# OMM Teleconference ## 29 June 2012 ## Attendees Present: A. Kröner (AK) R. Barthel (RB) J. Haupert (JH) M. Seißler (MS) D. Schreiber (DS) B. Kiesel (BK) A. Hadjakos (AH) Regrets: B. Schennerlein (BS) B. Brandherm (BB) M. Loskyll (ML) S. Horn (SH) Chair: AK Scribe: AK ## Contents Orga * (DS, AH) AH takes over DS' role in the OMM group. AH introduces himself; his field of expertise comprises aspects such as automated data capturing and analyses, and applications for ambient assisted living. Like DS, he was involved in the project Smart Products. * (BK) Involvement of Siemens: further discussion needed with Siemens standardization responsibles. Contact established between AK and a Siemens person responsible for standardization. A meeting DFKI and Siemens is in discussion. OMM-related activities * (AK) The planned W3C OMM workshop will most likely be moved from September to a later point of time due to organizational issues: time frame was not sufficient to gain feedback concerning industry participation. * (AK) DOMe-IoT 2012 workshop in conjunction with Ubicomp 2012 [1]: AK invites the OMM members to participate and provides a brief summary of topics addressed by articles accepted for presentation at the workshop. OMM Publications * The group might consider to submit a definition of the notion "digital object memory" to an encyclopedia; a matching call for papers was distributed by AK before the telco. The participants discuss pro and contra of this call. DS supports a submission, RB still needs to check the call. Concerning a potential participation of Siemens, BK recommends to address this within the aforementioned discussion process. Potential topics of an OMM XG continuation * The OMM members have reviewed future work outlined in the OMM XGR, and discuss during the telco which topics might be of special interest for a potential working group - with respect to individual interests of the OMM members. There is a common interest in investigating application-oriented aspects of an OMM such as efficient representations and standardized blocks for selected application domains. * (DS) The TU/D group is particularly interested in efficient representation of OMM, and in identifying new use cases. * (AK, MS) DFKI shares this interest in efficient representation, and sees additional need to investigate application-oriented standardized blocks, and to specify protocols and API for reference implementations. * (RB) UCL would be interested in data models supporting use-cases for cultural Heritage und future retail; further interest is on OMM-based support for distributed Artificial Intelligence, agency, and Semantic Web. * (BK) With respect to other activities concerning standardized descriptions of physical objects (e.g., electronic type place), it would be of particular interest to define standardized blocks ready to carry data from such specifications. Next conference call * Fr, August 3, 2012 ## References [1] http://www.dfki.de/dome-workshop/2012/