Telephone: +1.617.761.6200
Conference number: 2894
1. Dependencies on WCAG 2.0 (Phil to present draft)
2. Education and Outreach input for July E&O face to face meeting
3. Remaining logistics for Linz meeting
4. Other
JR: Jan Richards
JT: Jutta Treviranus
DG: Doug Grude
PJ: Phill Jenkins
LN: Liddy Nevile
CMN: Charles McCathieNevile
HS: Heather Swayne
MM: Matt May
PJ: Still working on the dependencies document.
PJ: Will be in Linz.
PJ: On this telecon would like to discuss how dependent we are on WCAG 2.0.
JT: One of dependencies is their prioritization scheme - they may be prioritizing at the technique level, rather than the checkpoint level.
JR: It will mean a modification of the meaning of Rel. Priorities.
LN: Won't this be problem for UA as well?
JT: UA is not as dependent.
JT: MM attends WCAG meetings so you probably knows more.
PJ: Will we be meeting with WCAG?
JT: May be able to get an hour...but it may have to be at lunch or dinner.
JT: End of July EO is meeting in Toronto. Are there specific things we should tell them?
PJ: Some people have questionned the way Checkpoint 7 is included. Should we just be focussing on 1-6 for purchasing.
JT: This would be a very sensitive isssue.
JR: Still would like to explore putting Guideline 7 in a separate document.
PJ: Maybe we should point to Section 508.
LN: 508 is a US standard. It's useful but...
JT: There are European and Australian standards.
DG: Other standards will leap frog US 508 and so we should keep other options open.
[Heather Swayne, Matt May e-mail - can't connect to telecon]
JT: There could be two guiding principles - 1 - that the tools produce accessible markup and 2 - that the tools be accessible.
PJ: We should also point them to our new tools section.
PJ: Proposals in the EU to adopt ATAG Priority 1 and WCAG Priorities 1,2.
JT: We are meeting at:
Mon., July 15, 13.00 - 17.00, Tue., July 16, 9.00 - 17.00 in Room SZ 1
See everyone in Linz...