RDF Core WG Minutes 27 April 2001

This page summarizes the telecon for the RDF Core Working Group held from 1000 to 1100 EDT on 27 April 2001. These minutes were prepared by Mike Dean, but have not yet been reviewed by the other participants.


Regrets received from Art Barstow, Jos De Roo, Graham Klyne, and Renato Ianella.


Brian reviewed the charter, noting that backward compatibility with existing RDF is a priority. No issues were raised with the charter, although Frank Manola noted that the "devil may be in the details".

Issue Discussion

We discussed 3 technical issues:

The XML Namespace spec doesn't address unprefixed attributes. We'll have to live with their bug. RESOLVED: We'll strongly recommend the use of namespace qualified attributes, and allow but deprecate unqualified attributes.
Ora noted that it was an original requirement for RDF that parsing should not require knowledge of the schema.

The discussion on the latter 2 issues largely occurred in parallel and became a more general discussion about containers. Several people advocated deprecating container types and/or making them a separate module (this also applies to reification).

It also brought out several larger issues:

ACTION: Dan Brickley will own the "container problem". Ora Lassila will help.

Face-to-Face Meeting

W3C procedure requires 8 weeks notice for a face-to-face meeting. RESOLVED: We'll meet August 1 and 2 in conjunction with the International Semantic Web Workshop (SWWS) at Stanford. ACTION (various): Contact Brian McBride and Dan Brickley if your organization has a facility in the Bay Area that would be willing to host a meeting of 20-25 people.

Issue Ownership

Brian asked for volunteers to "own" (analyze and write-up a suggested fix) items on the issues list:
Ora Lassila to own. Dan Brickley and Guha to help.
Guha to own. Ora Lassila and Dan Brickley to help.
Jos De Roo to own.
Dave Beckett to own
Martyn Horner to own.
Martyn Horner to own.

Next Telecon

There will be no telecon next week, due to WWW 10. The next telecon will be 11 May 2001.


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RDF Issues