XSLT 2.0 | XSLT 3.0 | Unclassified / other | Total | |
All categories | 4456 | 4980 | 2906 | 12342 |
Attributes | 684 | 417 | 174 | 1275 |
Declarations | 517 | 374 | 154 | 1045 |
Expressions | 186 | 79 | 436 | 701 |
Functions | 415 | 341 | 387 | 1143 |
Instructions | 600 | 440 | 365 | 1405 |
Miscellaneous | 1748 | 1165 | 97 | 3010 |
Posture and Sweep | 0 | 0 | 919 | 919 |
Streaming | 0 | 2073 | 0 | 2073 |
Typing and schema | 306 | 91 | 374 | 771 |
Total | |
All features | 5106 |
Packages | 147 |
Streaming | 2992 |
Declarations | 192 |
Instructions | 475 |
Attributes | 338 |
Stylesheet initialization | 10 |
Functions | 408 |
Maps | 52 |
Other | 492 |
Packages - versioning | 15 |
Packages - package | 42 |
Packages - use-package | 30 |
Packages - override | 60 |
Packages - xquery | unknown |
Streaming - instructions | 746 |
Streaming - functions | 668 |
Streaming - expressions | 656 |
Streaming - posture and sweep | 919 |
Streaming - other | 3 |
Accumulators | 53 |
Mode declarations | 105 |
Import declaration order relaxation | 3 |
Context item declaration | 28 |
Global context item declaration | 3 |
Try / catch | 31 |
Try / catch - rollback-output | 2 |
Iteration (xsl:iterate) | 34 |
Dynamic evaluation (xsl:evaluate) | 45 |
Assertions (xsl:assert) | 9 |
Merging (xsl:merge, incl strm) | 86 |
Conditional content construction (all) | 124 |
Conditional content construction - conditional-content | 70 |
Conditional content construction - on-empty | 40 |
Conditional content construction - on-non-empty | 14 |
Enhancements to analyze-string | 8 |
Value-of enhancement (empty) | 0 |
Number (xsl:number format-number) enhancements | 12 |
Declared modes | 14 |
Decimal format with exponent-separator | 0 |
Composite keys in for-each-group | 15 |
Composite keys in keys | 2 |
Select attribute on copy instruction | 31 |
Static variables and parameters | 37 |
Cache, override, identity attributes on function declaration | 38 |
Shadow attributes | 7 |
Use-when enhancements | 19 |
Error-code attribute on message | 10 |
Html-version attribute on xsl:output/result-document (HTML5 support) | 30 |
Item-separator attribute on xsl:output/result-document | 0 |
Parameter-document attribute on xsl:output/result-document | 0 |
Suppress-indentation attribute on xsl:output/result-document | 133 |
Disable-output-escaping silently ignored | 2 |
Enhancements on typed=lax for non-validating processors | unknown |
Initial function | 6 |
Initial template (xsl:initial-template) | 3 |
Initial mode | 1 |
Higher order functions | 70 |
New function current-output-uri | 5 |
New function collation-key | 0 |
New function copy-of | 23 |
New function json-to-xml | 55 |
New function snapshot | 41 |
New function stream-available | 6 |
New function xml-to-json | 28 |
Enhancements on function deep-equal (maps support) | 0 |
Enhancements on function document (new error) | 0 |
Enhancements on function format-number (moved, but new formats) | 4 |
Enhancements on function key (composite keys) | 2 |
Enhancements on function type-available (XSD 1.1) | 1 |
Enhancements on function system-property (new properties) | 173 |
Enhancements on function unparsed-entity-uri (arity zero) | 0 |
Enhancements on function unparsed-entity-public-id (arity zero) | 0 |
Maps - function contains | 1 |
Maps - function entry | 0 |
Maps - function get | 2 |
Maps - function for-each | 0 |
Maps - function keys | 4 |
Maps - function merge | 5 |
Maps - function put | 2 |
Maps - function remove | 0 |
Maps - function size | 2 |
Maps - expressions / other | 36 |
Expand text, text value templates | 32 |
Pattern enhancements | 67 |
EQName adoption | 23 |
JSON support (total) | 83 |
Default collation enhancements (allowed on any element) | 0 |
Backwards compatibility (XSLT 3.0 to 2.0) | 1 |
New error conditions and codes | 153 |
Recoverable errors do not exist anymore | unknown |
Enhancements to serialization (all) | 133 |
Type attribute validation with complex types and copy/copy-of (XTTE1535) | unknown |
XSD 1.1 types | unknown |
Attributes (all) | 684 | 417 | 174 | 1275 |
Tests as | 194 | 0 | 0 | 194 |
Tests Attribute Value Templates | 18 | 0 | 14 | 32 |
Tests the effect of the declared-modes attribute on xsl:package (or its absence) | 0 | 14 | 0 | 14 |
Tests the XSLT 3.0 expand-text attribute and content value templates | 0 | 32 | 0 | 32 |
Tests match | 141 | 67 | 41 | 249 |
Tests the use of modes in xsl:template and xsl:apply-templates | 18 | 104 | 15 | 137 |
Tests select | 71 | 1 | 85 | 157 |
Tests Shadow Attributes (Static AVTs) | 0 | 7 | 0 | 7 |
Tests static attributes on xsl:variable and xsl:param declarations | 0 | 37 | 0 | 37 |
Tests streamable apply-templates and modes | 0 | 125 | 0 | 125 |
Tests strip-type-annotations | 26 | 0 | 0 | 26 |
Tests tunnel | 54 | 4 | 0 | 58 |
Tests use-when | 82 | 19 | 1 | 102 |
Tests validation | 40 | 7 | 1 | 48 |
Tests version | 19 | 0 | 13 | 32 |
Tests xpath-default-namespace | 21 | 0 | 4 | 25 |
Declarations (all) | 517 | 374 | 154 | 1045 |
Tests xsl:accept in XSLT 3.0 | 0 | 10 | 0 | 10 |
Tests accumulator | 0 | 53 | 0 | 53 |
Tests xsl:attribute-set | 7 | 4 | 36 | 47 |
Tests the xsl:character-map declaration | 24 | 0 | 0 | 24 |
Tests xsl:context-item | 0 | 28 | 0 | 28 |
Tests xsl:expose in XSLT 3.0 | 0 | 19 | 0 | 19 |
Tests function | 49 | 38 | 0 | 87 |
Tests xsl:global-context-item | 0 | 3 | 0 | 3 |
Tests import | 27 | 3 | 12 | 42 |
Tests import-schema | 193 | 2 | 0 | 195 |
Tests include | 12 | 1 | 3 | 16 |
Tests namespace | 9 | 0 | 6 | 15 |
Tests the xsl:output declaration, and hence serialization generally | 141 | 74 | 0 | 215 |
Tests xsl:override in XSLT 3.0 | 0 | 60 | 0 | 60 |
Tests xsl:package in XSLT 3.0 | 0 | 42 | 0 | 42 |
Tests the xsl:param element | 25 | 4 | 0 | 29 |
Tests whitespace | 1 | 1 | 21 | 23 |
Tests template | 1 | 0 | 5 | 6 |
Tests xsl:use-package in XSLT 3.0 | 0 | 30 | 0 | 30 |
Tests local and global variables | 28 | 2 | 71 | 101 |
Expressions (all) | 186 | 79 | 436 | 701 |
Tests axes | 20 | 0 | 182 | 202 |
Tests castable | 4 | 0 | 0 | 4 |
Tests data-manipulation | 0 | 0 | 28 | 28 |
Tests expression | 50 | 4 | 54 | 108 |
Tests for | 4 | 0 | 0 | 4 |
Tests higher-order-functions | 0 | 70 | 0 | 70 |
Tests math | 35 | 4 | 108 | 147 |
Tests nodetest | 36 | 0 | 2 | 38 |
Tests path | 0 | 0 | 10 | 10 |
Tests predicate | 2 | 0 | 52 | 54 |
Tests treat-as | 4 | 0 | 0 | 4 |
Tests type-expr | 4 | 0 | 0 | 4 |
Tests type-functions | 9 | 1 | 0 | 10 |
Tests xpath-compat | 18 | 0 | 0 | 18 |
Typing and schema (all) | 306 | 91 | 374 | 771 |
Tests boolean | 23 | 0 | 89 | 112 |
Tests date | 98 | 40 | 0 | 138 |
Tests maps | 0 | 37 | 0 | 37 |
Tests namespace | 69 | 8 | 140 | 217 |
Tests node | 9 | 0 | 23 | 32 |
Tests notation | 19 | 4 | 0 | 23 |
Tests string | 12 | 0 | 121 | 133 |
Tests type | 76 | 2 | 1 | 79 |
Key | Count |
instance-of | 5 |
empty-sequence | 29 |
xs:string | 6 |
SequenceType | 4 |
xs:double | 9 |
xs:boolean | 1 |
xs:dayTimeDuration | 5 |
xs:date | 1 |
xsl:function | 11 |
xs:untypedAtomic | 20 |
text-conversion | 1 |
AtomicOrUnionType | 100 |
xs:anyAtomicType | 11 |
buildin-datatypes | 20 |
conversion | 9 |
mixed-sequence | 6 |
OccurrenceIndicator | 59 |
sequence | 1 |
buildin-types | 13 |
conversion-to-self | 21 |
xsl:value-of | 6 |
type-promotion | 7 |
xs:float | 5 |
xs:decimal | 4 |
xs:integer | 5 |
xs:anyUri | 1 |
subtype-substitution | 2 |
xs:duration | 1 |
xs:yearMonthDuration | 1 |
lre-promotion | 8 |
xs:anyURI | 7 |
xsl:document | 4 |
DocumentTest | 8 |
xsl:element | 9 |
ElementTest | 43 |
lre | 13 |
xs:untyped | 5 |
ElementName | 28 |
TypeName | 34 |
xsl:attribute | 7 |
AttributeTest | 16 |
ElementNameOrWildcard | 8 |
AttributeName | 8 |
AttributeNameOrWildcard | 5 |
xsl:variable | 51 |
ItemTest | 8 |
xsl:template | 24 |
xs:long | 12 |
xs:int | 14 |
xs:unsignedByte | 11 |
xs:NMTOKEN | 18 |
xs:ID | 14 |
xs:nonPositiveInteger | 11 |
user-defined-atomic-type | 23 |
xsl:import-schema | 40 |
xsl:with-param | 8 |
tunnel-parameter | 11 |
attribute-axis | 10 |
child-select-expression | 13 |
xs:QName | 1 |
xsl:apply-templates | 4 |
xsl:sequence | 3 |
AnyKindTest | 2 |
all-node-kinds | 2 |
CommentTest | 2 |
TextTest | 2 |
PITest | 2 |
NodeTest | 1 |
xsl:processing-instruction | 1 |
xsl:comment | 1 |
xsl:text | 1 |
select-expression | 35 |
xsl:param | 9 |
document-node | 3 |
unspecified | 6 |
non-tunnel | 4 |
XTSE0090 | 1 |
xsl:call-template | 1 |
XTTE0505 | 1 |
to-xs:anyAtomicType | 1 |
to-xs:untypedAtomic | 3 |
to-xs:double | 1 |
to-xs:float | 1 |
to-xs:token | 2 |
to-xs:normalizedString | 1 |
SchemaAttributeTest | 3 |
AttributeDeclaration | 1 |
xsl:type | 14 |
strict-validation | 15 |
xs:token | 4 |
xs:nonNegativeInteger | 1 |
xs:byte | 2 |
xs:language | 1 |
xs:negativeInteger | 1 |
xs:Name | 3 |
preserve-validation | 1 |
SchemaElementTest | 6 |
xs:NMTOKENS | 4 |
complex-type | 3 |
user-defined-union-type | 12 |
xs:NOTATION | 1 |
xs:ENTITIES | 1 |
xs:IDREFS | 1 |
Key | Count |
mixed-sequence | 1 |
literals | 5 |
select-expression | 17 |
lre | 21 |
xsl:variable | 1 |
temporary-tree | 1 |
sequence | 5 |
numeric-literals | 3 |
xsl:attribute | 2 |
separator-attribute | 2 |
mixed-avt | 11 |
xsl:value-of | 1 |
xsl:namespace | 1 |
variable-reference | 10 |
xsl:for-each-group | 1 |
collation-attribute | 2 |
xsl:analyze-string | 2 |
regex-attribute | 2 |
flags-attribute | 1 |
xsl:message | 1 |
terminate-attribute | 1 |
xsl:number | 1 |
lang-attribute | 2 |
letter-value-attribute | 1 |
ordinal-attribute | 1 |
xsl:sort | 2 |
order-attribute | 1 |
stable-attribute | 1 |
xpath-comments | 1 |
empty-sequence | 3 |
backwards-compatibility-mode | 1 |
text-node | 1 |
xsl:function | 1 |
escaped-curlies | 5 |
context | 1 |
fn:position | 1 |
fn:last | 1 |
2 | |
data-elements | 1 |
space-separation | 1 |
xsl:param | 1 |
fn:concat | 1 |
attribute-axis | 2 |
fn:starts-with | 1 |
namespace-resolution | 1 |
xsl:element | 1 |
name-attribute | 1 |
qname-resolution | 1 |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
Key | Count |
expand-text-attribute | 27 |
xsl:stylesheet | 9 |
variable-reference | 10 |
lre | 21 |
xsl:expand-text-attribute | 5 |
expand-override | 4 |
xsl:template | 15 |
numeric-literals | 2 |
xsl:attribute | 1 |
XTSE0020 | 2 |
wrong-attribute-value | 3 |
scope | 1 |
XTSE0350 | 1 |
XPST0003 | 1 |
invalid-expression | 1 |
nested-curlies | 4 |
bug-20874 | 1 |
xsl:text | 4 |
escaped-curlies | 2 |
xpath-comments | 1 |
typed-value | 1 |
static-context | 2 |
fn:static-base-uri | 1 |
xml:base-attribute | 1 |
namespace-resolution | 1 |
EQName | 1 |
dynamic-context | 1 |
fn:current | 1 |
xsl:for-each | 1 |
Key | Count |
descendant-or-self-axis | 17 |
leading-double-slash | 10 |
UnionExpr | 18 |
predicate | 36 |
child-axis | 93 |
attribute-axis | 23 |
GeneralComp | 18 |
ContextItemExpr | 6 |
OrExpr | 3 |
fn:not | 5 |
TextTest | 10 |
fn:position | 19 |
context-in-predicate | 1 |
fn:last | 6 |
multiple-predicates | 11 |
AndExpr | 5 |
6 | |
fn:id | 7 |
variable-reference | 13 |
leading-lone-slash | 12 |
complex-expression | 5 |
MultiplicativeExpr | 3 |
AdditiveExpr | 1 |
numeric-predicate | 9 |
modes | 3 |
Wildcard | 18 |
AbbrevForwardStep | 9 |
xpath-default-namespace | 5 |
NCName | 9 |
XTSE0340 | 14 |
XPST0017 | 6 |
undeclared-function | 1 |
ForExpr | 2 |
ancestor-or-self | 1 |
preceding-sibling | 1 |
nested-predicate | 3 |
AnyKindTest | 1 |
priority | 9 |
DocumentTest | 16 |
fn:current | 4 |
fn:name | 1 |
fn:doc | 5 |
xsl:import-schema | 96 |
fn:element-with-id | 2 |
not-XTSE0340 | 5 |
fn:true | 1 |
InstanceOfExpr | 9 |
ElementTest | 45 |
PredicatePattern | 14 |
from-attribute | 1 |
xsl:number | 2 |
count-attribute | 1 |
IntersectExceptExpr | 4 |
ParenthesizedExpr | 9 |
bug-18861 | 2 |
namespace-axis | 1 |
xsl:mode | 14 |
on-no-match-attribute | 2 |
shallow-skip | 1 |
deep-skip | 1 |
descendant-axis | 1 |
positional-predicate | 1 |
CommentTest | 7 |
_IMPROVE:source-should-include-comments | 1 |
fn:key | 5 |
invalid-pattern | 5 |
not-XPST0017 | 4 |
ValueComp | 9 |
_IMPROVE:cleanup-redundant-code | 1 |
RangeExpr | 2 |
parentless-nodes | 24 |
PITest | 8 |
AttributeTest | 24 |
_IMPROVE:fix-description | 1 |
QuantifiedExpr | 1 |
IfExpr | 1 |
NodeComp | 1 |
CastableExpr | 1 |
fn:data | 1 |
xs:integer | 5 |
xs:decimal | 1 |
xpath-comments | 2 |
xsl:apply-imports | 1 |
group-starting-with-attribute | 1 |
group-ending-with-attribute | 1 |
SchemaElementTest | 25 |
SchemaAttributeTest | 7 |
buildin-datatypes | 1 |
xs:NMTOKENS | 1 |
xs:ENTITIES | 1 |
xs:IDREFS | 1 |
XTSE3430 | 1 |
AbbrevReverseStep | 1 |
self-axis | 1 |
_TEST:verify-correct | 1 |
stylesheet-function | 1 |
typed-strict | 7 |
typed-lax | 1 |
typed-yes | 1 |
typed-true | 1 |
typed-1 | 1 |
typed-unspecified | 1 |
typed-no | 1 |
xsl:next-match | 1 |
on-multiple-match | 1 |
Key | Count |
xsl:mode | 60 |
on-no-match-attribute | 60 |
shallow-skip | 20 |
shallow-copy | 29 |
text-only-copy | 30 |
variable-reference | 14 |
comment-nodes | 3 |
parentless-nodes | 14 |
streamable | 21 |
processing-instruction-nodes | 3 |
text-nodes | 2 |
attribute-nodes | 4 |
namespace-nodes | 6 |
non-streamable | 2 |
stylesheet-function | 1 |
predicate | 1 |
matching-mode | 49 |
non-matching-mode | 6 |
xsl:apply-templates | 1 |
without-mode-attribute | 1 |
2 | |
qname-resolution | 3 |
temporary-tree | 2 |
mode-switching | 2 |
mode-scope | 1 |
xsl:call-template | 1 |
AnyKindTest | 1 |
conflict-resolution | 17 |
multiple-matching-templates | 8 |
syntax | 1 |
initial-mode | 6 |
multiple-mode-template | 1 |
mode-#all | 8 |
initial-context-node | 1 |
priority | 3 |
xsl:next-match | 4 |
buildin-template-rules | 7 |
mode-#current | 8 |
mode-#default | 4 |
erratum-XT.E19 | 4 |
xsl:function | 1 |
xsl:attribute-set | 1 |
global-variable | 2 |
TextTest | 4 |
typed-no | 1 |
attribute-axis | 2 |
fail | 7 |
xsl:try | 2 |
xsl:catch | 2 |
XTDE0555 | 4 |
xsl:apply-imports | 5 |
warning-on-no-match | 5 |
EQName | 1 |
mode-#unnamed | 1 |
deep-skip | 2 |
document-node | 2 |
typed-yes | 2 |
XTTE3100 | 2 |
typed-false | 1 |
typed-0 | 1 |
typed | 1 |
on-multiple-match-attribute | 1 |
XTSE0545 | 1 |
deep-copy | 4 |
xsl:import | 4 |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
Key | Count |
static-variable | 6 |
xsl:value-of | 2 |
_select | 2 |
xsl:variable | 1 |
_static | 1 |
xsl:transform | 2 |
_version | 2 |
xsl:include | 1 |
_href | 1 |
mixed-avt | 1 |
xsl:template | 3 |
_use-when | 1 |
_xpath-default-namespace | 2 |
Key | Count |
static-variable | 37 |
tvt | 31 |
err:XPST0008 | 3 |
required-param | 8 |
err:XTSE0050 | 1 |
err:XTSE0010 | 6 |
implicit-default | 9 |
item | 2 |
occurrence-indicator | 9 |
xs:integer | 11 |
implicitly-mandatory | 4 |
err:XTTE0590 | 1 |
err:XTSE0020 | 2 |
forward-compatbility | 1 |
backward-compatibility | 1 |
visibility | 2 |
err:XTSE0090 | 1 |
ERR:XTSE0090 | 1 |
Key | Count |
leading-lone-slash | 4 |
xsl:copy | 7 |
striding | 34 |
motionless-pattern | 26 |
xsl:strip-space | 15 |
buildin-template-rules | 1 |
motionless-pattern | 9 |
576 | |
streamable-identity-transform | 10 |
attribute-axis | 3 |
climbing-childless | 26 |
leading-lone-slash | 2 |
motionless-and-consuming | 7 |
streamable-identity-transform | 22 |
motionless-and-consuming | 1 |
motionless-builtin-functions | 6 |
ContextItemExpr | 2 |
avt | 4 |
ContextItemExpr | 18 |
complex-use-case | 2 |
mode-switching | 4 |
xsl:copy-of | 4 |
grounded-variable | 2 |
xsl:import-schema | 33 |
grounded-variable | 5 |
namespace-nodes | 1 |
comment-nodes | 2 |
attribute-nodes | 1 |
processing-instruction-nodes | 2 |
attribute-nodes | 1 |
CommentTest | 1 |
PITest | 1 |
xsl:import-schema | 5 |
_IMPROVE:change-attribute-template-to-streamable | 1 |
xsl:if | 5 |
type-determined-usage | 1 |
fn:name | 4 |
fn:string | 2 |
fn:namespace-uri | 1 |
xsl:sequence | 4 |
xsl:attribute | 1 |
fn:local-name | 1 |
fn:string | 1 |
xsl:element | 1 |
consuming | 2 |
xsl:variable | 1 |
xsl:value-of | 1 |
fn:position | 10 |
xsl:result-document | 2 |
xsl:strip-space | 1 |
motionless | 4 |
InstanceOfExpr | 2 |
parent-axis | 2 |
striding | 1 |
climbing | 3 |
ancestor-then-climbing | 1 |
ancestor-axis | 4 |
PathExpr | 11 |
xsl:value-of | 4 |
fn:count | 5 |
PathExpr | 1 |
striding-then-climbing | 6 |
striding-then-climbing | 1 |
crawling-then-climbing | 5 |
climbing-childless | 1 |
_WRONG:for-each-with-crawling-not-streamable | 1 |
crawling-atomizing | 4 |
fn:avg | 1 |
fn:sum | 5 |
fn:avg | 3 |
fn:starts-with | 2 |
fn:exists | 1 |
crawling | 15 |
fn:empty | 1 |
fn:string-join | 1 |
climbing-pattern | 1 |
fn:upper-case | 2 |
fn:string-length | 1 |
IfExpr | 5 |
fn:number | 1 |
GeneralComp | 6 |
fn:min | 1 |
fn:max | 4 |
ParenthesizedExpr | 1 |
motionless-predicate | 1 |
ValueComp | 1 |
fn:distinct-values | 1 |
XTSE3430 | 20 |
_IMPROVE:fix-description | 9 |
xsl:apply-templates | 5 |
xsl:with-param | 5 |
grounded-parameter | 4 |
IntersectExceptExpr | 1 |
tunnel-parameter | 5 |
xsl:with-param | 1 |
xsl:apply-templates | 2 |
multiple-streaming-input | 1 |
xsl:for-each | 11 |
crawling-then-striding | 8 |
fn:outermost | 5 |
fn:upper-case | 1 |
nested-for-each | 1 |
fn:data | 2 |
attribute-axis | 1 |
climbing-then-grounded | 1 |
climbing-then-grounded | 2 |
fn:lang | 6 |
AxisStep | 9 |
choice-operand-group | 4 |
xsl:choose | 1 |
xsl:when | 1 |
xsl:otherwise | 1 |
lre | 4 |
Expr | 1 |
striding-then-grounded | 2 |
xs:date | 1 |
xs:decimal | 2 |
QuantifiedExpr | 1 |
_WRONG:not-streamable | 3 |
_WRONG:streamability-rules-incorrect | 1 |
_WRONG:streamability-rules-incorrect | 2 |
QuantifiedExpr | 3 |
fn:current-group | 1 |
fn:current-grouping-key | 1 |
xsl:for-each-group | 1 |
group-adjacent-attribute | 1 |
positional-predicate | 1 |
on-no-match-attribute | 1 |
shallow-copy | 1 |
multiple-consuming-expressions | 2 |
AndExpr | 1 |
variable-bound-to-streamed-node | 5 |
initial-streaming-mode | 8 |
_IMPROVE:cleanup-redundant-code | 12 |
fn:tokenize | 3 |
predicate | 5 |
ForExpr | 1 |
initial-streaming-mode | 4 |
global-variable | 1 |
variable-bound-to-streamed-node | 1 |
XPDY0002 | 1 |
_WRONG:wrong-error-code | 1 |
leading-double-slash | 1 |
xsl:sort | 1 |
_IMPROVE:double-error-situation | 1 |
crawling | 1 |
free-ranging-pattern | 3 |
XTSE3430 | 4 |
ancestor-axis | 1 |
xsl:template | 1 |
template-returning-nodes | 1 |
_IMPROVE:any-binding-to-node-is-illegal | 1 |
fn:has-children | 1 |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
Key | Count |
fn:system-property | 6 |
xsl:version | 2 |
use-when-attribute | 6 |
forwards-compatibility-mode | 22 |
_IMPROVE:test-xsl:message-output | 1 |
XTMM9000 | 1 |
xsl:fallback | 8 |
extension-element-prefixes-attribute | 4 |
extension-element | 3 |
xsl:value-of | 1 |
_IMPROVE:test-in-wrong-location | 4 |
xsl:message | 2 |
avt | 2 |
terminate-attribute | 1 |
2.0-behaves-like-1.0 | 1 |
xsl:vendor | 2 |
extension-function | 1 |
backwards-compatibility-mode | 3 |
ignore-type-error | 1 |
fn:trace | 2 |
_WRONG:incorrect-xslt-version | 1 |
version-attribute | 8 |
extension-attribute | 1 |
xsl:variable | 1 |
variable-dependencies | 1 |
XTSE0340 | 2 |
erratum-XT.E14 | 1 |
_WRONG:incorrect-system-property | 1 |
xsl:supports-namespace-axis | 1 |
fn:function-available | 1 |
XTDE0160 | 1 |
Key | Count |
xsl:stylesheet | 1 |
10 | |
xsl:value-of | 4 |
lre | 9 |
namespace-resolution | 2 |
undeclared-xpath-default-namespace | 1 |
xsl:apply-templates | 1 |
_IMPROVE:does-not-test-null-namespace | 1 |
xsl:template | 2 |
xsl:strip-space | 1 |
xsl:preserve-space | 1 |
xsl:transform | 3 |
xsl:use-when | 1 |
variable-names | 1 |
schema-namespace | 1 |
xsl:type | 1 |
attribute-nodes | 1 |
AttributeTest | 1 |
xsl:import-schema | 3 |
as-attribute | 1 |
ElementTest | 1 |
xsl:variable | 1 |
InstanceOfExpr | 1 |
XTSE0090 | 1 |
_IMPROVE:unclear-test | 5 |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
Key | Count |
xsl:mode | 18 |
on-no-match-attribute | 15 |
shallow-skip | 10 |
fn:accumulator-before | 12 |
ElementTest | 3 |
streamable | 11 |
fn:accumulator-after | 10 |
multiple-accumulators | 3 |
applies-to-attribute | 2 |
deep-skip | 1 |
XTDE3420 | 1 |
shallow-copy | 4 |
TextTest | 2 |
$value | 1 |
post-descent | 3 |
non-streamable | 2 |
_WRONG:illegal-accumulator-streaming-non-streaming | 1 |
xsl:accumulator | 5 |
Key | Count |
lre | 22 |
xsl:use-attribute-sets | 26 |
EQName | 1 |
namespace-resolution | 1 |
multiple-attribute-sets | 9 |
streamable | 2 |
4 | |
use-attribute-sets | 26 |
xsl:element | 13 |
xsl:copy | 7 |
attribute-set-inheritance | 11 |
attribute-overlap | 10 |
conflict-resolution | 10 |
_IMPROVE:add-test-for-rootnode-attribute-set | 1 |
xsl:import | 5 |
attribute-override | 1 |
variable-reference | 1 |
import-precedence | 2 |
qname-resolution | 2 |
_IMPROVE:not-xslt2-specific | 2 |
separator-attribute | 2 |
empty-attribute-set | 1 |
_IMPROVE:test-in-wrong-location | 1 |
Key | Count |
single-character-map | 12 |
xml-output-method | 15 |
composite-character-map | 3 |
conflict-resolution | 6 |
multiple-character-maps | 8 |
xml-markup-generation | 1 |
unicode | 1 |
encoding-attribute | 1 |
iso-8859-1 | 5 |
single-character-map | 1 |
40 | |
qname-resolution | 1 |
html-uri-escaping | 1 |
html-output-method | 2 |
attribute-nodes | 1 |
illegal-xml-generation | 1 |
namespace-resolution | 1 |
text-output-method | 3 |
illegal-xml-generation | 1 |
xsl:result-document | 3 |
conflict-resolution | 1 |
xhtml-output-method | 1 |
_WRONG:output-method-incorrect | 1 |
xml-output-method | 2 |
XTSE1590 | 2 |
XTSE1600 | 1 |
circular-reference | 1 |
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No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
Key | Count |
xsl:import | 8 |
xsl:include | 10 |
embedded-stylesheet | 2 |
_IMPROVE:missing-dependency-embedded | 2 |
xsl:apply-imports | 6 |
xsl:variable | 2 |
buildin-template-rules | 1 |
xsl:with-param | 1 |
xsl:param | 1 |
multiple-includes | 4 |
multiple-imports | 1 |
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No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
Key | Count |
xsl:apply-templates | 4 |
CommentTest | 1 |
matching-mode | 4 |
PITest | 1 |
AnyKindTest | 1 |
attribute-axis | 1 |
AbbrevForwardStep | 1 |
template-recursion | 1 |
named-templates | 1 |
buildin-template-rules | 1 |
leading-lone-slash | 1 |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
Key | Count |
CastableExpr | 4 |
descendant-or-self-axis | 4 |
buildin-types | 1 |
xsl:variable | 3 |
variable-reference | 3 |
CastExpr | 3 |
buildin-datatypes | 3 |
Key | Count |
xsl:if | 5 |
xsl:choose | 5 |
xsl:when | 5 |
xsl:otherwise | 5 |
complex-expression | 6 |
fn:round | 2 |
fn:format-number | 11 |
fn:substring-after | 2 |
fn:number | 2 |
variable-reference | 1 |
xsl:param | 12 |
global-variable | 16 |
xsl:variable | 8 |
variable-dependencies | 4 |
fn:last | 1 |
predicate | 3 |
ancestor-or-self | 2 |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
Key | Count |
TreatExpr | 4 |
xs:integer | 4 |
derived-xs-integer | 3 |
stylesheet-function | 3 |
xsl:function | 3 |
xsl:import-schema | 4 |
invalid-cast | 1 |
no-error-if-not-executed | 1 |
fn:codepoints-to-string | 1 |
fn:data | 2 |
xsl:if | 1 |
CastExpr | 1 |
xs:anyAtomicType | 1 |
XPDY0050 | 1 |
Key | Count |
numeric-types | 1 |
op:numeric-add | 1 |
type-promotion | 1 |
xsl:import-schema | 4 |
fn:data | 4 |
InstanceOfExpr | 3 |
xs:boolean | 1 |
derived-xs-boolean | 1 |
ValueComp | 3 |
xs:duration | 1 |
derived-xs-duration | 1 |
xs:date | 1 |
derived-xs-date | 1 |
Key | Count |
xs:date | 2 |
xs:time | 1 |
derived-xs-time | 1 |
derived-xs-date | 2 |
fn:dateTime | 1 |
InstanceOfExpr | 9 |
xsl:import-schema | 10 |
fn:data | 10 |
buildin-datatypes | 1 |
derived-builtin-types | 6 |
fn:abs | 1 |
buildin-types | 5 |
xsl:if | 2 |
xs:decimal | 1 |
XPST0017 | 1 |
fn:substring | 1 |
derived-xs-string | 4 |
xs:string | 3 |
fn:upper-case | 1 |
fn:matches | 1 |
fn:resolve-uri | 1 |
fn:year-from-date | 1 |
xs:QName | 1 |
fn:local-name-from-QName | 1 |
derived-xs-QName | 1 |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
Key | Count |
focus-dependent | 1 |
fn:copy-of | 1 |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
Key | Count |
xsl:function | 6 |
stylesheet-function | 6 |
fn:function-available | 8 |
predicate | 1 |
xpath-function-namespace | 1 |
namespace-resolution | 2 |
variable-reference | 1 |
buildin-functions | 4 |
arity | 4 |
EQName | 1 |
fn:true | 1 |
fn:false | 1 |
constructor-functions | 1 |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
Key | Count |
stream-unavailable | 1 |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
Key | Count |
simple-content | 26 |
fn:xml-to-json | 28 |
fn:json-to-xml | 28 |
json-null | 2 |
json-boolean | 6 |
json-numeric | 2 |
json-string | 6 |
json-array | 8 |
json-map | 8 |
complex-content | 2 |
json-indented | 14 |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
Key | Count |
xsl:assert | 8 |
ValueComp | 4 |
assert-fail | 1 |
assert-success | 2 |
use-when-attribute | 3 |
XTMM9001 | 2 |
xsl:try | 1 |
error-handling | 1 |
specific-catch-clause | 1 |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
Key | Count |
sequence-constructor | 2 |
comment-nodes | 1 |
text-nodes | 2 |
processing-instruction-nodes | 1 |
xsl:variable | 3 |
xsl:copy-of | 2 |
xsl:copy | 2 |
xsl:text | 3 |
xsl:value-of | 2 |
xsl:for-each | 2 |
xsl:call-template | 1 |
xsl:apply-imports | 1 |
xsl:import | 1 |
xsl:element | 2 |
nested-documents | 3 |
xsl:processing-instruction | 1 |
xsl:comment | 2 |
document-order | 1 |
use-attribute-sets | 1 |
empty-text-nodes | 2 |
xsl:sequence | 2 |
validation-strip | 2 |
lre | 3 |
multiple-root-elements | 1 |
DocumentTest | 1 |
xsl:message | 1 |
xsl:attribute-set | 1 |
xsl:use-attribute-sets | 1 |
xsl:choose | 1 |
xsl:when | 1 |
xsl:otherwise | 1 |
use-when-attribute | 1 |
xsl:sort | 1 |
ForExpr | 1 |
fn:string-join | 1 |
fn:avg | 1 |
fn:sum | 1 |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
Key | Count |
xsl:try | 31 |
error-handling | 25 |
generic-catch-clause | 25 |
FOAR0001 | 7 |
$err:code | 9 |
$err:module | 8 |
$err:line-number | 9 |
$err:description | 9 |
FORG0001 | 2 |
_IMPROVE:cleanup-redundant-code | 1 |
fn:error | 1 |
specific-catch-clause | 6 |
$err:value | 2 |
stylesheet-function | 2 |
XTTE1540 | 1 |
xsl:import-schema | 2 |
_WRONG:not-sure-test-is-correct | 2 |
xsl:function | 2 |
fn:boolean | 2 |
_IMPROVE:cannot-test-error-variables | 6 |
FOAR9876 | 3 |
err:FOAR0001 | 2 |
XPST0008 | 1 |
variable-scope | 1 |
fn:element-available | 2 |
xsl:catch | 2 |
2.0-only-behavior | 3 |
_WRONG:incorrect-dependency | 7 |
xsl:fallback | 6 |
no-error-inside-try | 5 |
forwards-compatibility-mode | 3 |
$err:column-number | 2 |
FODC0002 | 2 |
_IMPROVE:xsl:result-document-href-dependency | 1 |
xsl:result-document | 5 |
XTDE1490 | 1 |
complex-use-case | 1 |
XTSE0010 | 1 |
version-attribute | 1 |
xsl:evaluate | 1 |
_IMPROVE:cleanup-test | 1 |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
Key | Count |
catalog-self-test | 8 |
schema-validity | 1 |
xsl:import-schema | 2 |
master-catalog | 1 |
unique-testcase-names | 1 |
assert-xml-usage-check | 1 |
tests-stylesheet-schema-validity | 1 |
element-available | 3 |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
Key | Count |
backwards-compatibility-mode | 5 |
2.0-behaves-like-1.0 | 3 |
leading-double-slash | 1 |
version-attribute | 3 |
xsl:fallback | 6 |
xsl:result-document | 1 |
xsl:analyze-string | 1 |
xsl:namespace | 1 |
xsl:sequence | 1 |
xsl:attribute | 1 |
forwards-compatibility-mode | 2 |
xsl:sort | 1 |
xsl:choose | 1 |
xsl:variable | 2 |
global-variable | 2 |
fn:contains | 1 |
xsl:for-each | 1 |
xsl:if | 1 |
extension-element | 1 |
extension-element-prefixes-attribute | 1 |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
Key | Count |
fn:round | 1 |
fn:avg | 6 |
ContextItemExpr | 6 |
RelativePathExpr | 6 |
xsl:copy-of | 1 |
motionless-predicate | 4 |
positional-predicate | 3 |
predicate | 1 |
striding-then-grounded | 1 |
childless-nodes | 2 |
TextTest | 1 |
fn:number | 1 |
striding | 3 |
PathExpr | 1 |
sequence | 1 |
mixed-posture | 3 |
fn:tail | 2 |
fn:outermost | 1 |
ForExpr | 1 |
attribute-axis | 6 |
AbbrevForwardStep | 4 |
1 | |
fn:copy-of | 1 |
fn:abs | 1 |
choice-operand-group | 1 |
IfExpr | 1 |
SimpleMapExpr | 2 |
xs:NMTOKENS | 2 |
fn:root | 1 |
leading-lone-slash | 3 |
grounded | 7 |
fn:data | 1 |
crawling-then-climbing | 1 |
avg | 8 |
bang-operator | 5 |
forexpr | 1 |
letexpr | 1 |
xsl:try | 2 |
FORG0006 | 2 |
last | 2 |
non-motionless-predicate | 2 |
XTSE3430 | 2 |
Key | Count |
boolean | 26 |
crawling | 4 |
fn:boolean | 1 |
ContextItemExpr | 1 |
motionless-predicate | 5 |
RelativePathExpr | 1 |
climbing | 4 |
bang-operator | 4 |
grounded | 8 |
attribute-axis | 2 |
namespace-axis | 1 |
striding | 16 |
empty-sequence | 4 |
numeric-predicate | 1 |
unionexpr | 2 |
xsl:if | 1 |
motionless | 1 |
remove | 3 |
childless-node | 1 |
root | 2 |
position | 1 |
mixed-posture | 6 |
base-uri | 1 |
numerical-predicate | 2 |
FORG0006 | 3 |
xsl:try | 2 |
xsl:for-each | 1 |
non-motionless-predicate | 1 |
XTSE3430 | 1 |
Key | Count |
crawling | 2 |
fn:outermost | 4 |
crawling-then-striding | 4 |
fn:string-length | 3 |
leading-double-slash | 4 |
xsl:catch | 1 |
xsl:try | 1 |
error-handling | 1 |
specific-catch-clause | 1 |
FOCH0001 | 1 |
empty-sequence | 1 |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
Key | Count |
crawling | 3 |
descendant-or-self-axis | 1 |
PathExpr | 19 |
striding | 14 |
predicate | 1 |
motionless-predicate | 6 |
SimpleMapExpr | 3 |
ancestor-axis | 3 |
climbing | 2 |
fn:tokenize | 1 |
grounded | 7 |
climbing-childless | 1 |
attribute-nodes | 1 |
namespace-axis | 1 |
AxisStep | 1 |
positional-predicate | 2 |
UnionExpr | 2 |
crawling-then-crawling | 1 |
descendant-axis | 1 |
motionless | 1 |
RangeExpr | 1 |
childless-nodes | 2 |
fn:data | 1 |
fn:remove | 3 |
_IMPROVE:fix-description | 2 |
empty-sequence | 3 |
striding-then-climbing | 1 |
attribute-axis | 1 |
mixed-sequence | 4 |
consuming-predicate | 1 |
XTSE3430 | 1 |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
Key | Count |
striding-then-grounded | 18 |
grounded | 3 |
PathExpr | 35 |
xs:decimal | 9 |
motionless-predicate | 2 |
positional-predicate | 2 |
variable-reference | 10 |
fn:copy-of | 5 |
striding | 9 |
_WRONG:fix-initial-template-name | 1 |
childless-nodes | 2 |
text-nodes | 1 |
empty-sequence | 5 |
sequence-comparison | 5 |
fn:number | 1 |
fn:doc | 1 |
striding-then-climbing | 1 |
attribute-axis | 1 |
fn:outermost | 5 |
crawling | 2 |
crawling-then-striding | 5 |
fn:data | 1 |
crawling-then-climbing | 1 |
collation-argument | 6 |
FOCH0002 | 3 |
xsl:try | 2 |
error-handling | 2 |
specific-catch-clause | 2 |
crawling-atomizing | 2 |
descendant-axis | 2 |
AxisStep | 2 |
Key | Count |
striding-then-climbing | 2 |
attribute-axis | 4 |
childless-nodes | 2 |
PathExpr | 11 |
empty-sequence | 1 |
fn:number | 2 |
striding-then-grounded | 2 |
fn:outermost | 4 |
crawling-then-striding | 4 |
collation-argument | 6 |
xsl:try | 2 |
error-handling | 2 |
specific-catch-clause | 2 |
FOCH0002 | 2 |
striding | 3 |
Key | Count |
PathExpr | 22 |
crawling | 3 |
motionless-predicate | 7 |
striding | 13 |
ancestor-axis | 2 |
climbing | 1 |
SimpleMapExpr | 4 |
striding-then-grounded | 1 |
attribute-axis | 2 |
striding-then-climbing | 3 |
namespace-axis | 1 |
AxisStep | 1 |
positional-predicate | 2 |
striding-then-crawling | 1 |
UnionExpr | 2 |
crawling-then-crawling | 1 |
childless-nodes | 2 |
RangeExpr | 1 |
grounded | 1 |
leading-double-slash | 1 |
text-nodes | 1 |
fn:remove | 3 |
fn:data | 1 |
leading-lone-slash | 2 |
empty-sequence | 2 |
ParenthesizedExpr | 4 |
_IMPROVE:fix-description | 1 |
mixed-posture | 3 |
consuming-predicate | 1 |
XTSE3430 | 1 |
Key | Count |
crawling | 3 |
PathExpr | 21 |
motionless-predicate | 7 |
SimpleMapExpr | 4 |
ancestor-axis | 1 |
climbing | 3 |
ContextItemExpr | 1 |
striding-then-grounded | 1 |
fn:tokenize | 1 |
leading-lone-slash | 3 |
attribute-axis | 2 |
climbing-then-climbing | 2 |
ancestor-or-self-axis | 2 |
namespace-axis | 1 |
AxisStep | 1 |
striding | 12 |
positional-predicate | 2 |
striding-then-crawling | 1 |
UnionExpr | 2 |
crawling-then-crawling | 1 |
text-nodes | 1 |
childless-nodes | 2 |
RangeExpr | 1 |
grounded | 1 |
crawling-atomizing | 1 |
leading-double-slash | 1 |
fn:remove | 3 |
fn:data | 1 |
striding-then-climbing | 1 |
empty-sequence | 2 |
mixed-posture | 4 |
ParenthesizedExpr | 4 |
consuming-predicate | 1 |
XTSE3430 | 1 |
Key | Count |
striding-then-grounded | 4 |
leading-lone-slash | 6 |
fn:copy-of | 4 |
PathExpr | 8 |
predicate | 2 |
striding | 3 |
cardinality-of-one | 3 |
motionless-predicate | 2 |
FORG0001 | 1 |
empty-sequence | 1 |
xsl:try | 2 |
error-handling | 2 |
specific-catch-clause | 2 |
FORG0005 | 2 |
Key | Count |
leading-lone-slash | 1 |
NamedFunctionRef | 3 |
XTSE3430 | 1 |
stylesheet-function | 3 |
xsl:function | 3 |
PathExpr | 3 |
_WRONG:test-is-streamable | 1 |
grounded | 1 |
striding-then-grounded | 2 |
fn:copy-of | 1 |
fn:tokenize | 1 |
ContextItemExpr | 1 |
SimpleMapExpr | 1 |
Key | Count |
striding-then-grounded | 16 |
NamedFunctionRef | 20 |
PathExpr | 20 |
fn:data | 11 |
motionless-predicate | 2 |
positional-predicate | 4 |
predicate | 3 |
text-nodes | 1 |
childless-nodes | 1 |
fn:number | 3 |
ParenthesizedExpr | 2 |
fn:tail | 1 |
LetExpr | 1 |
ForExpr | 1 |
fn:outermost | 1 |
crawling-then-striding | 1 |
MultiplicativeExpr | 1 |
fn:copy-of | 1 |
climbing-then-grounded | 4 |
attribute-axis | 3 |
xs:decimal | 3 |
fn:abs | 1 |
AxisStep | 2 |
IfExpr | 1 |
xs:date | 1 |
UnaryExpr | 1 |
AdditiveExpr | 1 |
xs:NMTOKENS | 2 |
SimpleMapExpr | 2 |
leading-lone-slash | 1 |
Key | Count |
striding-then-grounded | 1 |
PathExpr | 1 |
fn:data | 1 |
NamedFunctionRef | 1 |
Key | Count |
fn:has-children | 1 |
Key | Count |
striding-then-grounded | 3 |
leading-lone-slash | 19 |
PathExpr | 22 |
fn:data | 1 |
fn:copy-of | 1 |
fn:tokenize | 1 |
ContextItemExpr | 2 |
SimpleMapExpr | 7 |
striding | 9 |
fn:count | 3 |
fn:sum | 1 |
motionless-predicate | 1 |
fn:position | 2 |
AdditiveExpr | 3 |
AxisStep | 2 |
positional-predicate | 8 |
xsl:for-each | 1 |
fn:name | 3 |
xsl:apply-templates | 1 |
xsl:copy-of | 1 |
crawling-then-striding | 1 |
leading-double-slash | 3 |
text-nodes | 2 |
childless-nodes | 2 |
striding-then-crawling | 2 |
crawling | 1 |
striding-then-climbing | 2 |
ancestor-axis | 3 |
climbing-then-climbing | 3 |
attribute-axis | 2 |
ancestor-or-self-axis | 3 |
climbing | 2 |
crawling-then-climbing | 1 |
Key | Count |
fn:snapshot | 1 |
bug-24125 | 1 |
leading-lone-slash | 2 |
PathExpr | 2 |
XTSE3430 | 1 |
overlapping-nodes-with-transmission-usage | 1 |
crawling | 1 |
Key | Count |
striding-then-climbing | 2 |
attribute-axis | 2 |
leading-lone-slash | 3 |
PathExpr | 9 |
striding | 4 |
grounded-variable | 1 |
empty-sequence | 1 |
fn:string | 1 |
collation-argument | 5 |
striding-then-grounded | 3 |
leading-double-slash | 3 |
fn:outermost | 3 |
crawling-then-striding | 3 |
FOCH0002 | 4 |
xsl:try | 2 |
error-handling | 2 |
specific-catch-clause | 2 |
Key | Count |
striding-then-grounded | 6 |
leading-lone-slash | 38 |
PathExpr | 44 |
fn:data | 2 |
fn:copy-of | 2 |
fn:tokenize | 2 |
ContextItemExpr | 4 |
SimpleMapExpr | 14 |
striding | 18 |
fn:count | 6 |
fn:sum | 2 |
fn:position | 4 |
motionless-predicate | 2 |
AdditiveExpr | 6 |
AxisStep | 4 |
positional-predicate | 16 |
xsl:for-each | 2 |
fn:name | 6 |
xsl:apply-templates | 2 |
xsl:copy-of | 2 |
leading-double-slash | 6 |
crawling | 4 |
text-nodes | 4 |
childless-nodes | 4 |
striding-then-crawling | 4 |
striding-then-climbing | 4 |
ancestor-axis | 6 |
climbing-then-climbing | 6 |
attribute-axis | 4 |
ancestor-or-self-axis | 6 |
climbing | 4 |
crawling-then-climbing | 2 |
Key | Count |
striding | 13 |
PathExpr | 38 |
motionless-predicate | 2 |
positional-predicate | 4 |
fn:position | 3 |
striding-then-grounded | 17 |
predicate | 4 |
fn:data | 3 |
childless-nodes | 1 |
text-nodes | 1 |
fn:number | 6 |
empty-sequence | 2 |
ParenthesizedExpr | 7 |
mixed-posture | 1 |
fn:tail | 1 |
ForExpr | 1 |
LetExpr | 1 |
leading-double-slash | 8 |
fn:outermost | 7 |
crawling-then-striding | 7 |
SimpleMapExpr | 4 |
MultiplicativeExpr | 1 |
attribute-axis | 6 |
fn:copy-of | 1 |
striding-then-climbing | 2 |
xs:decimal | 3 |
climbing | 2 |
AdditiveExpr | 1 |
UnaryExpr | 1 |
xs:NMTOKENS | 2 |
ContextItemExpr | 6 |
xs:date | 2 |
fn:string | 1 |
AxisStep | 1 |
FORG0006 | 2 |
xsl:try | 3 |
error-handling | 3 |
specific-catch-clause | 3 |
leading-lone-slash | 1 |
crawling-then-climbing | 1 |
parent-axis | 1 |
collation-argument | 6 |
FOCH0002 | 4 |
consuming-predicate | 2 |
fn:last | 1 |
striding-then-roaming | 2 |
XTSE3430 | 2 |
_IMPROVE:fix-description | 2 |
GeneralComp | 1 |
Key | Count |
striding | 13 |
PathExpr | 38 |
motionless-predicate | 2 |
positional-predicate | 4 |
fn:position | 3 |
striding-then-grounded | 17 |
predicate | 4 |
fn:data | 3 |
childless-nodes | 1 |
text-nodes | 1 |
fn:number | 6 |
empty-sequence | 2 |
ParenthesizedExpr | 7 |
mixed-posture | 1 |
fn:tail | 1 |
ForExpr | 1 |
LetExpr | 1 |
leading-double-slash | 8 |
fn:outermost | 7 |
crawling-then-striding | 7 |
SimpleMapExpr | 4 |
MultiplicativeExpr | 1 |
attribute-axis | 6 |
fn:copy-of | 1 |
striding-then-climbing | 2 |
xs:decimal | 3 |
climbing | 2 |
AdditiveExpr | 1 |
UnaryExpr | 1 |
xs:NMTOKENS | 2 |
ContextItemExpr | 6 |
xs:date | 2 |
fn:string | 1 |
AxisStep | 1 |
FORG0006 | 2 |
xsl:try | 3 |
error-handling | 3 |
specific-catch-clause | 3 |
leading-lone-slash | 1 |
crawling-then-climbing | 1 |
parent-axis | 1 |
collation-argument | 6 |
FOCH0002 | 4 |
consuming-predicate | 2 |
fn:last | 1 |
striding-then-roaming | 2 |
XTSE3430 | 2 |
_IMPROVE:fix-description | 2 |
GeneralComp | 1 |
Key | Count |
PathExpr | 26 |
crawling | 3 |
motionless-predicate | 6 |
striding | 13 |
ancestor-axis | 2 |
climbing | 2 |
SimpleMapExpr | 4 |
striding-then-grounded | 2 |
attribute-axis | 3 |
striding-then-climbing | 3 |
namespace-axis | 1 |
AxisStep | 1 |
positional-predicate | 5 |
striding-then-crawling | 1 |
UnionExpr | 2 |
crawling-then-crawling | 1 |
childless-nodes | 2 |
RangeExpr | 1 |
grounded | 1 |
leading-double-slash | 1 |
text-nodes | 1 |
fn:remove | 3 |
fn:data | 1 |
leading-lone-slash | 2 |
empty-sequence | 4 |
ParenthesizedExpr | 6 |
_IMPROVE:fix-description | 1 |
mixed-posture | 5 |
fn:base-uri | 1 |
fn:not | 4 |
FORG0006 | 2 |
xsl:try | 2 |
error-handling | 2 |
specific-catch-clause | 2 |
FORG0001 | 1 |
consuming-predicate | 1 |
XTSE3430 | 1 |
Key | Count |
striding-then-grounded | 3 |
leading-lone-slash | 25 |
PathExpr | 30 |
fn:data | 3 |
fn:copy-of | 1 |
fn:tokenize | 1 |
ContextItemExpr | 2 |
SimpleMapExpr | 7 |
striding | 12 |
fn:count | 3 |
fn:sum | 1 |
motionless-predicate | 1 |
fn:position | 2 |
AdditiveExpr | 3 |
AxisStep | 2 |
positional-predicate | 8 |
xsl:for-each | 1 |
fn:name | 3 |
xsl:apply-templates | 1 |
xsl:copy-of | 1 |
leading-double-slash | 5 |
crawling | 2 |
text-nodes | 2 |
childless-nodes | 2 |
striding-then-crawling | 2 |
striding-then-climbing | 2 |
ancestor-axis | 3 |
climbing-then-climbing | 3 |
attribute-axis | 4 |
ancestor-or-self-axis | 3 |
climbing | 2 |
crawling-then-climbing | 3 |
grounded | 2 |
FORG0004 | 8 |
empty-sequence | 4 |
parent-axis | 2 |
xsl:try | 4 |
error-handling | 4 |
specific-catch-clause | 4 |
Key | Count |
striding-then-grounded | 3 |
leading-lone-slash | 19 |
PathExpr | 26 |
fn:data | 1 |
fn:copy-of | 1 |
fn:tokenize | 1 |
ContextItemExpr | 2 |
SimpleMapExpr | 7 |
striding | 9 |
fn:count | 3 |
fn:sum | 1 |
motionless-predicate | 1 |
fn:position | 2 |
AdditiveExpr | 3 |
AxisStep | 2 |
positional-predicate | 8 |
xsl:for-each | 1 |
fn:name | 3 |
xsl:apply-templates | 1 |
xsl:copy-of | 1 |
crawling-then-striding | 6 |
leading-double-slash | 7 |
text-nodes | 2 |
childless-nodes | 2 |
striding-then-crawling | 2 |
crawling | 1 |
striding-then-climbing | 4 |
ancestor-axis | 3 |
climbing-then-climbing | 3 |
attribute-axis | 4 |
ancestor-or-self-axis | 3 |
climbing | 2 |
crawling-then-climbing | 1 |
fn:outermost | 4 |
Key | Count |
striding-then-grounded | 3 |
leading-lone-slash | 19 |
PathExpr | 22 |
fn:data | 1 |
fn:copy-of | 1 |
fn:tokenize | 1 |
ContextItemExpr | 2 |
SimpleMapExpr | 7 |
striding | 9 |
fn:count | 3 |
fn:sum | 1 |
motionless-predicate | 1 |
fn:position | 2 |
AdditiveExpr | 3 |
AxisStep | 2 |
positional-predicate | 8 |
xsl:for-each | 1 |
fn:name | 3 |
xsl:apply-templates | 1 |
xsl:copy-of | 1 |
leading-double-slash | 3 |
crawling | 2 |
text-nodes | 2 |
childless-nodes | 2 |
striding-then-crawling | 2 |
striding-then-climbing | 2 |
ancestor-axis | 3 |
climbing-then-climbing | 3 |
attribute-axis | 2 |
ancestor-or-self-axis | 3 |
climbing | 2 |
crawling-then-climbing | 1 |
Key | Count |
fn:snapshot | 1 |
striding | 1 |
leading-lone-slash | 2 |
PathExpr | 2 |
XTSE3430 | 1 |
striding-then-crawling | 1 |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
Key | Count |
striding | 2 |
leading-lone-slash | 3 |
PathExpr | 3 |
striding-then-climbing | 1 |
positional-predicate | 1 |
SimpleMapExpr | 1 |
RangeExpr | 1 |
Key | Count |
striding-then-grounded | 6 |
leading-lone-slash | 38 |
PathExpr | 44 |
fn:data | 2 |
fn:copy-of | 2 |
fn:tokenize | 2 |
ContextItemExpr | 4 |
SimpleMapExpr | 14 |
striding | 18 |
fn:count | 6 |
fn:sum | 2 |
motionless-predicate | 2 |
fn:position | 4 |
AdditiveExpr | 6 |
AxisStep | 4 |
positional-predicate | 16 |
xsl:for-each | 2 |
fn:name | 6 |
xsl:apply-templates | 2 |
xsl:copy-of | 2 |
leading-double-slash | 6 |
crawling | 4 |
text-nodes | 4 |
childless-nodes | 4 |
striding-then-crawling | 4 |
striding-then-climbing | 4 |
ancestor-axis | 6 |
climbing-then-climbing | 6 |
attribute-axis | 4 |
ancestor-or-self-axis | 6 |
climbing | 4 |
crawling-then-climbing | 2 |
Key | Count |
striding | 12 |
PathExpr | 34 |
motionless-predicate | 2 |
positional-predicate | 4 |
fn:position | 3 |
striding-then-grounded | 12 |
predicate | 4 |
fn:data | 3 |
childless-nodes | 1 |
text-nodes | 1 |
fn:number | 5 |
empty-sequence | 2 |
ParenthesizedExpr | 5 |
mixed-posture | 1 |
fn:tail | 1 |
ForExpr | 1 |
LetExpr | 1 |
leading-double-slash | 10 |
fn:outermost | 7 |
crawling-then-striding | 7 |
SimpleMapExpr | 3 |
MultiplicativeExpr | 1 |
attribute-axis | 6 |
fn:copy-of | 1 |
striding-then-climbing | 2 |
xs:decimal | 3 |
climbing | 2 |
AdditiveExpr | 1 |
UnaryExpr | 1 |
xs:NMTOKENS | 2 |
ContextItemExpr | 5 |
leading-lone-slash | 1 |
crawling-then-climbing | 1 |
parent-axis | 1 |
collation-argument | 6 |
FOCH0002 | 4 |
xsl:try | 2 |
error-handling | 2 |
specific-catch-clause | 2 |
consuming-predicate | 2 |
fn:last | 1 |
striding-then-roaming | 2 |
XTSE3430 | 2 |
_IMPROVE:fix-description | 2 |
GeneralComp | 1 |
Key | Count |
striding-then-grounded | 3 |
leading-lone-slash | 19 |
PathExpr | 22 |
fn:data | 1 |
fn:copy-of | 1 |
fn:tokenize | 1 |
ContextItemExpr | 2 |
SimpleMapExpr | 7 |
striding | 9 |
fn:count | 3 |
fn:sum | 1 |
motionless-predicate | 1 |
fn:position | 2 |
AdditiveExpr | 3 |
AxisStep | 2 |
positional-predicate | 8 |
xsl:for-each | 1 |
fn:name | 3 |
xsl:apply-templates | 1 |
xsl:copy-of | 1 |
leading-double-slash | 3 |
crawling | 2 |
text-nodes | 2 |
childless-nodes | 2 |
striding-then-crawling | 2 |
striding-then-climbing | 2 |
ancestor-axis | 3 |
climbing-then-climbing | 3 |
attribute-axis | 2 |
ancestor-or-self-axis | 3 |
climbing | 2 |
crawling-then-climbing | 1 |
Key | Count |
striding-then-grounded | 3 |
leading-lone-slash | 19 |
PathExpr | 22 |
fn:data | 1 |
fn:copy-of | 1 |
fn:tokenize | 1 |
ContextItemExpr | 2 |
SimpleMapExpr | 7 |
striding | 9 |
fn:count | 3 |
fn:sum | 1 |
motionless-predicate | 1 |
fn:position | 2 |
AdditiveExpr | 3 |
AxisStep | 2 |
positional-predicate | 8 |
xsl:for-each | 1 |
fn:name | 3 |
xsl:apply-templates | 1 |
xsl:copy-of | 1 |
crawling | 2 |
leading-double-slash | 3 |
text-nodes | 2 |
childless-nodes | 2 |
striding-then-crawling | 2 |
striding-then-climbing | 2 |
ancestor-axis | 3 |
climbing-then-climbing | 3 |
attribute-axis | 2 |
ancestor-or-self-axis | 3 |
climbing | 2 |
crawling-then-climbing | 1 |
Key | Count |
striding-then-grounded | 3 |
leading-lone-slash | 19 |
PathExpr | 22 |
fn:data | 1 |
fn:copy-of | 1 |
fn:tokenize | 1 |
ContextItemExpr | 2 |
SimpleMapExpr | 7 |
striding | 9 |
fn:count | 3 |
fn:sum | 1 |
motionless-predicate | 1 |
fn:position | 2 |
AdditiveExpr | 3 |
AxisStep | 2 |
positional-predicate | 8 |
xsl:for-each | 1 |
fn:name | 3 |
xsl:apply-templates | 1 |
xsl:copy-of | 1 |
crawling | 2 |
leading-double-slash | 3 |
text-nodes | 2 |
childless-nodes | 2 |
striding-then-crawling | 2 |
striding-then-climbing | 2 |
ancestor-axis | 3 |
climbing-then-climbing | 3 |
attribute-axis | 2 |
ancestor-or-self-axis | 3 |
climbing | 2 |
crawling-then-climbing | 1 |
Key | Count |
striding-then-grounded | 4 |
leading-lone-slash | 5 |
fn:copy-of | 4 |
PathExpr | 7 |
predicate | 2 |
striding | 2 |
cardinality-of-one | 3 |
motionless-predicate | 2 |
empty-sequence | 1 |
FORG0003 | 1 |
xsl:try | 1 |
error-handling | 1 |
specific-catch-clause | 1 |
Key | Count |
xsl:import | 3 |
xsl:with-param | 3 |
tunnel-parameter | 3 |
xsl:apply-templates | 3 |
fn:outermost | 3 |
crawling-then-striding | 3 |
PathExpr | 3 |
complex-use-case | 3 |
leading-lone-slash | 2 |
Key | Count |
motionless | 2 |
complex-use-case | 2 |
on-no-match-attribute | 2 |
shallow-copy | 2 |
climbing-childless | 2 |
PathExpr | 2 |
ancestor-axis | 2 |
climbing | 2 |
_IMPROVE:equal-to-previous-test | 1 |
leading-lone-slash | 1 |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
Key | Count |
multiple-xsl-sequence-children | 11 |
fn:avg | 2 |
PathExpr | 3 |
xsl:value-of | 2 |
striding | 7 |
consuming | 8 |
xsl:result-document | 1 |
motionless-predicate | 1 |
fn:number | 1 |
motionless | 2 |
lre | 1 |
literals | 1 |
xsl:for-each | 1 |
AxisStep | 4 |
mixed-sweep | 1 |
xsl:try | 1 |
fn:outermost | 2 |
crawling-then-striding | 2 |
XPTY0004 | 1 |
XTSE3430 | 2 |
illegally-returning-streamed-nodes | 2 |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
Key | Count |
striding-then-grounded | 6 |
leading-lone-slash | 38 |
PathExpr | 46 |
fn:data | 2 |
ParenthesizedExpr | 46 |
fn:copy-of | 2 |
fn:tokenize | 2 |
ContextItemExpr | 4 |
SimpleMapExpr | 14 |
mixed-posture | 40 |
striding | 18 |
fn:count | 6 |
fn:sum | 2 |
motionless-predicate | 2 |
fn:position | 4 |
AdditiveExpr | 6 |
AxisStep | 4 |
positional-predicate | 16 |
xsl:for-each | 2 |
fn:name | 6 |
xsl:apply-templates | 2 |
xsl:copy-of | 2 |
crawling | 4 |
leading-double-slash | 8 |
text-nodes | 4 |
childless-nodes | 4 |
striding-then-crawling | 4 |
striding-then-climbing | 4 |
ancestor-axis | 6 |
climbing-then-climbing | 6 |
attribute-axis | 6 |
ancestor-or-self-axis | 8 |
climbing | 4 |
crawling-then-climbing | 4 |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
Key | Count |
ParenthesizedExpr | 41 |
mixed-posture | 40 |
striding | 16 |
leading-lone-slash | 29 |
PathExpr | 21 |
328 | |
fn:count | 6 |
fn:sum | 2 |
motionless-predicate | 2 |
fn:position | 4 |
PathExpr | 20 |
AdditiveExpr | 6 |
ContextItemExpr | 2 |
striding | 2 |
SimpleMapExpr | 12 |
AxisStep | 4 |
positional-predicate | 16 |
xsl:for-each | 2 |
fn:name | 4 |
xsl:apply-templates | 2 |
xsl:copy-of | 2 |
crawling | 4 |
leading-double-slash | 4 |
text-nodes | 2 |
childless-nodes | 2 |
striding-then-crawling | 4 |
leading-lone-slash | 4 |
childless-nodes | 2 |
text-nodes | 2 |
striding-then-climbing | 4 |
ancestor-axis | 6 |
fn:name | 2 |
climbing-then-climbing | 6 |
attribute-axis | 6 |
ancestor-or-self-axis | 8 |
climbing | 4 |
crawling-then-climbing | 4 |
leading-double-slash | 4 |
striding-then-grounded | 1 |
fn:copy-of | 1 |
Key | Count |
_WRONG:revisit-after-streamable-functions | 2 |
striding | 1 |
leading-lone-slash | 1 |
PathExpr | 2 |
motionless-predicate | 1 |
crawling | 1 |
leading-double-slash | 1 |
SimpleMapExpr | 1 |
Key | Count |
GeneralComp | 50 |
striding | 30 |
PathExpr | 52 |
motionless-predicate | 4 |
positional-predicate | 7 |
fn:position | 7 |
striding-then-grounded | 14 |
predicate | 6 |
fn:data | 4 |
text-nodes | 2 |
childless-nodes | 6 |
fn:number | 8 |
empty-sequence | 2 |
ParenthesizedExpr | 4 |
_IMPROVE:fix-description | 4 |
fn:tail | 2 |
ForExpr | 2 |
leading-double-slash | 2 |
fn:outermost | 2 |
crawling-then-striding | 2 |
SimpleMapExpr | 16 |
climbing | 2 |
MultiplicativeExpr | 2 |
fn:copy-of | 2 |
striding-then-climbing | 4 |
attribute-axis | 6 |
ContextItemExpr | 6 |
xs:decimal | 16 |
AxisStep | 4 |
IfExpr | 2 |
AdditiveExpr | 2 |
xs:NMTOKENS | 14 |
leading-lone-slash | 12 |
variable-reference | 4 |
sequence-comparison | 6 |
FORG0001 | 2 |
XPTY0004 | 2 |
fn:last | 1 |
striding-then-roaming | 2 |
XTSE3430 | 2 |
consuming-predicate | 2 |
Key | Count |
GeneralComp | 50 |
striding | 30 |
PathExpr | 52 |
motionless-predicate | 4 |
positional-predicate | 7 |
fn:position | 7 |
striding-then-grounded | 14 |
predicate | 6 |
fn:data | 4 |
text-nodes | 2 |
childless-nodes | 6 |
fn:number | 8 |
empty-sequence | 2 |
ParenthesizedExpr | 4 |
_IMPROVE:fix-description | 4 |
fn:tail | 2 |
ForExpr | 2 |
leading-double-slash | 2 |
fn:outermost | 2 |
crawling-then-striding | 2 |
SimpleMapExpr | 16 |
climbing | 2 |
MultiplicativeExpr | 2 |
fn:copy-of | 2 |
striding-then-climbing | 4 |
attribute-axis | 6 |
ContextItemExpr | 6 |
xs:decimal | 16 |
AxisStep | 4 |
IfExpr | 2 |
AdditiveExpr | 2 |
xs:NMTOKENS | 14 |
leading-lone-slash | 12 |
variable-reference | 4 |
sequence-comparison | 6 |
FORG0001 | 2 |
XPTY0004 | 2 |
fn:last | 1 |
striding-then-roaming | 2 |
XTSE3430 | 2 |
consuming-predicate | 2 |
Key | Count |
GeneralComp | 50 |
striding | 30 |
PathExpr | 52 |
motionless-predicate | 4 |
positional-predicate | 7 |
fn:position | 7 |
striding-then-grounded | 14 |
predicate | 6 |
fn:data | 4 |
text-nodes | 2 |
childless-nodes | 6 |
fn:number | 8 |
empty-sequence | 2 |
ParenthesizedExpr | 4 |
_IMPROVE:fix-description | 4 |
fn:tail | 2 |
ForExpr | 2 |
leading-double-slash | 2 |
fn:outermost | 2 |
crawling-then-striding | 2 |
SimpleMapExpr | 16 |
climbing | 2 |
MultiplicativeExpr | 2 |
fn:copy-of | 2 |
striding-then-climbing | 4 |
attribute-axis | 6 |
ContextItemExpr | 6 |
xs:decimal | 16 |
AxisStep | 4 |
IfExpr | 2 |
AdditiveExpr | 2 |
xs:NMTOKENS | 14 |
leading-lone-slash | 12 |
variable-reference | 4 |
sequence-comparison | 6 |
FORG0001 | 2 |
XPTY0004 | 2 |
fn:last | 1 |
striding-then-roaming | 2 |
XTSE3430 | 2 |
consuming-predicate | 2 |
Key | Count |
GeneralComp | 50 |
striding | 30 |
PathExpr | 52 |
motionless-predicate | 4 |
positional-predicate | 7 |
fn:position | 7 |
striding-then-grounded | 14 |
predicate | 6 |
fn:data | 4 |
text-nodes | 2 |
childless-nodes | 6 |
fn:number | 8 |
empty-sequence | 2 |
ParenthesizedExpr | 4 |
_IMPROVE:fix-description | 4 |
fn:tail | 2 |
ForExpr | 2 |
leading-double-slash | 2 |
fn:outermost | 2 |
crawling-then-striding | 2 |
SimpleMapExpr | 16 |
climbing | 2 |
MultiplicativeExpr | 2 |
fn:copy-of | 2 |
striding-then-climbing | 4 |
attribute-axis | 6 |
ContextItemExpr | 6 |
xs:decimal | 16 |
AxisStep | 4 |
IfExpr | 2 |
AdditiveExpr | 2 |
xs:NMTOKENS | 14 |
leading-lone-slash | 12 |
variable-reference | 4 |
sequence-comparison | 6 |
FORG0001 | 2 |
XPTY0004 | 2 |
fn:last | 1 |
striding-then-roaming | 2 |
XTSE3430 | 2 |
consuming-predicate | 2 |
Key | Count |
GeneralComp | 50 |
striding | 30 |
PathExpr | 52 |
motionless-predicate | 4 |
positional-predicate | 7 |
fn:position | 7 |
striding-then-grounded | 14 |
predicate | 6 |
fn:data | 4 |
text-nodes | 2 |
childless-nodes | 6 |
fn:number | 8 |
empty-sequence | 2 |
ParenthesizedExpr | 4 |
_IMPROVE:fix-description | 4 |
fn:tail | 2 |
ForExpr | 2 |
leading-double-slash | 2 |
fn:outermost | 2 |
crawling-then-striding | 2 |
SimpleMapExpr | 16 |
climbing | 2 |
MultiplicativeExpr | 2 |
fn:copy-of | 2 |
striding-then-climbing | 4 |
attribute-axis | 6 |
ContextItemExpr | 6 |
xs:decimal | 16 |
AxisStep | 4 |
IfExpr | 2 |
AdditiveExpr | 2 |
xs:NMTOKENS | 14 |
leading-lone-slash | 12 |
variable-reference | 4 |
sequence-comparison | 6 |
FORG0001 | 2 |
XPTY0004 | 2 |
fn:last | 1 |
striding-then-roaming | 2 |
XTSE3430 | 2 |
consuming-predicate | 2 |
Key | Count |
GeneralComp | 50 |
striding | 30 |
PathExpr | 52 |
motionless-predicate | 4 |
positional-predicate | 7 |
fn:position | 7 |
striding-then-grounded | 14 |
predicate | 6 |
fn:data | 4 |
text-nodes | 2 |
childless-nodes | 6 |
fn:number | 8 |
empty-sequence | 2 |
ParenthesizedExpr | 4 |
_IMPROVE:fix-description | 4 |
fn:tail | 2 |
ForExpr | 2 |
leading-double-slash | 2 |
fn:outermost | 2 |
crawling-then-striding | 2 |
SimpleMapExpr | 16 |
climbing | 2 |
MultiplicativeExpr | 2 |
fn:copy-of | 2 |
striding-then-climbing | 4 |
attribute-axis | 6 |
ContextItemExpr | 6 |
xs:decimal | 16 |
AxisStep | 4 |
IfExpr | 2 |
AdditiveExpr | 2 |
xs:NMTOKENS | 14 |
leading-lone-slash | 12 |
variable-reference | 4 |
sequence-comparison | 6 |
FORG0001 | 2 |
XPTY0004 | 2 |
fn:last | 1 |
striding-then-roaming | 2 |
XTSE3430 | 2 |
consuming-predicate | 2 |
Key | Count |
choice-operand-group | 66 |
choices-motionless-motionless-consuming | 23 |
striding-then-grounded | 9 |
leading-lone-slash | 57 |
PathExpr | 66 |
fn:data | 3 |
fn:copy-of | 3 |
fn:tokenize | 3 |
ContextItemExpr | 6 |
SimpleMapExpr | 21 |
striding | 27 |
fn:count | 9 |
fn:sum | 3 |
motionless-predicate | 3 |
fn:position | 6 |
AdditiveExpr | 9 |
AxisStep | 6 |
positional-predicate | 24 |
xsl:for-each | 3 |
fn:name | 9 |
xsl:apply-templates | 3 |
xsl:copy-of | 3 |
crawling | 6 |
leading-double-slash | 9 |
text-nodes | 6 |
childless-nodes | 6 |
striding-then-crawling | 6 |
striding-then-climbing | 6 |
ancestor-axis | 12 |
climbing-then-climbing | 9 |
attribute-axis | 6 |
ancestor-or-self-axis | 11 |
climbing | 2 |
crawling-then-climbing | 3 |
choices-motionless-consuming-consuming | 21 |
fn:outermost | 1 |
crawling-then-striding | 1 |
choices-consuming-motionless-motionless | 22 |
Key | Count |
ParenthesizedExpr | 41 |
mixed-posture | 40 |
striding | 18 |
leading-lone-slash | 33 |
PathExpr | 41 |
fn:count | 6 |
fn:sum | 2 |
motionless-predicate | 2 |
fn:position | 4 |
AdditiveExpr | 6 |
ContextItemExpr | 2 |
SimpleMapExpr | 12 |
AxisStep | 4 |
positional-predicate | 16 |
xsl:for-each | 2 |
fn:name | 6 |
xsl:apply-templates | 2 |
xsl:copy-of | 2 |
crawling | 4 |
leading-double-slash | 8 |
text-nodes | 4 |
childless-nodes | 4 |
striding-then-crawling | 4 |
striding-then-climbing | 4 |
ancestor-axis | 6 |
climbing-then-climbing | 6 |
attribute-axis | 6 |
ancestor-or-self-axis | 8 |
climbing | 4 |
crawling-then-climbing | 4 |
striding-then-grounded | 1 |
fn:copy-of | 1 |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
Key | Count |
ParenthesizedExpr | 41 |
mixed-posture | 40 |
striding | 18 |
leading-lone-slash | 33 |
PathExpr | 41 |
fn:count | 6 |
fn:sum | 2 |
motionless-predicate | 2 |
fn:position | 4 |
AdditiveExpr | 6 |
ContextItemExpr | 2 |
SimpleMapExpr | 12 |
AxisStep | 4 |
positional-predicate | 16 |
xsl:for-each | 2 |
fn:name | 6 |
xsl:apply-templates | 2 |
xsl:copy-of | 2 |
crawling | 4 |
leading-double-slash | 8 |
text-nodes | 4 |
childless-nodes | 4 |
striding-then-crawling | 4 |
striding-then-climbing | 4 |
ancestor-axis | 6 |
climbing-then-climbing | 6 |
attribute-axis | 6 |
ancestor-or-self-axis | 8 |
climbing | 4 |
crawling-then-climbing | 4 |
striding-then-grounded | 1 |
fn:copy-of | 1 |
Key | Count |
fn:true | 18 |
xsl:value-of | 110 |
fn:codepoint-equal | 1 |
string-literal | 2 |
AndExpr | 7 |
fn:not | 11 |
OrExpr | 7 |
fn:boolean | 16 |
empty-string | 4 |
GeneralComp | 68 |
fn:lang | 2 |
fn:false | 22 |
numeric-literals | 45 |
fn:number | 2 |
string-literals | 34 |
xs:boolean | 2 |
ValueComp | 4 |
lre | 2 |
avt | 2 |
MultiplicativeExpr | 5 |
AxisStep | 2 |
variable-reference | 14 |
PathExpr | 3 |
ForExpr | 2 |
sequence-comparison | 22 |
leading-double-slash | 2 |
xs:anyURI | 1 |
fn:count | 2 |
xs:integer | 1 |
empty-sequence | 4 |
stylesheet-function | 1 |
xsl:function | 1 |
NodeComp | 4 |
fn:exists | 1 |
fn:compare | 1 |
text-node | 1 |
xsl:if | 1 |
xs:string | 7 |
backwards-compatibility-mode | 2 |
predicate | 7 |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |
No keywords specified for this category yet |