JR: Jan Richards
JT: Jutta Treviranus
PJ: Phill Jenkins
FB: Fred Barnett
WL: William Loughborough
LG: Lou Gerard
LM: Lisa Molden
MK: Marjolein Katsma
CMN gives regrets.
CMN: Our group should produce some ideas about how to make interfaces.
JT: Or at least how to build an authoring tool UI
JT: We have requested meetings with a bunch of W3 groups? Do people have questions for them?
PJ: Have them think of scenarios that apply to authoring their markup language, etc. Then we can think about how to make it accessible.
JT: Might be a problem for large areas like SMIL.
CMN: Important to at least get each group to think about accessibility and will expose us to experience with different kinds of authoring scenarios.
Lisa: Very similar to the way that MS accessibility team is set up.
JT: So we should make sure to emphasize auth. scen. in our contact with the groups.
JT: Other issues?
WL: If device independence activity has started we may want to point out to them that we are concerned with DI at both ends.
WL, CMN, JT, PJ: Discussion of the role of the DI activity.
JT: The jist of the request to meet jointly will say we want to discuss authoring scearios and how they effect both sides.
PJ: Example, what templates can they provide. Maybe it would be good to get authoring scenarios beforehand.
JT: OK I will put it in request.
PJ: Authoring scenarios would be helpful to get in general from the different groups.
JT: OK, anyone else?
PJ: Is DOM included?
JT: DOM may not be meeting. I will check.
JT: Next item. UA group has asked us to review their last call document.
PJ: Already reviewing for IBM but will look for AU issues as well.
WL: Will also read it for AU.
JT: On behalf of the group we need to submit our comments.
JT: Next issue: AERT integration.
JT: Should it be integrated as one piece or split up.
JR: Action item: Will check the AERT for things for the ATAG techniques.
JT, PJ, JR: Clarification of the WCAG-ATAG split of AERT.
JR: Lots of stuff about new structure of ATAG techs.
WL: We should base techniques on WCAG 2.0.
JT: Action Item get back to the list about the possibility of basing AU techs on WCAG 2.0.
CMN drops out.