7.3 Namespace Context and Portable Signatures

In the [DOM], [XPath] and consequently [XML-C14N] data models, an element has namespace nodes that correspond to those declarations within the element and its ancestors:

"Note: An element E has namespace nodes that represent its namespace declarations as well as any namespace declarations made by its ancestors that have not been overridden in E's declarations, the default namespace if it is non-empty, and the declaration of the prefix xml." [XML-C14N]

When serializing a Signature element that's the child of other elements using these data models, that Signature element, and/or its children, may contain namespace declarations from its ancestor context. This may frustrate the intent of the signer to create a signature in one context which remains valid in another. For example, given a signature which is a child of B, which is a child of A:

   <A xmlns:n1="&foo;">
     <B xmlns:n2="&bar;">
       <Signature xmlns="&dsig;">
       <n2:Foo bar="value">
          ... some XML signed by Signature Above ...

when the signature element B, or signed XML such as n2:Foo, is moved into a different context, such as a [SOAP] envelope for transport:

   <SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
       <B xmlns:n2="&bar;">
         <Signature xmlns="&dsig;">
         <n2:Foo bar="value">
            ... some XML signed by Signature Above ...

The canonical forms of the Signature and n2:Foo XML data elements in this new context will contain new namespace declarations from the SOAP:Envelope context, invalidating the signature. Also, the canonical forms will lack namespace declarations it may have originally had from element A's context (n1 above), also invalidating the signature. The same problem arises with all attributes in the xml namesapce, such as xml:lang, xml:space, which canonical XML requires to be copied from their nearest ancestor occurance into the apex node of the canonicalized document subset if not already present there.

Applications that wish to create signatures that survive porting MUST take the following or equivalent steps:

  1. Rely upon the signature applications to properly divorce the Signature and/or any signed XML data (including Manifest, SignatureProperties, and Object elements) from their context before both generating and validating the signature. While this is simple, it is not, in general, interoperable. If a signature generating application so divorces signature or XML data because it might need to be verified in a different context but a verification application does not so divorce the signature or XML data, the signature can be broken, even when verification is attempted in the same context as generation! This is because enveloping namespaces would not have been allowed to invade the signed/digested material on generation but would, changing it, on verification. The same is true, breaking interoperability, if signature generation does not divorce from context but verification does. Thus this technique gnerally requires absolute coordination outside of XMLDSIG between all signature generators and verifiers involved.

  2. For signed XML data (but not necessarily for SignedInfo which is discussed in the next point below), use XPath or other Transform opertions such as a canonicalization method to repel the invasion of the XML by ancestor namespace declaration and xml namespace attribute context. This method has the virtue that it is documented within the Signature strucuture by the signature generator and thus will be interoperable with conformant verifiers. It has the disadvantage that implementation is not required of XPath, such a context repelling canonicalization, or other Transform operation that can accomplish this. [XML-C14N] purposefully incorporates namespace declaration and xml namespace attribute context; an alternative which does not and isolates the canonicalized XML from its context is specified in [W3C additional XMLDSIG URIs Note].

  3. The SignedInfo element presents a special problem which distinguishes it from general XML data. Due to the sensitivity of SignedInfo, Transform operations over it are not provided, only CanonicalizationMethod, and great care must be taken to only use safe caonicalizations of SignedInfo. Thus, the only interoperabile solution for portability of the Signature element iself, and thus the SignedInfo element therein, is the implementation and use of a canonicalization that repels ancestor namespace declaration and xml namespace attribute context.