ATWG: Minutes (Aug. 20/2001)


JR: Jan Richards
CMN: Charles
WL: William
HS: Heather Swayne
DS: David Senf (Teaches XML at U of T, work in new media)
MK: Marjolein Katsma


1. Action Items
2. Next step for Wombat
3. Face to Face
4. Dream Weaver Eval


Action Items:

Do action items


No WAI comments.

CMN: New public working draft will be out soon.

Face to Face:

CMN: Please register

CMN: Will be go to ER and PF Meetings in Brighton in beginning of October.

CMN: Action Item: Chase up plenary attendance.

Dreamweaver Stuff:

3.3: says it's not applicable but DWactually meets it.

CMN: Action item: ping Giorgio on confusion.

4.3 Seems to be unclear about what a Summary is versus the full list.

CMN: Maybe we can dump it and keep it as a technique

CMN: Action Item: Think about this. 4.1 and 4.2 could be satisfied by little squigglies. There's value in a summary.

5.2: We disagree that DW meets this.

JR: Action Item: Why was Giorgio confused by 5.2 and why DW fails this.

5.3: CMN: Action Item: Why does this fail?

5.4: Open issue: Is there too much to this?

7.3, 7.5: Open Issue: Possibly put together.

How do we work on the techs:

1. Remap techniques (not yet - maybe 2nd working draft)

2. Necessary vs. sufficient (explanations)

3. Re-think tool definitions

4. WAI central glossary

5. Action Item: Katie: What kind of tool is a CSS editor?