JT: How does ATAG affect Real.
SM: Real looking at encouraging accessible content rather than building an accessible interface. At minimum interface will have keyboard controls. Real system primarily takes content already authored and prepares it for streaming.
JT: What steps towards accessible content.
SM: Looking at closed captionning. But usually CC is not available in the source. Mostly available on DVD - but that's a non-starter due to copyright.
JT: What SMIL support?
SM: Not many SMIL editors.
MK: Homestyle, Coldfusion studio have SMIL support.
SM,MK: Back and forth on the availability of SMIL support.
JT: Are you aware of Magpie?
SM: No. Believes there is no SMIL editor as comprehensive as HTML has for example.
JT: What do you do when your editor gets SMIL linking to a CC file.
SM: Does not know.
RL: Could handle playback of SMIL but not some embedded CC. Also no tool to do general purpose editing of these files.
JT: What are your intentions for making accessible content?
SM: There be closer integration of captions with A/V. CC rather than synchronization files.
JT: Captions depend on content.
SM: We don't do authoring. Other apps do that.
JT: Once captions integrated could there be a mechanism to replace it with another file?
SM: Can't commit.
MK: SMIL takes care of it.
CMN: Integration means that you will take on all the burden of accessibility. If tracks are separate they can pull them.
PJ: If you take on the burden of integration you will have to go and talk to all the access tools.
SM: Hearing that people don't want captions embedded in video. Thought integration would allow closer synchronization. But if that's not want people want, then that's ok.
SM: To be clear, SMIL captions are still supported. It's the embedded captions that are thrown on the floor currently.
JR: To clarify, SMIL captions are currenly retained. It is the line 22 captiuons that are lost.
SM: Producer does not process SMIL. Prdoducer only creates AV files. Realplayer does handle text attribute.
SM: Is anyone doing SMIL captionning?
JT: Yes, lots.. With open captionning. Look at (Magpie) - Geoff Freed
RL: Can inroduce SM to Geoff.
SM: Other issues?
JT: Audio description track.
SM: How can we do this quickly. Support for multiple audio tracks make sense but we don't work in the early authoring.
JT: Livestage Pro allows multiple audio to be added to Quicktime.
SM: That sounds like a near term solution.
JT: Also rich captionning is coming up. Look at the CAST and NCAM sites.
CMN: What about navigation and selection of SMIL tracks? Alt and titles help navigate the presentation.
SM: We don't do SMIL authoring.
JT: Are you planning to use captions for navigation?
SM: Would be straightforward if the captionning was integrated. Harder to do in SMIL. Difficult to do in streaming video.
CMN: Would be done on the player side.
SM: Company called Garage that works on indexing. They do AV search engines.
JT: Do you work with IMS?
SM: No.
JT: Someon at Real is.
SM: Who?
JT: Will introduce.
SM: Basic idea is that content should be open, and accessible to modification whenever possible.
RL: Would like to stay in touch.