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This is a Public Working Draft of a document that defines the Relative Priority checkpoints in ATAG 2.0 (now a working draft) will refer to the various versions of WCAG.
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The Authoring Tools Accessibility Guidelines v2.0 (ATAG 2.0) includes checkpoints with "Relative Priority". These checkpoints refer to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) as the "benchmark" for what constitutes accessible content. Note, however, that the ATAG 2.0 guidelines do not specify which WCAG version to follow. The evaluator can choose whichever version of WCAG, as explained below, is appropriate for their circumstances. This should enable developers to conform to ATAG 2.0, even if they have been working toward WCAG version 1.0.
In order to be clear about which version of WCAG has been chosen for an evaluation, the version of WCAG that is used as the benchmark must be included in any ATAG 2.0 conformance claim. The conformance claim should take the following form:
"[Name of authoring tool] conforms at Level [Single-A, Double-A or Triple-A] to ATAG 2.0 with respect to WCAG [1.0 or 2.0].
Currently, only WCAG 1.0 is a W3C Recommendation. Another version (WCAG 2.0) includes improvements, but is still in development. Developers and evaluators should be aware that these two versions of WCAG have different conformance schemes. This means there are two different ways of determining the Level of the ATAG 2.0 Relative Priority checkpoints. These are described below:
Relative Priority checkpoints in ATAG 2.0, can be met with respect to WCAG 2.0 at one of the three following levels:
- Relative Priority - Level 1:
- The Relative Priority checkpoint has satisfied all WCAG 2.0 "Level 1" success criteria.
- Relative Priority - Level 2:
- The Relative Priority checkpoint has satisfied all WCAG 2.0 "Level 1" and "Level 2" success criteria.
- Relative Priority - Level 3:
- The Relative Priority checkpoint has satisfied all WCAG 2.0 success criteria ("Level 1", "Level 2", and "Level 3").
Relative Priority checkpoints in ATAG 2.0, can be met with respect to WCAG 1.0 at one of the three following levels:
- Relative Priority - Level 1:
- The Relative Priority checkpoint has satisfied all WCAG 1.0 "Priority 1" checkpoints.
- Relative Priority - Level 2:
- The Relative Priority checkpoint satisfies all WCAG 1.0 "Priority 1" and "Priority 2" checkpoints.
- Relative Priority - Level 3:
- The Relative Priority checkpoint satisfies all WCAG 1.0 checkpoints ("Priority 1", "Priority 2", and "Priority 3").