See also: IRC log
<Ashok> Andrew, can I impose upon you to scribe today?
<Ashok> Thanks!
<Ashok> scribenick: AndrewE
<AxelPolleres> I just joined together with Richard.
<joebetz> +1.509.771.aabb is Joe Betz
<cygri> slides:
<AxelPolleres> ivan is on skype
<scribe> New members Dan Brickley and Davide Palmisano
Last week's minutes:
4. XG Logistics
Cancel June 6 Telcon?
Askok and Andrew will not be able to attend
<danbri> Re who attends
<danbri> I'll be there, also Axel, Jenny, ...
June 6 call is cancelled
Can Li Ma present June 13?
Li Ma says that he can
5. Action Items:
a. Whole group to start thinking about what the group wants to include
in the final output from the group.
b. Whole group to start thinking about what the group wants to include
in the final output from the group in terms of standards.
c. Whole group to provide comments on the state of the art that has now
been put up on the wiki page.
a,b,c are ongoing
d. Soeren to send mail re. standardizing an update interface
this has been done
Ashok: There is no SPARQL update specification
Ashok will reply to Soeren's email
<AxelPolleres> SPARQL update is one of the likely firsdt targets of a continuation of DAWG, if one may believe rumors...
<AxelPolleres> ;-)
<Ashok> Soeren's mail:
6. Satya Sahoo and Wolfgang Halb – Update on Literature Survey
Satya: Link to Learning Highly Structured ... is missing
<ssahoo2> RDB2Onto: Cerbah, F
<ssahoo2> publication details: "Learning Highly Structured Semantic Repositories from Relational Databases - demo paper", Proceedings of the 5th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2008), Tenerife, Spain, Accepted - to be published in June, 2008.
Invite Cherba to meeting on June 20
7. Presentation by Richard Cyganiak on D2RQ
<danbri> (i'd love to see it released under w3c license...)
download rate accelerated when SPARQL support was added
Users request ability to add subqueries in from and where clause
also ability to use type codes translations
d2rq: condition provides a SQL fragment, but subqueries may be problematic
<danbri> slide15: map:mbox_sha1 a d2rq:PropertyBridge; d2rq:sqlExpression “SHA1(CONCAT(‘mailto:’,”; d2rq:property foaf:mbox_sha1sum .
<danbri> cute :)
<danbri> richard "if we redesigned the language from scratch, we'd get schema data from jdbc and not require it in the mapping file"
Ashok: Can we have a pointer to D2RQ documentation?
Richard: We have not given much thought to update
<danbri> (imho, steer clear of update... )
<danbri> q: do you support named graphs?
?: Do you support named graphs?
<danbri> a: no, it all goes into default graph surrently
Richard: No
Jenny: How much effort is being spent on improvements?
Richard: Maintaining it in my spare time, no new features
q: Does D2RQ create indices in order to improve performance?
Richard: No, but generated SQL will use existing indices
q: Can additional metadata from database be used?
Richard: Data types can now be
... use of primary key or uniqueness could allow us to generate
better performing SQL
... It would be possible to define a mapping by providing a
delta to auto-generated mapping
q: To what extent can mapping be pushed into view definitions?
Richard: We assumed that D2RQ would not modify the database
MySQL did not provide temporary views
<cygri> D2RQ manual:
<cygri> D2RQ homepage:
8. Future presentations
- - Huajun Chen on DartGrid May 30
9. AOB
<AxelPolleres> Thanks! bye!
<cygri> thanks all!
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.133 of Date: 2008/01/18 18:48:51 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/DAWGs/DAWG/ Found ScribeNick: AndrewE Inferring Scribes: AndrewE WARNING: No "Topic:" lines found. Default Present: Andrew_Eisenberg, +1.937.775.aaaa, +1.509.771.aabb, +1.781.904.aacc, Ashok_Malhotra, +1.408.285.aadd, AxelPolleres, [IBM_Watson], danbri Present: Andrew_Eisenberg +1.937.775.aaaa +1.509.771.aabb +1.781.904.aacc Ashok_Malhotra +1.408.285.aadd AxelPolleres [IBM_Watson] danbri Got date from IRC log name: 23 May 2008 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option. WARNING: No "Topic: ..." lines found! Resulting HTML may have an empty (invalid) <ol>...</ol>. Explanation: "Topic: ..." lines are used to indicate the start of new discussion topics or agenda items, such as: <dbooth> Topic: Review of Amy's report[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]