July 16 Minutes
1. Wombat draft revisions and additions
Is the new working draft ready to send to IG: Yes: RESOLVED
JT: Do we want to address editorial notes on the call?
CMN: Would rather not.
HS: Wants some more time to look at the at minimums.
Jutta goes through the open issues in the working drafts.
ACTION ITEM: Jan will look at which WCAG checkpoints apply in 3.1.
ACTION ITEM: Charles will look at which WCAG checkpoints apply in 3.2.
JT: What should we do about a minimum for 7.1.
HS: Maybe point to legislation?
CMN: Many laws in other countries point to us.
CMN: Will probably end up pointing to Platform standards and UA.
JT: Would like to do a simple synthesis of common requirements.
JR: This is good as long as week keep it at a high functional level.
CMN: ok, that stuff is already in the techniques
ACTION ITEM: JT will send a similar synthesis being made for IMS to the list.
WL: Wants next, prev, sibling, parent, child
ACTION ITEM: CMN will compose an at minimum statement and a technique for 7.5
JT: Waht about 2.1?
JR: rec + 2 times the average dev cycle
2. Evaluation commitments
3. Other