November 21, 2000

MK: Marjolein Katsma
JR: Jan Richards
DB: Dick Brown
WL: William Loughborough

JR: Introduces agenda

MK: Has some issues with AERT.

MK: "" Alt attribute stuff. Thinks they are recommending things that would bring document out of agreement with standards.

WL: Clarify?

JR: Should I make action item to ER?

WL: alt="" can confuse tools looking for invalid text.

MK: It is valid and recommended solution in some cases.

MK: Could be a warning.

DB: Agree.

JR: Isn't it up to GL

MK: HTML4 allows null attribute.

MK: ALso has a problem with "bullet" and "horizontal rule"
MK: For bullet, use "*".
MK: For horizontal rule, maybe "------"?

WL: It's a continuing

JR: Action item: tell ER we have reservations about horizontal rule, bullet, null alt for IMAGES only.

All: Agreed. But does agree with AERT 1.1.3.

JR: Should we call attention to outside reference of AERT. It is 33 out of 73.

WL: Don't call attention to them.

CMN Joins

CMN: Maybe there should be a table of contents listing only the guidelines.

WL: Maybe we need more of our own techniques.

JR: Send in techniques and screenshots. Still lots to do.

CMN: We will need more techniques, increasing the need for a table of contents.

CMN: There is a document being created on how to use several HTML tools. Currently in Spanish.

JR: Everybody heads up for new ATAG.

CMN: We will want to point to WCAG2 when it comes out.

CMN: Possibe ATAG changes: 2 Checkpoint redundancy, Prompting text.

CMN: Would people be satisifed by taht as a first draft for ATAG 2.0.

JR: That's a good start.

ACTION ITEM: CMN: Start ATAG 2.0 draft.

CMN: New agenda item: March 1,2 at the Plenary - Is this OK?

JR: JR and JT ok.

DB: Microsft ok

CMN: regrets for next week.