Errata of the Exclusive Canonicalization Version 1.0 Specification

This version:
$Revision: 1.10 $ on $Date: 2003/07/02 12:33:05 $ GMT by $Author: reagle $

About the Exclusive Canonicalization Specification

The Exclusive Canonicalization Recommendation has been produced by the IETF/W3C XML Signature Working..

This document lists the known errata to the Exclusive Canonicalization specification. Each entry has the following information:

Please report errors in this document to the editor and cc: the public email list w3c-ietf-xmldsig@w3.org (public archive).

XML-Signature Syntax and Processing

E01 2002-10-03 (Editorial)
In section 2.2 General Problems with re-Enveloping, two examples have an incorrect attribute value for the xml:space attribute. xml:space="retain" should be xml:space="preserve".
E02 2002-10-03 (Error)
In section 4 Use in XML Security, the data type of the PrefixList attribute value is specified as NMTOKENS in both the DTD and Schema. This does not permit "non-zero-length sequences," or the occurrence of the '#default' token in the attribute value because of the "#" character. Consequently, the type of this attribute value should be CDATA in a DTD and/or xsd:string in a XML Schema.
E03 2003-07-01 (Editorial)
In section 1.1 Terminology, the term "visible" should be replaced with the term "visibly utilized" yielding "... namespace nodes that are not on theInclusiveNamespaces PrefixList are expressed only in start tags where they are visibly utilized and if they are not in effect from an output ancestor of that tag." A similar replacement in section 1.3 Limitations yields, "... the XML must be modified so that use of the namespace prefix involved is visibly utilized, or ..."
E04 2003-07-02 (Editorial)
In section 3. Specification of Exclusive XML Canonicalization, rule 3 needs to be read to include non-empty default namespace declarations, consequently it should read as,
  1. A namespace node N with a prefix that does not appear in the the InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList (including non-empty default namespaces with a "null" prefix) is rendered if all of the conditions are met: