Query Speech Service API
The goal for the Query Speech Service API is to provide the developer with a runtime capability to query the service, obtain specific information about the features it implements and allow the developer to implement a deterministic user experience.
This API is extremely important in the default service scenario where the developer does not specify what engine, protocol or other parameters they want to use but rather rely on the User Agent to provide that on their behalf.
Based on the result of the query, the developer can display to the user service information and filter UI elements based on the service capabilities implemented by the service.
Standard Capabilities should be represented as individual objects while provider specific capabilities should be represented as Key/Value pairs or a more generic Capability object.
Note: Finalization of the capabilities is dependent on the protocol work as those parameters have to be exposed in the API.
SpeechService Interface – Provides and API to bind to the speech service. Once the service object is instantiated the object acts as a proxy communicating with the speech engine (local or remote)
SPEECH_INITIALIZE – a constant describing that the service is in the process of binding
AVAILABLE – a constant describing that the service is ready to be used by the application
UNAVAILABLE – a constant describing that the service is unavailable.
State – read only attribute representing the current state of the service
Type – read only attribute representing the type of service (TTS, ASR, TTS_ASR)
Api_URI – the uri of the speech engine
displayName – Name of the service as it can be presented to the user
description – detailed description of the service as it can be presented to the user
speechProtocol – speech engine protocol used by the service
Note: other attributes to be defined based on the underlining protocol parameters
bind() – operation that connect to the speech service
unbind() – operation that disconnects from the speech service
serviceInstance = 0;
// function that displays the
description of the service to the user
function displayDescription(service) {
var description = document.getElementById('speechservice');
description.value =
// Connect function
function connectToSpeech(service) {
serviceInstance = window.querySpeech.ServiceQuery.query();
module querySpeech {
[NoInterfaceObject] interface ServiceQuery {
SpeechService query(in optional Criteria filter, in optional QueryOptions options) raises(SpeechException);
interface SpeechService {
const unsigned short SPEECH_INITIALIZE = 0;
const unsigned short AVAILABLE = 1;
const unsigned short UNAVAILABLE = 2;
readonly attribute unsigned short state;
attribute SpeechServiceType type;
attribute DOMString api_URI;
attribute DOMString displayName;
attribute DOMString speechProtocol;
attribute DOMString description;
void bind() raises(SpeechException);
void unbind() raises(SpeechException);
[NoInterfaceObject] interface Criteria {
exception SpeechException {
const unsigned short SPEECH_UNAVAILABLE = 101;
const unsigned short INVALID_PARAMETERS = 102;
[NoInterfaceObject] interface SpeechServiceType {
const unsigned short SPEECH_TTS_ONLY = 101;
const unsigned short SPEECH_ASR_ONLY = 102;
const unsigned short SPEECH_TTS_ASR = 103;
[NoInterfaceObject] interface QueryOptions {
const unsigned short INFINITE = 0;
attribute unsigned short timeout;