM_UAAG.4 Ensure that potential distractions can be turned off.)
  • 7.2.10
  • similar to 1194.21(k)
3.4 Toggle scripts (P1)
  • probably covered by 7.12.2.
3.5 Toggle automatic content retrieval (P1)
  • missing - specific to browsers
3.6 Toggle images (P2)
INCLUDE (FROM_UAAG.4 Ensure that potential distractions can be turned off.)
4.1 Configure text scale (P1)
INCLUDE (FROM_UAAG.5 Ensure that visual displays are configurable.)
  • 7.6.1
  • Guideline 4 substantially more detailed coverage of 1194.21(h).
4.2 Configure font family (P1)
INCLUDE (FROM_UAAG.5 Ensure that visual displays are configurable.)
  • 7.6.1
  • see above
4.3 Configure text colors (P1)
INCLUDE (FROM_UAAG.5 Ensure that visual displays are configurable.)
  • 7.6.1
  • see above
4.4 Slow multimedia (P1)
INCLUDE (From_UAAG.7 Ensure enhanced access to multimedia)
  • relates to 7.2.12
  • see above
4.5 Start, stop, pause, and navigate multimedia (P1)
INCLUDE (From_UAAG.7 Ensure enhanced access to multimedia)
  • probably covered by 7.2.12
  • see above
4.6 Do not obscure captions (P1)
  • missing - specific to browsers - would seem to be a given.
  • see above
4.7 Global volume control (P1)
INCLUDE (From_UAAG.6 Ensure that audio displays are configurable.)
  • 7.9.2
  • see above
4.8 Independent volume control (P1)
  • missing
  • see above
4.9 Configure synthesized speech rate (P1)
  • 7.9.2
  • see above
4.10 Configure synthesized speech volume (P1)
  • 7.9.2
  • see above
4.11 Configure synthesized speech characteristics (P1)
  • 7.9.2
  • see above
4.12 Specific synthesized speech characteristics (P2)
  • 7.9.2
  • see above
4.13 Configure synthesized speech features (P2)
  • relates to 7.2.13
  • see above
4.14 Choose style sheets (P1)
  • related to 7.7.1, would also cover iso color usage requirements (7.8.1,2,3,4,5,6), related to 7.9.5, 7.12.1, 7.12.2, 7.12.3, 7.12.4
  • see above
5.1 No automatic content focus change (P2)
INCLUDE (From_UAAG.10 Ensure predictability of viewport behavior)
  • 7.4.13
5.2 Keep viewport on top (P2)
INCLUDE (From_UAAG.10 Ensure predictability of viewport behavior)
  • missing
5.3 Manual viewport open only (P2)
  • missing
5.4 Selection and focus in viewport (P2)

INCLUDE (From_UAAG.10 Ensure predictability of viewport behavior)

  • missing
5.5 Confirm form submission (P2)
  • missing - specific to browsers
6.1 Programmatic access to HTML/XML infoset (P1)
INCLUDE (Ensure programmatic access to underlying Web content being authored )
  • All of uaag gl6 relates (with more specificty) to 7.1, 7.3.1, 7.3.3, 7.3.4
6.2 DOM access to HTML/XML content (P1)
  • see above
6.3 Programmatic access to non-HTML/XML content (P1)
INCLUDE (Ensure programmatic access to underlying Web content being authored )
  • see above
6.4 Programmatic access to information about rendered content (P1)
INCLUDE (From_UAAG.14 Ensure programmatic access to information about rendered content.)
  • see above
6.5 Programmatic operation of user agent user interface (P1)
INCLUDE (From_UAAG.11 Ensure programmatic operation of authoring tool user interface. )
  • see above
6.6 Programmatic notification of changes (P1)
INCLUDE (From_UAAG.12 Ensure programmatic notification of changes.)
  • see above
6.7 Conventional keyboard APIs (P1)
INCLUDE (From_UAAG.15 Support conventional keyboard APIs.)
  • see above
6.8 API character encodings (P1)
INCLUDE? (for internationalization)
  • see above
6.9 DOM access to CSS style sheets (P2)
  • see above
6.10 Timely exchanges through APIs (P2)
  • see above
7.1 Respect focus and selection conventions (P1)
INCLUDE (From_UAAG.16 Respect focus and selection conventions)
  • All of 7 relates (with more specificty) to 7.2.1, 7.3.1, 7.3.3, 7.3.4
  • all of Guideline 7 is similar to 1194.21(b)
7.2 Respect input configuration conventions (P1)
INCLUDE (From_UAAG.17 Respect input configuration conventions.)
  • see above, especially 7.4.11
  • see above
7.3 Respect operating environment conventions (P2)
INCLUDE (From_UAAG.18 Respect operating environment conventions)
  • see above
  • see above
7.4 Provide input configuration indications (P2)
INCLUDE (From_UAAG.19 Display current input configuration.)
  • see above
  • see above
8.1 Implement accessibility features (P1)
  • missing - browser specific - relates to accessibility features of formats
8.2 Conform to specifications (P2)
  • missing - browser specific - relates to accessibility features of formats
9.1 Provide content focus (P1)
INCLUDE (From_UAAG.8 Provide a focus within each editing view.)
  • 7.14.1
  • 9.1 - 9.5 similar to 1194.21(c)
9.2 Provide user interface focus (P1)
INCLUDE (From_UAAG.9 Provide an authoring interface focus)
  • 7.14.1
  • see above
9.3 Move content focus (P1)
no - is a given for authoring tools
  • 7.14.2
  • see above
9.4 Restore viewport state history (P1)
  • 7.14.4
  • see above
9.5 No events on focus change (P2)
INCLUDE (From_UAAG.10 Ensure predictability of viewport behavior)
  • 7.4.13
  • see above
9.6 Show event handlers (P2)
  • missing
  • 9.6 - 9.10 similar to 1194.21(d)
9.7 Move content focus in reverse (P2)
INCLUDE (FROM_UAAG.1. Ensure full keyboard access)
  • missing
  • see above
9.8 Provide text search (P2)
no-covered by existing ATAG checkpoint 1.5.
  • missing
  • see above
9.9 Allow structured navigation (P2)
no-covered by existing ATAG checkpoint 1.4.
  • missing
  • see above
9.10 Configure important elements (P3)
  • 7.12.2
  • see above
10.1 Associate table cells and headers (P1)
INCLUDE (From_UAAG.25 Associate table cells and headers)
  • relates to 7.7.4
10.2 Highlight selection, content focus, enabled elements, visited links (P1)
  • 7.14.1
  • matches 1194.21(i)
10.3 Single highlight configuration (P2)
  • missing
10.4 Provide outline view (P2)
  • missing - specific to browsers
10.5 Provide link information (P3)
  • missing - specific to browsers
10.6 Highlight current viewport (P1)
  • relates to 7.14.1 (UAAG more detailed)
10.7 Indicate viewport position (P3)
  • missing - specific to browsers
11.1 Current user input configuration (P1)
INCLUDE (From_UAAG.19 Display current input configuration.)
  • missing - specific to browsers
  • matches 1194.21(g)
11.2 Current author input configuration (P2)
  • missing - specific to browsers
11.3 Allow override of bindings (P2)
INCLUDE (From_UAAG.20 Allow the author to override bindings)
  • 7.4.12
11.4 Single-key access (P2)
  • 7.4.9
11.5 Default input configuration (P2)
  • missing - specific to browsers
11.6 User profiles (P2)
INCLUDE (From_UAAG.21 Provide author profile functionality. )
  • related to 7.2.3
11.7 Tool bar configuration (P3)
INCLUDE (From_UAAG.22 Ensure that toolbars are configurable)
  • missing - specific to browsers
12.1 Provide accessible documentation (P1)
INCLUDE (From_UAAG.23 Ensure that documentation is accessible)
  • 7.11.1
12.2 Provide documentation of accessibility features (P1)
INCLUDE (From_UAAG.24 Document all authoring interface accessibility features.)
  • 7.11.3
12.3 Provide documentation of default bindings (P1)
INCLUDE (From_UAAG.24 Document all authoring interface accessibility features.)
  • 7.11.3
12.4 Provide documentation of changes between versions (P2)
  • missing
12.5 Provide dedicated accessibility section (P2)
  • missing
Missing from UAAG:
(these are candidates for inclusion as ATAG requirements)

ATAG should address:

  • Undo ("NEW.3 Provide an undo function. ")
  • clarify nat. lang. use (7.2.13)
  • provide undo (7.2.11)
  • enable all kinds of mouse variables (delay, etc.) (7.5.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)
  • scale objects with associated fonts (7.6.2)
  • No ASCII art (7.7.2)
  • def. frequency range for audio that is not speech (7.9.3)
  • Provide freq. components for audio notifications (7.9.4)
  • allow important warnings to remain (7.10.1)
  • provide generic help (7.11.2)
  • config window stacking order prefs (7.13.4)
  • user control of "always top" windows (7.13.3)

1194.21(j) is not covered:
(j) When a product permits a user to adjust color and contrast settings, a variety of color selections capable of producing a range of contrast levels shall be provided.

1194.21(l) mentions accessibility of form controls, which is not explicitly mentioned in UAAG 1.0, but is covered in detail in Guideline 6.