ISWC 2005 Logo Mweelrea - highest mountain in the west of Ireland.   Photo by Sean O' Farrell


Call for Tutorial Proposals

The ISWC 2005 Organizing Committee invites proposals for the Tutorial Program of ISWC 2005, the Fourth International Semantic Web Conference, to be held November 6-10, 2005 at Galway, Ireland. Tutorials will be held on Sunday, November 6, immediately preceding the main ISWC2005 conference. We invite proposals for four or eight hour tutorials on topics related to the main topics of the conference. Given that the goal is to make Semantic Web activity a broad-based and multi-disciplinary endeavor, special consideration will be given to tutorials that:

  • Identify and explain synergies between existing disciplines of Computer Science such as Databases/Information Systems (e.g., Information Integration), Agents, Software Engineering (Middleware, Web Services) and Computer Networking, including Wireless and Grid Networks.
  • Identify and discuss the potential role that can be played by Semantic Web Technology in new and emerging application areas such as Bioinformatics, Social Networking, Information Retrieval and Services.
  • Contain as a component of the tutorial if possible, examples of Real World Deployments of Semantic Web technologies, with a discussion on issues such as identifying the value proposition, return on investments, adoption and acceptance of technologies, etc. Besides these, tutorials aimed at introducing specific Semantic Web technologies are also invited.

Submission details

Proposals for tutorials should be no more than 5 pages and should contain:

  • (A) A brief description of the tutorial, including: goals, detailed outline, justification of why the tutorial is important, background knowledge required and potential attendees.
  • (B) For the eight hour tutorial, the type of hands-on activities to be carried by the attendees, software needed for running the hands-on activities, procedure to allow the participants to install the software on their computers as well as all the technical requirements needed for running it. The software needed for running the hands-on activities will be provided by the Tutorial speakers.
  • (C) Information about the tutorial speakers including name, address, affiliation, email, phone and fax.
  • (D) A Short CV of the presenter(s), including background in the tutorial area, previous tutorials presented, references to published work in the area and evidence of teaching experience. Having more than one tutorial speaker is strongly advised. In that case, indicate who will be the contact person.
  • (E) A list of the support material to be given to tutorial attendees. Together with the slides used for the presentation, having a technical paper describing the content of the tutorial is strongly advised.
  • (F) A list of audio-visual or technical requirements and any special room requirements.

Tutorial organizers

The tutorial organizers will be responsible for the following:

  • Submit the URL for your Tutorial to the tutorial chair by July 6, 2005.
  • Providing a brief description of the tutorial for the conference web page.
  • Delivery to the tutorial chairs of all the technical material before September 7 to be used for teaching the tutorial: tutorial notes, technical paper and where appropriate CD for allowing the participants to install the software needed on their computers.
  • Tutorial proposals should be submitted in PDF, by May 6th 2005, to the ISWC 2005 tutorial chair:

R. V. Guha
IBM Almaden Research & Stanford University

The ISWC 2005 Organizing Committee will be responsible for the following:

  • Production of sufficient copies of the tutorial materials provided by the tutorial organisers.
  • Providing publicity for the tutorial as a whole on the conference's web page.
  • The ISWC 2005 page will provide a link to a tutorial's local page.
  • Providing logistics support and a meeting place for the tutorial.
  • In conjunction with the organizers, determining the tutorial time and venue.


May 6, 2005 Tutorial proposals due
June 6, 2005 Notification of proposal acceptance
July 6, 2005 Deadline for receipt of URL for tutorial web page
September 6, 2005 Deadline for sending the tutorial chair the tutorial notes and the technical paper.
November 6, 2005 Presentation of Tutorial Program





Galway Scene



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