4.4.4 The X509Data Element

An X509Data element within KeyInfo contains one or more identifiers of keys or X509 certificates (or certificates' identifiers or revocation lists). Five types of X509Data are defined:

  1. The X509IssuerSerial element, which contains an X.509 issuer distinguished name/serial number pair that SHOULD be compliant with RFC2253 [LDAP-DN],
  2. The X509SubjectName element, which contains an X.509 subject distinguished name that SHOULD be compliant with RFC2253 [LDAP-DN],
  3. The X509SKI element, which contains an X.509 subject key identifier value.
  4. The X509Certificate element, which contains a Base64-encoded X.509v3 certificate, and
  5. The X509CRL element, which contains a Base64-encoded X.509v2 certificate revocation list (CRL).

Multiple declarations about a single certificate (e.g., a X509SubjectName and X509IssuerSerial element) MUST be grouped inside a single X509Data element; multiple declarations about the same key but different certificates (related to that single key) MUST be grouped within a single KeyInfo element but MAY occur in multiple X509Data elements. For example, the following block contains two pointers to certificate-A (issuer/serial number and SKI) and a single reference to certificate-B (SubjectName):

     <X509Data> <!-- two pointers to certificate-A -->
         <X509IssuerName>CN=TAMURA Kent, OU=TRL, O=IBM, 
           L=Yamato-shi, ST=Kanagawa, C=JP</X509IssuerName>
     <X509Data> <!-- single pointer to certificate-B -->
       <X509SubjectName>Subject of Certificate B</X509SubjectName>
     <X509Data> <!-- certificate chain -->
       <X509Certificate> Certificate of D signed by CA <X509Certificate>
       <X509Certificate> Certificate of CA signed by Root <X509Certificate>
       <X509Certificate> Certificate Root <X509Certificate>

Note: Direct provision is not made for a PKCS#7 encoded "bag" of certificates or CRLs but such a set of certificates or CRLs can occur within an X509Data element. Whenever multiple certificates occur in an X509Data element, at least one such certificate must contain the public key which verifies the signature.

   Schema Definition:

   <element name='X509Data'> 
     <complexType content='elementOnly'> 
       <choice minOccurs='1' maxOccurs='1'>
         <sequence minOccurs='1' maxOccurs='unbounded'> 
           <choice minOccurs='1' maxOccurs='1'> 
             <element ref='ds:X509IssuerSerial'/>
             <element name='X509SKI' type='ds:CryptoBinary'/>
             <element name='X509SubjectName' type='string'/> 
             <element name='X509Certificate' type='ds:CryptoBinary'/>
         <element name='X509CRL' type='ds:CryptoBinary'/>

   <element name='X509IssuerSerial'> 
      <complexType content='elementOnly'> 
       <sequence minOccurs='1' maxOccurs='1'> 
         <element name='X509IssuerName' type='string' minOccurs='1' maxOccurs='1'/> 
         <element name='X509SerialNumber' type='integer' minOccurs='1' maxOccurs='1'/> 

   <!ELEMENT X509Data ((X509IssuerSerial | X509SKI | X509SubjectName
                      X509Certificate)+ | X509CRL)>
   <!ELEMENT X509IssuerSerial (X509IssuerName, X509SerialNumber) >
   <!ELEMENT X509IssuerName (#PCDATA) >
   <!ELEMENT X509SubjectName (#PCDATA) >
   <!ELEMENT X509SerialNumber (#PCDATA) >
   <!ELEMENT X509Certificate (#PCDATA) >