ATAG2.0 Test Implementation Report Page

This is the "repository" where templates (forms) retrieved from the test suite are actually submitted and collected. The forms are organized by ATAG2.0 conformance level, and then by success criteria within that level, and within each success criteria, by platform, type of output, and category of authoring tool according to ATAG2.0.

DISCLAIMER: Inclusion of a report here does not imply any satisfaction of any conformance claims; all it means is that a report was retrieved from the test suite, filled out, and submitted. There is no representation here as to any needed "consensus" required to claim conformance. For more information about ATAG conformance, go to ?.

NOTE: File naming conventions are as follows: example - "atag-developer-form11-1a" means that developer-form 11-1 (covering Success Criterion 1.1 ("11") level A ("-1") was retrieved from test suite, filled out, and submitted here for authoring tool product a, and it is and that "a" is the first developer report submitted for this success criterion. There are two tester reports submitted for Success Criterion 1.1 level A for authoring tool product a, (tester files 11-1a1 and 11-1a2); this means that tester-form 11-1 was retrieved from the test suite by two testers, filled out by each, and submitted here. All of these (example) submitted test files following would need to be actually created. The categories within each success criterion are example categories. The format of the files is currently HTML.

NOTE: None of the links following work yet. They are just given as illustrative examples of what is possible.

ATAG2.0 Conformance Level A

ATAG2.0 Success Criterion 1.1

Platform: Templates (Forms) Submitted

Win95: Unix:

Type of Output: Templates (Forms) Submitted

Web Content: (NOTE: the tool claims to output both HTML and XML, with a separate tester review for each output type)

Non-Web Content:

Authoring Tool Category: Templates (Forms) Submitted

WYSIWYG: Code-Level Authoring Functions: Object-Oriented Authoring Functions: (NOTE: developer submitting form with no author testing yet) Indirect Authoring Functions: Other: (NOTE: Authors testing tool without developer form submitted)

ATAG2.0 Success Criterion 1.2

and so on..