Translate the text between quotes. The text after # provides notes to help you translate. Words in the quoted text that start with $ are variables, mostly self-explanatory. Do not translate the variable name, but move the variable where you like to make the translation sound natural. $s_quickanswer = "Quick answer"; # heading $s_longeranswer = "Longer answer"; # heading $s_author = "By:"; # followed by name of author(s) $s_previousAuthors = "Previously by:"; # followed by name of previous author(s), before substantial changes were made by the current author $s_modifiedBy = "Changed by:"; # person's name appears after colon $s_translatedFromEnglishVer = sprintf("Translated from English content dated $enVersion GMT. Translation last changed %1\$s GMT", getDateTime($thisVersion)); # the sequence %1\$s will be replaced by a date+time, move it where you like relative to the text $s_aboutThisArticle="About this article"; # title in the right column near the top of the page $s_status_draft="This article is a draft that has not yet gone through public review. If there are things that need addressing, please send us feedback using the link near the bottom of the page."; $s_status_review="This article is currently out for public review. Please send comments to (subscribe)."; $s_status_published="This article has been reviewed by the W3C Internationalization Working Group and has gone through public review to make it as accurate as possible. If there are things that need addressing, please send us feedback using the link near the bottom of the page."; $s_status_notreviewed="This article was published without public review. If there are things that need addressing, please send us feedback using the link near the bottom of the page."; $s_articles = "Articles"; $s_untranslatedChanges = <<Note: Changes have been made to the English original since this document was translated. See the change log. eot; $s_new="New";# placed alongside new articles at $s_updated="Updated"; # same as New $s_translation_updated="Translation updated:"; # date appears after colon