If the authoring
interface does not follow these guidelines, people with disabilities
may not be able to author Web content
If some authors can edit or view element and object properties with
an authoring tool, then all authors must be able to do the same.
Authors may require a set of display preferences to view and control the document
that is different from the display styles that they want to define for the published
document (e.g. a particular text-background combination that differs from the
published version).
It is often more efficient to navigate and edit via the structure in Web content.
Search functions within the editing views facilitate author navigation of content
as it is being authored by allowing the author to move focus quickly to arbitrary
points in the content. Including the capability to search within text equivalents
of rendered non-text content increases the efficiency of the search function.
Formats with published WCAG techniques documents facilitate the creation of accessible
Web content.
Unrecognized markup may include recent technologies that have been added to enhance
accessibility and should be preserved during conversions Accessibility information
should also be preserved.
Authoring tools that automatically generate content that does not conform to
WCAG are a source of accessibility problems.
Pre-authored content, such as templates, images, videos is often included with
authoring tools for use by the author. When this content conforms to WCAG, it
is more convenient for authors and more easily reused.
Appropriate assistance should increase the likelihood that typical authors will
create content that conforms to WCAG. Different tool developers will accomplish
this goal in ways that are appropriate to their products, processes, and authors.
Authors may not notice or be able to check for accessibility problems without
assistance from the authoring tool.
Assistance by the authoring tool may simplify the task of repairing accessibility
problems for some authors, and make it possible for others.
Improperly generated equivalent alternatives can create accessibility problems
and interfere with accessibility checking.
Simplifying the initial production and later reuse of alternative equivalents
will encourage authors to use them more frequently. In addition, such an alternative
equivalent management system will facilitate meeting the requirements of Checkpoints
3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4.
This summary will help the author to improve the accessibility status of their
work, keep track of problems, and monitor progress.
Without documentation of the features that support the production of accessible
content (e.g. prompts for alternates, code validators, accessibility checkers,
etc.) authors may not find or use them.
If accessible authoring is integrated into instruction and guidance offered by
the tool (e.g. documentation, help, tutorials, examples, and workflow processes),
authors are more likely to follow accessible authoring as a common practice.
This reinforces the message of accessibility that is being promoted and facilitates
a better understanding of the reasoning behind its use and its consequences.
Authors are also more likely to use features that promote accessibility if they
understand when and how to use them.
Authors are most likely to use the first and easiest option for a given authoring
If the features that support accessible authoring are difficult to find and activate,
they are less likely to be used. Ideally, these features should be turned on
by default.
Accessible design as an afterthought or separate process is much more onerous
and therefore costly than when accessibility is considered from the start. If
the authoring tool supports a workflow in which the author considers accessibility
before and/or during the authoring process it is more likely that accessible
authoring practices will become a common practice. This is analogous to internationalization,
which is much easier when it is considered from the beginning rather than handled
A configurable tool is more likely to be adaptable to the work habits of more
1.1 People
with disabilities will have varying levels of difficulty authoring
Web content if the authoring
interface does not follow the applicable software guidelines, .
1.2 Authors with disabilities will have varying levels
of difficulty authoring Web content if accessibility barriers exist in
the authoring interface especially related to editing element and
object properties.
1.3 Authors with certain disabilities will find it impossible to author
Web content if there is no way to change how the authoring interface
is displayed without causing inadvertent modification of the display styles
for the content being authored.
1.4 Authors with certain disabilities will find it difficult to author Web
content if the average number of keystrokes required for authoring is not reduced
by allowing navigation and editing via the structure of the content being
1.5 Authors with certain disabilities will find it difficult to author Web
content if a search function is not available to reduce the average number
of keystrokes required to locate positions within all Web content, including
text equivalents.
2.1 A published WCAG techniques
documents for a format is a pre-requisite for all of the accessibility supports
that make use of a knowledge of the accessible authoring practices within
the techniques document to help authors to create Web content that
conforms to WCAG.
2.2 Some unrecognized markup may, in fact, be accessibility
enhancements that follow specifications or best practices developed since the
release of the authoring tool. Accessibility information is, by definition,
important to the accessibility of Web content.
2.3 Automatically generating content that does not conform to WCAG introduces
accessibility problems over which the author has little or no control.
2.4 An author using pre-authored content (e.g. templates, images, and videos)
that does not conform to WCAG introduces accessibility problems over which
they have little or no control. In contrast, when pre-authored content conforms
to WCAG, accessible authoring practices and accessibility information are convenient
for authors to use and reuse.
3.1 Accessibility prompting informs authors that
additional information is required to make Web content accessible. Accessibility
assistance helps reduce the need for accessibility prompting or expedite
any prompting that is necessary.
3.2 Assistance with checking for accessibility problems
increases the speed and accuracy with which these are identified.
3.3 Assistance with repairing
accessibility problems increases the speed and accuracy with which this
operation is performed.
3.4 Equivalent alternatives that have been generated improperly often
create accessibility problems and interfere with subsequent accessibility checking.
3.5 An alternative
equivalent management system simplifies the initial production and later reuse
of alternative equivalents and encourages authors to use them more frequently.
This system facilitates meeting the requirements of Checkpoints 3.1, 3.2,
3.3 and 3.4.
3.6 Proving a summary of the accessibility status of Web content as it is authored
helps authors to improve identify, track and address accessibility problems.
3.7 Documenting all of the features that support the production of accessible
Web content is required for the benefit of those authors
who frequently make use of help systems as part of their work style.
3.8 Modeling accessible authoring practices in the documentation and help of
an authoring tool reinforces to authors that accessible authoring is a standard
practice in the production of Web content using that authoring tool.
3.9 Tutorials allow authors to learn about how accessibility features can
best be used in conjunction with the rest of the authoring tool workflow.
4.1 Some authoring tasks (e.g. setting text color) have multiple lower level
implementations (e.g. style sheets, presentation markup) that differ in terms
of conformance to WCAG. Since authors are most likely to use the first option
they encounter for performing a particular authoring task it is important that
that first option correspond to the more accessible implementation of the task.
4.2 Accessibility features are more likely to be used by authors
if the feature
are turned on by default and the controls for activating them are readily
4.3 @@Still under construction@@
4.4 Accessibility features that are configurable are more
adaptable to the work habits of more authors and run less of a risk of being
ignored or turned off.